Trancribed by Duston Books
Below is an index of all marriages that took place in Shackelford County between the years 1890 and 1899. They are alphabetized by groom and by bride with the date of marriage following. I will have the index for the 1900's marriages ready and online as soon as possible.
Adams, Clemente
Adams, J. T. Adams, T. G. Alexander, A. W. Allison, R. C. Amerson, W. B. Anderson, P. H. Baker, T. N. Baker, Uriah Ballard, J. H. Bell, Tom Bells, R. W. Biggs, W. M. Bill, D. G. Bills, G. W. Bills, L. C. Blackstock, L. R. Blankenship, Joseph F. Blanton, T. L. Bray, M. D. Brazell, Derrell C. Brewster, W. H. Brooks, Bert Butler, James W. Campbell, B. M. Campbell, Robert Cantelon, W. F. Carlile, W. P. Cartwright, J. H. Caskey, W. F. Chalker, John F. Chandler, W. F. Chapman, J. L. Chiatham, L. L. Clement, F. R. Clement, J. F. Cloud, F. B. Coffee, James V. Calvin, Will C. Comer, M. B. Conner, Frank Cook, F. P. Cook, J. M. Cornelius, W. H. Cottle, James Courtney, E. L. Crabtree, J. A. Crawford, Charlie Cummings, Eli C. Curtes, A. J. D'Spain, Allen D'Spain, Howard D'Spain, T. L. Davis, J. W. Dennis, H. C. Dennis, L. M. Diller, S. S. Douglass, Lee Dudley, Allen Dunn, M. C. Eastern, W. T. Edwards, D. H. Elkins, J. D. Elliot, J. M. Elliot, R. A. Elliot, Robert Lee Evans, Charlie M. Fallis, A. E. Fite, J. M. Fite, Perry A. Foster, P. J. Fox, B. B. Fulbright, Fletcher Garcia, Jose Gardner, C. A. George, James W. Gibbs, W. M. Gilbert, E. B. Goens, Tom Gonsales, Pedro Green, W. N. Griffin, L. N. Griffin, L. N. Grilledge, H. C. Gustafson, Oscar Hamilton, D. Hamilton, Daniel Hamilton, E. R. Harbour, Jerry Hart, D. M., Jr. Harvey, G. W. Hayes, Elijah Hazelwood, G. W. Hazelwood, James T. Hernandez, Filmario Herron, I. G. Hill, Arthur O. Hill, Lofties Holler, G. D. Hollowell, Luther S. Howard, William Huskey, Alvin Ivey, Holly Jennings, J. L. Jones, D. A. Jones, L. P. Jones, N. T. Kinchelor, Rosser Lee Kindel, T. J., Jr. King, Sterling Kirkpatrick, T. S. Kuykendall, W. A. Larche, L. E. Ledbetter, W. T. Lee, W. C. Leech, J. H. Lieb, Charley Lowery, J. T. Lowery, T. C. Lynch, P. L. Lynch, R. E. Malone, W. T. Mashburn, J. P. Mashburn, J. R. McElroy, M. McGee, W. L. McKimmon, D. O. McKinnie, C. C. McLaury, H. E. McLaws, W. R. Meadows, B. F. Meyer, Eli Miers, Jim Moore, James Moore, R. A. Moore, W. J. Moran, W. J. Mullenix, T. C. Myrtle, John Neidham, John Wesley New, Ed Newcomb, G. W. Oldham, Clark Parish, M. H. Parrish, G. W. Pate, Jesse, Jr. Perry, Clate