Compiled for this website by Duston Brooks 2000
There are over 11,000 historical markers in Texas, which describe historical events, places, buildings, persons, communities, etc. There are 29 historical markers in the county. The historical marker program is operated by the Texas Historical Commission, assisted by local historical commissions. Shackelford County Historical markers help to preserve and promote Texas history. If anyone is interested in applying for a historical marker to be placed in Shackelford County or any other county in Texas, please contact the
Texas Historical
Commission to obtain an application. Below is an alphabetical
list of all the historical markers currently in Shackelford County, along
with the marker text and the location.
In 1900, the Texas-Central Railway extended a line
northwest of Albany across this portion of Rose Ella (Matthews) Conrad's
cattle ranch. Ella and her brother, John A. "Bud" Matthews, for whom
this site is named, promptly constructed cattle pens and a loading chute
at this location. Surrounding ranchers were soon shipping their cattle
from this switch to markets in Fort Worth. As many as 105,000 head
of cattle were shipped annually until the railroad ceased operations in 1967.
Since that year, local ranchers have continued to load cattle onto
trucks from this site. (1993)
(Marker located 14 miles west of Albany on US
Highway 180)
The trail of the Butterfield Overland Mail passed
this point in 1858. (Lee's Legion Chapter DAR 1958)
(Limestone slab marker located 14 miles west
of Albany on US Highway 180 near Bud Matthews Switch)
Chosen as the county seat of Shackelford in 1874,
Albany had a 43-acre townsite donated by Sheriff Henry C. Jacobs. County
clerk W. R. Cruger named city for his old home, Albany, GA. A wooden
picket courthouse was erected. The post office opened August 1, 1876.
By late 1877, there were 16 buildings --- homes, hotels, saloons, a
blacksmith shop. Merchants were T. E. Jackson and firm of Woody and
Hatcher. Physicians W. T. Baird and W. M. Powell and lawyer A. A. Clarke
located here. D. H. Meyer and Edgar Rye began (1879) publishing "Albany
Tomahawk". Already on the Western Cattle Trail, the city expanded as a frontier
shipping point when the Houston & Texas Central Railroad built a terminus
here in 1881. By 1882, a church building had been erected. Music
lovers organized a cornet band. In 1883, an opera hall opened, and a permanent
courthouse of native stone was built. Succeeding D. R. Britt as the school
principal, W. S. Dalrymple founded an adult study club, "The Chautauqua Literary
and Scientific Circle". Albany had an academy, and then a college in
1898 - 1915. Local activities include ranching, petroleum production,
small farming, and annual staging of the historical drama, "The Fort Griffin
Fandangle". (1975)
(Marker located in downtown Albany at First National
Bank Park on Main Street)
William Ivy Cook (1857 - 1923) and his wife Matilda
moved to this county in 1885. With brother-in-law, J. H. Nail, Cook purchased
a 27.75 section ranch. The Cooks bought out Nail in 1898, and have
owned the ranch ever since. During the 1918 Breckenridge and Ranger
oil booms, Cook sold leases but prophesied he could drink from his hat all
of the oil under his land. In 1925, his widow leased all open acreage
to Charles Roeser, Tol Pendleton, and Marshall R. Yount, of Roeser &
Pendleton, Inc. This firm's second well in 1926 struck oil at 1241
feet and flowed at 1000 barrells a day. This prolific flow at such
a shallow depth has been one of Cook Ranch Field's remarkable features.
Commercial low pressure gas injection was started on the ranch in 1927 and
helped elevate recovery standards internationally. With the oil wealth, Mrs.
Cook founded the W. I. Cook Memorial Hospital in Fort Worth in 1929. Cook
Ranch Field enriched Albany and its trade area by expanding petroleum-related
business activities. Of the 1087 wells drilled on the ranch, 825 yielded
oil and four gas. Production has now exceeded thirty million barrells.
Marshall R. Young remains owner of the oil firm.
(Marker located in western Albany in City Park
at the intersection of US Highways 180 and 283)
The appearance in 1908 of oil and gas in water wells
in this vicinity prompted the Texas Company (later Texaco, Inc.) in June
of 1909 to begin leasing large tracts of land. After a surface geological
survey, a wooden derrick complete with cable tools and steam engine was erected
by contractor F. J. Winston on a prospective location on the Jim Cottle Ranch
and on September 23, 1909, drilling operations began. Equipment breakdowns
were frequent and sometimes lengthy, but finally, on November 9, 1910, after
13 months of drilling, the Cottle No. 1 struck natural gas at a depth of
2660 feet. This discovery opened the Moran Field, and was the first
commercial gas well completed in this vast West Texas area. In the
spring of 1911, gas was piped to Moran for residential and business use.
