Taylor County

The History of the Court Houses

First Courthouse, Taylor County, TXGenWeb

First Courthouse Was in Buffalo Gap (restored)

History has seen four courthouses in Taylor County. The first was in Buffalo Gap, Texas, the original location of the County Seat. When the railroad was constructed through Abilene, bypassing Buffalo Gap, it was only a few months until the growth of Abilene indicated its future as the metropolitian center of the county. Not without a lot of hard feelings and threats from both sides, the county seat was moved to Abilene. The original courthouse has been restored and is part of the "Historical Village" in Buffalo Gap.
Second Courthouse, Taylor County, TXGenWeb
(Picture reprinted with permission of the Abilene Preservation League.)

Second Courthouse

The 1883 heated election moved the county seat from Buffalo Gap to Abilene. The following year saw construction begin on Abilene's first courthouse. It was a grand addition to the rapidly growing town.
Third Courthouse, Taylor County, TXGenWeb

Third Courthouse

In 1912 the 1884 courthouse was razed to make room for the third courthouse. It is currently as pictured above and still houses some of the county offices.
Fourth Courthouse, Taylor County, TXGenWeb

The Present Courthouse

In the late 1960s a location just west and across the street was selected for a new courthouse. It turned out to be a good location and a very impressive facility was completed in 1972. The photograph labeled "Present Courthouse" is how it appears today.