Pinnell, W. R. Plummer, A. Q. Plummer, S. R. Porter, J. R. Price, W. R. Prince, P. F. Pritchard, H. S. Pritchard, J. W. Proctor, D. W. Railey, J. R. Randolph, J. V. Rasco, R. B. Reid, W. L. Richardson, Ellis Riddle, J. L. Roberson, F. R. Robertson, Robert B. Rogers, R. O. Rose, S. J. Royall, J. M. Rudder, Charles Russell, M. B. Shelton, J. M. Shoffit, Louis Simpson, George Smalley, W. B. Smith, Brooks Smith, C. E. Smith, Jim Smith, R. M. Smith, Spencer Snider, Beu Snider, T. M. Stamps, W. P. Stapleton, James Stewart, S. B. Tankersley, Thomas Tate, Woodie Taylor, J. C. Taylor, J. C. Thomas, A. R. Thomason, W. L. Tierney, Peter Timmons, James Tommie, B. W. Tomoy, F. E. Touchstone, B. F. Tower, G. M. Trivorra, Antonio Turner, C. C. Tuton, Lee Valdez, Miliana Voris, J. W. Ward, J. H. Ward, T. A. Welch, J. T. Wells, T. H. White, J. T. White, L. A. Whitehead, Henry Wierman, R. S. Wilde, Max Williams, Al Williams, J. H. Williams, P. H. Williams, W. A. Williams, W. E. Wilson, E. L. Wolf, W. E. Woods, T. J. Woodward, J. G. Wright, J. J. Young, Thomas C. Zant, George
Flores, Eulalia
Funderburk, Michel Brown, Ellen Conner, Amelia Pinnell, Rosie Morris, Lillie Williams, Lou E. Dodd, Mollie Arendit, Lottie Gail Timmer, Ellen Dugan, Emilee Melton, Loula Williams, Lula Hill, Hanah E. Rutledge, Mittie Speegle, Lucy Plummer, Mary Croutch, H. A. Matthews, May Louise Edwards, M. B. Brown, Eliza Parrish, June Rodgers, Minnie Campbell, Madie Pate, Mahalia Roberson, Azilene Matthews, Lula White, Dollie Calums, Myrtle Terry, Annie Brazell, Mary E. Newcomb, Lettie Rudder, Kate Wolfe, Sallie A. Damous, Lucy Walker, Lucy Rockwell, Maud Tidwell, Alice G. Rodgers, Cora B. Lindsey, Emma Wrister, Beulah Ivey, Effie Posey, Ida Mathis, Sallie Morris, Emma Spence, H. E. Baker, Allie Akins, Lily Baker, Mollie V. Lemond, Willie Cole, Anna Lee Bills, Alice Cole, Anna Lee Bills, Olga Luce, Annie Rutledge, L. J. Cole, Dale Brazell, Nora J. Brown, Katie Rebecca Pate, Cassie Squyers, Susie Cole, Frankie Gilliland, Lizzie Ivey, Carrie Morris, Lola Fite, Ella Watkins, Bertie Ola Griffin, Louisa Forbess, May Parrish, Artie M. Ezell, M. A. Pate, Lizzie Johnson, M. E. Williams, Mary Ellis, Dora Zug, Annie W. Alexander, Allie Fleming, Sallie Johnson, Lizzie Bargooz, Eulalia Tate, M. A. Clendennen, Millie Smith, Bruce Dodge, Lillian Breland, Lydia Merritt, L. J. Merritt, Mollie Tuner, N. E. Wolf, Mattie George, Mary M. Manley, May King, Laura Clanton, Emma Woodward, Mattie J. Galvano, Juanita Shrum, E. J. Baker, Carrow McCanlies, Ella