Within two years (in 1913) the cities of Albany, Cisco, and Abilene
were supplied for the first time with natural gas. By October 1913,
with five producing gas wells, the Moran Field won recognition as one of
the most important sources of fossil fuels in Texas. Although the Cottle
No. 1 was plugged years ago, the Moran Field continues to be an economic
mainstay in this area. (1974)
(Marker located in Moran at the intersection
of TX State Highway 6 and Farm to Market Road 576)
Few in number and with little protection from the
military but refusing to abandon their country, certain families of courageous
and determined people on the Texas frontier during the Civil War gathered
together in hastily constructed stockades and held out against the threats
of hostile Indians and renegade whites. Known as "forting up", this
plan was encouraged by the military for this part of the state. Most
of the men age 18 to 45 were away in the Confederate service and those age
17 and over 45 were subject to periodic militia duty for frontier protection.
Family forts gave settlers a way to protect stock, farms, and provide
some schooling for their children. The best known family fort in this
sector was Fort Davis, located 8 miles east of Fort Griffin on the bank of
the Clear Fork of the Brazos River in Stephens County, where some 120 people
lived during the last year of the Civil War. Named for Confederate president
Jefferson Davis, it was laid off in lots. Log houses with dirt roofs,
mud in cracks, dirt floors, were connected by pickets driven into the ground.
A blockhouse was used by women and children during raids. There
were no luxuries, little food, and all clothes, soap, soda, and candles were
made. The nearest supplies were 100 miles away, a doctor 65 miles.
Yet, there were dances, candy pulls, weddings, "feasts", Sunday school,
occasional sermon, and blue-backed spellers. Other family forts near were:
Lynch and Green ranches and Mugginsville in Shackelford County; Blair's Fort
and Allen's Ranch in Eastland County; Buffalo Springs in Clay County; Bragg's
and Murray's in Young County; Picketville and Owl's Head in Stephens County.
Erected by the State of Texas (1963).
(Pink granite marker located at Fort Griffin
State Park headquarters on Westward Drive 15 miles north of Albany off of
US Highway 283)
The Texas Company ---- J. E. Wild A-1 Survey 65,
University Lands, Shackelford County, completed November 9, 1913.
Presented to the Texas Company by Texas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas
Association at Albany Chamber of Commerce Commemoration Dinner on February
12, 1940. (1940)
(Marker is a bronze plate attached to a miniature
steel oil well derrick located in downtown Albany on the Shackelford County
Courthouse Square)
Oldest congregation in Northwest Texas Conference of Methodist Churches. First church of any denomination founded in Shackelford County. Organized in 1873 at ranch home (8 miles east) of J. C. Lynch (1828 - 1912), a later county judge after Shackelford County was organized in 1874. At the request of Lynch, Rev. Levi Collins (1827 - 1912) came here from the Weatherford circuit to meet with pioneers of the Methodist faith. The charter members were Peter, Mollie, and S. A. Gunsolus; Mr. and Mrs. Lynch; Elizabeth and Malinda McNutt. The Reverend William Manly was the first regular minister. By 1882, a small frame church had been erected on schoolhouse hill in Albany. After its loss in an 1888 tornado, a second church was built on the same site (1889), but relocated in 1909 on Main Street. In 1913, under leadership of the Reverend O. P. Clark (born 1881), a red brick building with a dome was erected at present site. Its auditorium was resplendent with gas lights, but outside there were still hitching racks. Razed in 1947, that building was replaced (1948) with present sanctuary and fellowship hall. Educational Annex was constructed in 1957, to complete plant. Membership in this church now numbers 334. (1973)
(Marker located in Albany at intersection of
N. Jacobs & N. 2nd Streets)
This structure was the jail used in the town of
Fort Griffin located 15 miles north of here, near the United States Army
Post of Fort Griffin, which defended the frontier from 1867 to 1881. During
this period, lawlessness was common in the town. Citizens built this
thick-walled jail in 1878, although a conspicuous stone bears an earlier
date. Gamblers, trail drivers, buffalo hunters, and skinners were
frequently held here, as many as 18 at one time. Used as a cowshed
after the 1880's, the jail was moved here in 1954 by W. G. Webb and the county
commissioners. (1974)
(Marker located at City Park in Albany on North
Avenue and Railroad Street)