Gordon, Cordelia Reynolds, Susan E. Clanton, May Rudder, Belle Bisher, Cora Johnson, Stella Chism, S. K. Pritchard, M. J. Martin, Lizzie Rudder, Stella Gray Armstrong, Nettie Hollis, E. J. Tarrant, Rebecca Digby, Maggie Allenbaugh, Martha Miers, Sarah Jane Burns, Annie H. Lowery, Ora L. Lee, Nettie Leech, Toga Bragg, Eva Caperton, Nelly Nelson, Bettie F. Stevens, Josie Parrish, Venia Hudman, Jessie L. Love, Minnie Brown, Mary Cullum, Stella B. Ivey, Ollie Hill, Mary H. Kirkpatrick, Daisy Pritchard, Irene Nance, Lulu P. Campbell, Sarah Smith, Mary Mitchell, M. J. Ormand, L. E. Honnigan, Lizzie Burns, Australia Akin, Texas Wignall, Elizabeth Amy Ellis, Zodie Campbell, Mary Goldsmith, Ida Blackstock, D. A. Teague, Winnie Hollis, Artaniacia Hill, Willie Royal, Martha Pritchard, Lydia Pritchard, Ellen Carter, Ida Royle, Lizzie Brown, Mary White, Lee Blackstock, Shabie Talbott, E. J. Collins, Minnie S. Elliot, Maud S. Wilkenson, Mary Holcomb, Laura Loretta Lynch, Josie Johnson, M. T. Smallding, Harlin Stribling, Mary Elizabeth Howard, Minnie Shannon, Grace Chapman, Ada Huskey, May Hamilton, Mary Ledbetter, M. J. Morgan, Allie I. Gage, Mary E. Bibb, Marie Lee Pinnell, Mattie Bennett, Lucy L. Childers, Ellen Elliot, Emma B. Gray, Bissie Hudman, Jane Brazell, Lucy Bradlie, Jennie Cooper, Sarah Stribling, Jo Webb, Terecie Terry, Jennie Turner, Flora Spears, Lula M. Bennett, May B. Castleman, Annie Ray, Idella Courtney, Mary E. Posey, Lizzie Arnold, Mita Bennett, Janie Tuner, Ella F. Cunningham, Fannie King, Cunie Ledbetter, Susie Moraliz, Francis Coffee, Pearl Leech, Gordie Frierson, Minnie O'Conner, Bettie Simpson, Lillie B. Carlisle, M. L. Gilbert, Lela Sutton, Lula Carlisle, Sallie Wilhelm, Agnes Marshall, Edna Newton, Laura Dodson, Laura J. Newton, Leila May George, Nellie Raymond, Lula Shackelford, I. B. Oldham, Sallie L. Wallace, Delia Harvey, Maud Ficker, Lena Anderson, Birtie
6/14/1893 4/18/1896 12/24/1893 8/22/1897 9/22/1892 4/20/1898 10/12/1891 6/29/1899 5/3/1899 1/23/1895 5/11/1899 11/1/1899 3/2/1892 2/5/1893 6/6/1897 11/1/1899 9/23/1897 2/9/1890 9/27/1899 12/3/1890 12/24/1893 11/22/1891 9/7/1897 5/5/1897 5/13/1896 6/21/1893 12/14/1892 12/25/1895 6/17/1896 11/24/1892 1/11/1899 12/5/1898 11/2/1898 9/23/1891 4/8/1890 12/16/1893 8/23/1899 2/20/1898 12/26/1897 11/6/1898 12/2/1899 12/26/1895 8/10/1892 2/22/1897 12/20/1899 1/22/1894 1/2/1898 10/27/1895 7/12/1899 6/17/1890 5/18/1893 2/28/1897 10/15/1899 12/17/1896 2/2/1896 12/27/1892 1/13/1897 1/1/1899 3/29/1894 8/18/1899 7/12/1899 11/24/1897 7/25/1897 7/6/1893 12/20/1899 8/9/1896 11/19/1899 12/9/1896 10/11/1896 2/9/1898 1/17/1894 1/17/1894 10/17/1897 3/14/1892 11/21/1897 11/27/1895 10/1/1892 10/12/1898 6/10/1899 12/26/1895 8/27/1893 12/31/1896 12/30/1898 10/3/1897 7/14/1895 12/29/1892 1/12/1898 1/15/1896 5/12/1895 12/10/1893 6/6/1899 1/31/1899 7/12/1892 10/26/1899 6/16/1890 2/26/1890 8/10/1898 11/14/1897 8/29/1899 4/5/1899 5/23/1894 5/12/1897 4/20/1893 10/29/1899 12/23/1896 8/30/1891 12/26/1899 3/11/1891 1/14/1892 4/1/1893 3/23/1899 3/3/1893 10/8/1893 10/15/1891 4/30/1891 12/24/1895 2/8/1891 10/28/1896 8/30/1891 4/10/1892 12/21/1898 1/14/1896 6/23/1899 3/9/1898 8/22/1899 12/17/1899 6/14/1893 12/22/1890 12/9/1894 9/1/1897 11/22/1891 4/21/1891 10/15/1893 11/3/1893 3/9/1893 2/15/1894 9/28/1892 7/9/1899 7/5/1891 1/5/1898 1/7/1892 8/28/1892 1/30/1895 8/29/1897 12/21/1890 1/23/1890 6/1/1898 3/1/1896 7/5/1896 10/28/1891 12/9/1894 3/29/1891 5/11/1895 10/13/1897 6/5/1895 10/23/1890 10/15/1890 12/10/1896 10/30/1899 6/25/1899 10/15/1890 9/6/1895 2/17/1896 4/14/1899 10/19/1896 4/8/1892 8/23/1899 11/21/1897 12/14/1899 3/24/1892 10/12/1898 12/25/1890 6/3/1896 9/5/1897 8/21/1890 3/30/1898 5/3/1899 1/1/1890 9/23/1894 12/19/1895 9/9/1899 6/3/1897 5/20/1897 6/11/1895 12/24/1899 2/16/1891 10/7/1891 6/15/1890 10/17/1894 8/14/1895 7/30/1896 12/15/1897 12/1/1892 5/13/1896 8/23/1891 6/26/1890 12/25/1892 9/12/1897 12/14/1899 12/21/1898 11/22/1899 9/2/1894 7/22/1890 11/20/1898 1/17/1894 10/12/1898 8/24/1899 9/17/1893 7/24/1893 3/30/1891 12/25/1892 11/25/1896 1/5/1896 1/5/1899 11/1/1899 2/18/1894 12/27/1891 12/20/1899 8/14/1892 1/29/1893 11/21/1897
Akin, Texas Akins, Lily Alexander, Allie Allenbaugh, Martha Anderson, Birtie Arendit, Lottie Gail Armstrong, Nettie Arnold, Mita Baker, Allie Baker, Carrow Baker, Mollie V. Bargooz, Eulalia Bennett, Janie Bennett, Lucy L. Bennett, May B. Bibb, Marie Lee Bills, Alice Bills, Olga Bisher, Cora Blackstock, D. A. Blackstock, Shabie Bradlie, Jennie Bragg, Eva Brazell, Lucy Brazell, Mary E. Brazell, Nora J. Breland, Lydia Brown, Eliza Brown, Ellen Brown, Katie Rebecca Brown, Mary Brown, Mary Burns, Annie H. Burns, Australia Calums, Myrtle Campbell, Madie Campbell, Mary Campbell, Sarah Caperton, Nelly Carlisle, M. L. Carlisle, Sallie Carter, Ida Castleman, Annie Chapman, Ada Childers, Ellen Chism, S. K. Clanton, Emma Clanton, May Clendennen, Millie Coffee, Pearl Cole, Anna Lee Cole, Anna Lee Cole, Dale Cole, Frankie Collins, Minnie S. Conner, Amelia