On site acquired August 18, 1877, for Fort Griffin
Lodge No. 489, A. F. & A. M., chartered on December 14, 1878. Stone
was quarried nearby on Collins Creek. Volunteers built hall. School,
civic affairs, and church services of many denominations were held downstairs,
the lodge upstairs. In 1881, the community was dealt two blows. The
U. S. Army vacated Fort Griffin and the Texas Central Railroad line bypassed
the town. In 1886, the lodge moved to Throckmorton. The school,
held here until 1937, was consolidated with Albany in 1942. Structure is
still used by clubs and for church services. Recorded Texas Historic
Landmark (1973)
(Marker is a medallion & plate attached to
the building and is located at site of Old Fort Griffin town 2 miles west
of US Highway 283 on County Road 184, which is just past the Fort Griffin
State Park entrance 16 miles north of Albany)
First permanent home in Albany. Built in 1875
of stone from nearby deposits by Henry Carter Jacobs (1842 - 1894), an organizer
and the first sheriff of Shackelford County. A Kentuckian, Civil War
veteran, and surveyor, Jacobs platted town of Albany, donated courthouse
and Presbyterian church sites, led in move for a railroad here. He
was a merchant, land developer and agent, published "Albany Sun", bred fine
horses, and played in cornet band. He married Mary Josephine Whately;
they had five children. He and his wife helped organize Presbyterian
church. Their pioneer home was restored in 1973. Recorded Texas
Historic Landmark (1974)
(Marker located on Jacobs Street in Albany)
T. E. Jackson, a prominent businessman from Fort
Griffin (15 miles north), built this structure in the late 1870's as a warehouse
for a general merchandise store. For more than 100 years, it served
the town of Albany as the site of various commercial businesses, including
photography studios and a cafe. The well-known department store Sanger
Brothers owned the Jackson Warehouse from 1887 until 1906. The Jackson
Warehouse is important as a reminder of the commercial business that made
Albany an important supply point for the West Texas cattle industry. Texas
Sesquicentennial (1986)
(Marker located at 322 S. Main Street in Albany)
William Henry Ledbetter (1833 - 1884), a native
of Georgia, came to Texas in 1858, and established a salt works on Hubbard
Creek (8 miles southwest) in 1862. Ledbetter withstood fierce Indian
attacks before moving near Fort Griffin (15 miles north). He was elected
first county judge in 1875. In the mid 1870's, Ledbetter built this
picket house near the army post, using construction methods typical of this
frontier region. It was moved here and restored by the City of Albany in
1953. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (1962)
(Marker is a medallion and plate located at Webb
Park on 112 Main Street in Albany)
Located 8 miles southwest on the Salt Prong of Hubbard
Creek. Discovered in 1861 by trail drives. W. H. Ledbetter began
extensive development of deposits in 1862 with increased Civil War demand
for salt. A large furnace was built and kettles and materials for refining
were brought from East Texas by wagon. Salt in large quantities was
furnished to Confederate troops west of the Mississippi, State Militia, and
area ranches and towns. Smoking or salting were only ways to preserve meat.
When South levied a meat tithe, the salt was vital to cure bacon for
the military. Salt was a must for horses and mules used by cavalry,
artillery, and supply wagons. Hides were preserved with salt to make
shoes and harnesses. Rangers used it to treat rattlesnake bites and
ailments. Settlers came from a 200 mile radius for salt, taking it
by saddlebag and wagon. The frontier regiment Texas Cavalry guarded
the works and roads from hostile Indians during the war. Indian troubles
continued after the war. In 1867, nearby U. S. Fort Griffin was established
and a "six-pounder" cannon was loaned to the works for defense. Salt
was produced until 1880. A memorial to Texans who served the Confederacy.
Erected by the State of Texas (1963)
(Pink granite marker located on the Shackelford
County Courthouse Square in downtown Albany)
Constructed in 1898. Remodeled in 1954 under
the leadership of Watt Matthews. Stone for floors was quarried and
cut at Lueders, much of it laid by the men of the church. Much of the
stained glass was preserved from original church, but lunettes and round
windows over organ cut and leaded here by Joe Blanton and Elmer Smith with
help from others in the church. Building houses magnificent handmade pipe
organ with 1,293 pipes, case designed by Joe Blanton.
(Marker is a medallion located at the corner
of Jacobs and S. 2nd Streets in Albany)
Pioneers came to this area as early as the 1860's.