Cooper, Sarah Courtney, Mary E. Croutch, H. A. Cullum, Stella B. Cunningham, Fannie Damous, Lucy Digby, Maggie Dodd, Mollie Dodge, Lillian Dodson, Laura J. Dugan, Emilee Edwards, M. B. Elliot, Emma B. Elliot, Maud S. Ellis, Dora Ellis, Zodie Ezell, M. A. Ficker, Lena Fite, Ella Fleming, Sallie Flores, Eulalia Forbess, May Frierson, Minnie Funderburk, Michel Gage, Mary E. Galvano, Juanita George, Mary M. George, Nellie Gilbert, Lela Gilliland, Lizzie Goldsmith, Ida Gordon, Cordelia Gray, Bissie Griffin, Louisa Hamilton, Mary Harvey, Maud Hill, Hanah E. Hill, Mary H. Hill, Willie Holcomb, Laura Loretta Hollis, Artaniacia Hollis, E. J. Honnigan, Lizzie Howard, Minnie Hudman, Jane Hudman, Jessie L. Huskey, May Ivey, Carrie Ivey, Effie Ivey, Ollie Johnson, Lizzie Johnson, M. E. Johnson, M. T. Johnson, Stella King, Cunie King, Laura Kirkpatrick, Daisy Ledbetter, M. J. Ledbetter, Susie Lee, Nettie Leech, Gordie Leech, Toga Lemond, Willie Lindsey, Emma Love, Minnie Lowery, Ora L. Luce, Annie Lynch, Josie Manley, May Marshall, Edna Martin, Lizzie Mathis, Sallie Matthews, Lula Matthews, May Louise McCanlies, Ella Melton, Loula Merritt, L. J. Merritt, Mollie Miers, Sarah Jane Mitchell, M. J. Moraliz, Francis Morgan, Allie I. Morris, Emma Morris, Lillie Morris, Lola Nance, Lulu P. Nelson, Bettie F. Newcomb, Lettie Newton, Laura Newton, Leila May O'Conner, Bettie Oldham, Sallie L. Ormand, L. E. Parrish, Artie M. Parrish, June Parrish, Venia Pate, Cassie Pate, Lizzie Pate, Mahalia Pinnell, Mattie Pinnell, Rosie Plummer, Mary Posey, Ida Posey, Lizzie Pritchard, Ellen Pritchard, Irene Pritchard, Lydia Pritchard, M. J. Ray, Idella Raymond, Lula Reynolds, Susan E. Roberson, Azilene Rockwell, Maud Rodgers, Cora B. Rodgers, Minnie Royal, Martha Royle, Lizzie Rudder, Belle Rudder, Kate Rudder, Stella Gray Rutledge, L. J. Rutledge, Mittie Shackelford, I. B. Shannon, Grace Shrum, E. J. Simpson, Lillie B. Smallding, Harlin Smith, Bruce Smith, Mary Spears, Lula M. Speegle, Lucy Spence, H. E. Squyers, Susie Stevens, Josie Stribling, Jo Stribling, Mary Elizabeth Sutton, Lula Talbott, E. J. Tarrant, Rebecca Tate, M. A. Teague, Winnie Terry, Annie Terry, Jennie Tidwell, Alice G. Timmer, Ellen Tuner, Ella F. Tuner, N. E. Turner, Flora Walker, Lucy Wallace, Delia Watkins, Bertie Ola Webb, Terecie White, Dollie White, Lee Wignall, Elizabeth Amy Wilhelm, Agnes Wilkenson, Mary Williams, Lou E. Williams, Lula Williams, Mary Wolf, Mattie Wolfe, Sallie A. Woodward, Mattie J. Wrister, Beulah Zug, Annie W.
Myrtle, John Crawford, Charlie Gibbs, W. M. Larche, L. E. Zant, George Baker, Uriah Kindel, T. J., Jr. Tomoy, F. E. Crabtree, J. A. Hill, Arthur O. Cummings, Eli C. Gonsales, Pedro Touchstone, B. F. Smith, C. E. Thomas, A. R. Smalley, W. B. D'Spain, Howard Davis, J. W. Ivey, Holly Parish, M. H. Pritchard, J. W. Stamps, W. P. Lowery, T. C. Snider, T. M. Chalker, John F. Douglass, Lee Gustafson, Oscar Brazell, Derrell C. Adams, T. G. Dudley, Allen McGee, W. L. Prince, P. F. Lee, W. C. Mullenix, T. C. Cartwright, J. H. Butler, James W. Newcomb, G. W. Miers, Jim Lynch, P. L. White, J. T. Wierman, R. S. Porter, J. R. Thomason, W. L. Royall, J. M. Smith, Jim Jones, D. A. Hazelwood, G. W. Howard, William Griffin, L. N. Voris, J. W. D'Spain, Allen D'Spain, T. L. Diller, S. S. Edwards, D. H. Railey, J. R. Alexander, A. W. Stapleton, James Timmons, James Blankenship, Joseph F. McKimmon, D. O. Trivorra, Antonio Clement, F. R. Kuykendall, W. A. Baker, T. N. Grilledge, H. C. Williams, P. H. Bell, Tom Bray, M. D. Smith, R. M. Randolph, J. V. Gardner, C. A. New, Ed Foster, P. J. Young, Thomas C. Elliot, Robert Lee Gilbert, E. B. Adams, Clemente Fite, J. M. Ward, T. A. Adams, J. T. Simpson, George Hernandez, Filmario Hart, D. M., Jr. Williams, W. E. White, L. A. Elkins, J. D. Oldham, Clark Holler, G. D. Smith, Spencer Fallis, A. E. Russell, M. B. Wright, J. J. Bill, D. G. McLaury, H. E. Perry, Clate Reid, W. L. Pate, Jesse, Jr. King, Sterling Moran, W. J. Rogers, R. O. Snider, Beu Mashburn, J. R. Rudder, Charles Elliot, J. M. Cook, F. P. McKinnie, C. C. Goens, Tom Fulbright, Fletcher Riddle, J. L. Jennings, J. L. Turner, C. C. Hayes, Elijah McLaws, W. R. Shelton, J. M. Tuton, Lee Lieb, Charley Ward, J. H. Lowery, J. T. Curtes, A. J. Comer, M. B. McElroy, M. Leech, J. H. Dennis, H. C. Richardson, Ellis Harvey, G. W. Williams, Al Jones, N. T. Cornelius, W. H. Cantelon, W. F. Blanton, T. L. Hill, Lofties Bells, R. W. Hamilton, D. Hamilton, Daniel Ledbetter, W. T. Moore, R. A. Valdez, Miliana Shoffit, Louis Cottle, James Amerson, W. B. Elliot, R. A. Meyer, Eli Lynch, R. E. Chandler, W. F. Williams, J. H. Williams, W. A. Welch, J. T. Woods, T. J. Moore, W. J. Fite, Perry A. Brewster, W. H. Mashburn, J. P. Dunn, M. C. Fox, B. B. Campbell, B. M. Smith, Brooks Allison, R. C. Blackstock, L. R. Cook, J. M. Tommie, B. W. Plummer, S. R. Meadows, B. F. Plummer, A. Q. Jones, L. P. Tierney, Peter Wilson, E. L. Hollowell, Luther S. Campbell, Robert Cloud, F. B. Calvin, Will C. Brooks, Bert Pinnell, W. R. Price, W. R. Huskey, Alvin Chapman, J. L. Kinchelor, Rosser Lee Dennis, L. M. Bills, G. W. Wolf, W. E. Rose, S. J. Herron, I. G. Wells, T. H. Roberson, F. R. Griffin, L. N. Moore, James Taylor, J. C. Bills, L. C. Courtney, E. L. Eastern, W. T. Malone, W. T. Stewart, S. B. Robertson, Robert B. Whitehead, Henry Proctor, D. W. Kirkpatrick, T. S. Green, W. N. Parrish, G. W. Caskey, W. F. Tate, Woodie Coffee, James V. Ballard, J. H. Tower, G. M. Hamilton, E. R. Taylor, J. C. Clement, J. F. Woodward, J. G. Evans, Charlie M. Tankersley, Thomas Carlile, W. P. Pritchard, H. S. Neidham, John Wesley Wilde, Max Rasco, R. B. Anderson, P. H. Biggs, W. M. Garcia, Jose Harbour, Jerry Chiatham, L. L. Hazelwood, James T. Conner, Frank George, James W.