During the Civil War (1861 - 1865), they built the temporary fortress
settlement of Mugginsville on Deep Creek. At one time, a branch of
the Western Cattle Trail passed nearby. Population increased after
the arrival of the Texas Central Railroad in 1881. The town of Moran
was established by Swope Hull, who operated a grocery store at the Rail Crossing
on Deep Creek, in 1883. He was postmaster of the community's first
post office, called "Hulltown", which opened August 29, 1883. Hull
bought 160 acres between Post Oak and Deep Creeks and platted a townsite
in March of 1884. Most of the property was bought by Bem Scott, who
sold his interests in 1890 to M. D. Bray (1845 - 1926), a prominent local
merchant and landowner. The town's name was changed in 1890 to "Hicks"
and in 1892 to "Moran" for Texas Central Railroad president John J. Moran.
By the 1890's, the community had a school and Baptist, Church of Christ,
Cumberland Presbyterian, and Methodist congregations. A newspaper was
begun in 1895 and a bank in 1902. Incorporated in 1919, Moran was a
shipping point for drilling supplies during the oil and gas boom of 1910
- 1930. Today the area's economy is based on farming, ranching, and
oil and gas production. (1976)
(Marker located at the intersection of TX State
Highway 6 and Farm to Market Road 576 in Moran)
In memory of Russel Young Gilbert, November 7, 1841
- October 30, 1870. Served under General Sul Ross in Belknap Rangers,
1862 - 1866. Government scout out of Fort Griffin 1867 - 1870.
Erected by his son, J. R. Gilbert (1954)
(Gray subject marker is located at Fort Griffin
State Park's Scenic Overlook off of the western entrance to the park from
US Highway 283 15 miles north of Albany)
Built in 1874 and used as an office building, this
structure was moved here in 1879 from Fort Griffin. Owner Edgar Rye
was a newspaper publisher, cartoonist, and held numerous elective offices.
Rye sold the building in 1896 to Anna F. Caperton, who modified its
appearance in 1902 - 1906, and used it as a home. Sold again in 1906,
it was converted to apartments in the 1940's, and was restored as a single
family dwelling in the 1990's. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark
(Marker is located at 225 South Walnut in Albany)
Formed from Bosque County - created February 1,
1858; Organized September 12, 1874. Named in honor of Dr. Jack Shackelford
(1790 - 1857). Captain of the "Red Rovers", a company from Alabama
which became a unit of Fannin's command, one of the few spared by the Mexicans
in the Massacre at Goliad. Albany, the county seat.
(Pink 1936 Centennial highway marker located
in the center of city park at the intersection of US Highways 180 &
283 in Albany)
First inhabited by Nomadic Indian tribes, Shackelford
County was created in 1858 and named for Dr. John Shackelford (1790 - 1857).
The first permanent Anglo-American settlers in this area included J.
C. Lynch (1828 - 1912), a native of Ireland who moved here in 1858; W. H.
Ledbetter (1833 - 1884), who arrived in 1859 and later started the Ledbetter
Salt Works; T. E. Jackson (b. 1820), a merchant who settled in the northern
part of the county before 1860; and G. W. Greer (1812 - 1893), who operated
a stage station on Hubbard Creek after 1861. During the Civil War (1861 -
1865), settlers took refuge at "family forts" such as Fort Mugginsville and
Fort Hubbard. They gained military protection from frontier perils
when the U. S. Army established Fort Griffin in 1867. Griffin,
the lawless settlement that grew up around the fort, attracted buffalo hide
hunters and cattlemen driving herds up the Western Cattle Trail.
Shackelford County was organized September 12, 1874, with Fort Griffin
as temporary county seat. Albany was chosen permanent county seat in
November 1874. The county's population increased sharply after the
arrival of the Texas Central Railroad in 1881. Petroleum production generated
an economic boom, 1910 - 1930. Chief industries today are petroleum
and ranching. (1976)
(Marker located on the Shackelford County Courthouse
Square in downtown Albany)
Built 1883 - 1884 from plans by J. E. Flanders of
Dallas, architect for several other 1880's courthouses. Edgar Rye of
Albany was construction superintendent. Kilted Scottish masons erected
the walls of stone quarried a few miles southwest of town. The foundations
rest two feet deep on "natural concrete" (caliche). Budgeted at $27,000,
final cost was $49,433.75. Clock tower was added at public's request.
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (1962)
(Marker is a medallion and plate located on the
Shackelford County Courthouse Square in downtown Albany)
Erected 1877 - 1878 by architects and builders Thomas
& Woerner of Fort Worth. Gerard B. Allen of St. Louis furnished
ironwork. Initials on many of the native limestone blocks show masons'
claims to payment for work. An early prisoner, John Selman, later killed
notorious gunman John Wesley Hardin in El Paso. Superseded 1929 by a new
jail, this became vault for archives (1940 - 1968) of playwright Robert Nail.