7/5/1891 10/27/1895 10/1/1892 10/8/1893 11/21/1897 5/3/1899 1/14/1892 12/1/1892 1/2/1898 8/10/1898 7/12/1899 12/26/1895 5/13/1896 8/21/1890 6/15/1890 6/3/1896 2/28/1897 12/17/1896 4/20/1893 8/29/1897 6/5/1895 9/9/1899 8/30/1891 12/19/1895 1/11/1899 1/1/1899 7/14/1895 12/24/1893 12/24/1893 3/29/1894 12/17/1899 5/11/1895 4/30/1891 7/9/1899 6/17/1896 5/5/1897 8/28/1892 10/15/1893 4/10/1892 1/17/1894 9/17/1893 12/9/1894 10/17/1894 8/23/1899 3/30/1898 12/23/1896 7/12/1892 5/23/1894 12/31/1896 12/21/1898 5/18/1893 10/15/1899 1/13/1897 11/24/1897 10/15/1890 8/22/1897 6/3/1897 7/30/1896 2/9/1890 6/14/1893 6/26/1890 4/8/1890 3/3/1893 6/29/1899 10/3/1897 11/25/1896 5/11/1899 12/3/1890 5/3/1899 12/10/1896 11/21/1897 1/7/1892 1/17/1894 1/29/1893 8/9/1896 10/12/1898 6/14/1893 10/11/1896 9/2/1894 4/18/1896 12/25/1890 6/16/1890 12/10/1893 1/5/1899 10/12/1898 7/25/1897 1/30/1895 8/29/1899 1/1/1890 12/9/1896 12/14/1899 8/14/1892 2/5/1893 12/9/1894 6/1/1898 6/25/1899 1/23/1890 4/1/1893 9/28/1892 10/19/1896 9/23/1894 3/9/1898 11/21/1897 7/6/1893 12/26/1895 12/22/1890 6/10/1899 10/17/1897 9/6/1895 10/29/1899 12/25/1892 1/31/1899 9/1/1897 3/24/1892 9/12/1897 2/8/1891 11/22/1899 10/28/1896 6/17/1890 11/6/1898 8/22/1899 12/24/1895 2/2/1896 10/15/1890 6/6/1899 3/30/1891 12/26/1899 2/22/1897 12/14/1892 9/27/1899 11/14/1897 11/1/1899 12/29/1892 1/12/1898 10/15/1891 3/9/1893 12/14/1899 10/12/1898 12/20/1899 4/20/1898 12/20/1899 4/21/1891 12/21/1898 12/5/1898 12/25/1892 1/5/1896 7/22/1890 12/27/1891 2/15/1894 2/9/1898 11/22/1891 6/23/1899 8/18/1899 1/17/1894 5/13/1896 9/5/1897 9/22/1892 9/23/1897 8/10/1892 12/15/1897 10/28/1891 11/22/1891 7/5/1896 8/30/1891 8/14/1895 11/1/1899 4/5/1899 6/21/1893 8/23/1899 12/26/1897 9/7/1897 3/1/1896 3/29/1891 5/12/1897 11/2/1898 3/11/1891 12/27/1892 6/6/1897 2/18/1894 4/8/1892 2/26/1890 11/20/1898 2/17/1896 12/30/1898 11/3/1893 10/7/1891 11/1/1899 1/22/1894 7/12/1899 1/14/1896 5/20/1897 4/14/1899 8/24/1899 10/23/1890 3/23/1899 8/27/1893 12/21/1890 11/24/1892 12/24/1899 2/20/1898 1/23/1895 8/23/1891 1/15/1896 2/16/1891 12/16/1893 12/20/1899 11/19/1899 6/11/1895 12/25/1895 10/13/1897 1/5/1898 7/24/1893 10/30/1899 10/12/1891 3/2/1892 3/14/1892 5/12/1895 9/23/1891 10/26/1899 12/2/1899 11/27/1895
Last Update Saturday, 21-Sep-2024 21:11:28 MDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller
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