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (1962)
(Marker is medallion and plate located on South
2nd Street in Albany)
Founded on counsel of the Rev. French McAfee; named in honor of pioneer rancher, Barber Watkins Reynolds (d. 1882), the Reynolds Presbyterian Academy opened in 1898, with classes meeting in a vacant storehouse. A Richardsonian Romanesque-style building was finished and occupied in 1899, and a dormitory added in 1907. Dramas, lectures, and musicals drew patrons from a large region. In 1909, the school became a college; closed about 1915. Reynolds Presbyterian Orphanage used the plant in 1916 - 1923. Site was sold and the fine masonry building razed in 1928. (1974)
(Marker located in Trinity Churchyard on Avenue
B in Albany)
From 1858 until the outbreak of the Civil War in
1861, a station of the Butterfield Overland Mail Route was located here.
Despite a brief existence, it was an important stop of the early stage
line that reached from Missouri to California. Stages made the trip
in under 25 days, a marked improvement on earlier communication links with
the rapidly developing west. Located on Chimney Creek between stage stops
at Clear Fork (26 miles northeast) and Fort Phantom Hill (12 miles southwest),
Smith's Station was the only Butterfield stop located in present Shackelford
County. (1982)
(Marker located on hiking trail on County Road
220, 2 miles south of US Highway 180, 12 miles west of Albany)
In memory of TEXAS CATTLE TRAIL - To Dodge City,
Kansas and other northern points 1875 - 1890. (1964)
(Marker located on the Shackelford County Courthouse
Square in downtown Albany)
The Houston & Texas Central Railway, which began
building north from Houston in 1856, was tapped in 1872 by a branch line
from Waco. In 1879, the Texas Central Railway Co. was chartered to
extend the branch from Ross, 11 miles north of Waco, to the Panhandle. By
1881, the track stretched 177 miles through Whitney, Hico, Dublin, and Cisco,
to Albany. Because financial problems prevented further building, Albany
remained the rail terminus for 19 years. Realizing the value of rail
service on the frontier, the citizens of Albany had raised $50,000 to win
the railroad away from the nearby town of Ft. Griffin. As the end of
the rail line, Albany experienced a long period of growth and prosperity.
It became a shipping center for cattle, buffalo bones, and building
stone. Hotels and stores sprang up to accommodate visitors and
new residents arriving by train. In 1900, the railroad started to build
again, extending the line from Albany to Stamford. Purchased in 1914
by the Missouri, Kansas, & Texas Railway Co., the Texas Central Railway
was part of that system until the growth of highway travel reduced rail service.
In 1967, the line was discontinued except for a short section between
Gorman and Dublin. (1973)
(Marker located in Webb Park at 112 Main Street
in Albany)
This was Albany's first stone mercantile store.
It was erected in stages, combining Greek Revival and Victorian Italianate
designs. In 1878, W. H. Miller built one-story east unit, and permitted
the Albany Masonic Lodge to erect a second story. Local rancher J.
C. Lynch in 1881 built the two-story west unit. The "Live and Let Live"
drug store was an early tenant. L. H. Hill and family owned the property
from 1896 - 1974. Clifton Caldwell bought and restored it in 1974 -
1975. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (1975)
(Marker is a medallion and plate located at the
intersection of S. Texas State Highway 6 and US Highway 180 in Albany)
The oldest church building in Albany. Methodists,
who organized their church in 1873, built this sanctuary on Schoolhouse Hill
in 1889, and moved it to Main Street in 1909. Trinity Episcopal Mission,
founded 1910, bought structure in 1913, remodeled it (1914), removed it in
1954 to this site (former location of Reynolds Presbyterian Academy) given
by Watt Matthews, and added steeple designed by Floyd M. Johnson and Joe
Blanton. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (1962)
(Marker is a medallion and plate located at North
2nd Street and Avenue B in Albany)
Located 15 miles north of Albany in Ft. Griffin
State Park on US Highway 283
Located 1/2 mile northeast of Ft. Griffin State
Park on County Road 188
Located 8 1/2 miles southeast of Albany on Farm
to Market Road 601
Located in the historic area surrounding the Shackelford
County Courthouse in Albany
Located 2.3 miles south of Shackelford/Throckmorton
County Line on US Highway 283
Last Update
Saturday, 21-Sep-2024 21:20:01 MDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller
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