Johnson Cemetery
Transcribed and indexed by Dustin Brooks
ohnson Cemetery is a small rural
cemetery located about a mile north of Moran just east of Texas State Highway 6.
The cemetery began in 1881 as the burial place of Rufus H. Johnson, infant son
of George and Cynthia Johnson. George and Cynthia Johnson were early pioneer
settlers of southeast Shackelford County and the original landowners where the
cemetery is located. After the death of their son, the Johnsons donated the
land as a cemetery for the area. Thus, it was named Johnson Cemetery. A fund
has been established at People's State Bank in Moran for the continual upkeep of
the cemetery. For more information about the Johnson Cemetery Fund, contact
People's State Bank, 104 Fisher Street, Moran, TX 76464 or call the bank at
325-945-2041. Any donations to the fund will be greatly appreciated.
Agee Sr., Norman Wyatt
Atchison, Lillie Childers Tate Brush, Brooksie Edward Brush, Nora Collinsworth Childers, Catherine L. Childers, Edward N. Childers, Edwin H. Childers, Lillie M. Childers, Richard Owen Childers, Sarah I. Chism, Daisy Stevens Chism, Edd S. Chism, Edward Gilbert Chism, Jacob Chism, Mary Ann Chism, Walter M. Collinsworth, Artie Frank Collinsworth, Bobby E. Collinsworth, Cleva Olene Collinsworth, Dora J. Collinsworth, Era Maud Collinsworth, Eva Collinsworth, Evelyn "Penny" Collinsworth, Ferrell Collinsworth, Grant Collinsworth, J. R. Collinsworth, R. E. Collinsworth, Tom Collinsworth, Tommy Jo Davis Jr., Bobby Glenn Elliot, Francis E. Elliot, W. F. Fitzpatrick, Ted H. Hamilton, Eva L. Hamilton, Eva M. Hamilton, Idell Hamilton, James S. Hamilton, Lonnie J. Hamilton, Nancy B. Harber, Charley Densil Harber, Frances Jan Harber, Newton Charlie Harber, Rose Eva Hayward, Fannie D. Hayward, John A. Hayward, Thomas B. Hayward, Walter I. Hudman, William M. Johnson, Rufus H. Jones, Margaret F. Jordan, A. J. Kirkpatrick, Emma May Kirkpatrick, Unity F. Kirkpatrick, W. E. Mahaffey, Mary Collinsworth Mashburn, Infant Mashburn, James Robert Mashburn, Jesse Lillian Mashburn, William Edgar McNeill, Zane King Mitchell, Alice M. Mitchell, Elizabeth Mitchell, Hillary Mitchell, Infant Mitchell, Isreal P. Mitchell, J. H. Mitchell, Llano V. Mitchell, Lula Mitchell, Minnie Mae Mitchell, N. A. J. Mitchell, Savannah Exa Mitchell, Treby T. Mitchell, Wilbur Joe Morris, Clarence Burrell Morris, Franklin Morris, James Hardy Morris, Rachel V. Morris, W. W. "Bud" Morrison, Alfred T. Morrison, Alice V. Morrison, Benjamin F. Morrison, Edith E. Morrison, Fred Morrison, Martha B. Morrison, Thomas E. Morrison, Tommie Mosley, Priscilla J. Price Nunn, Kenneth Lynn Overby, Harvey W. Parish, Benjamin F. Parish, Luster A. Parish, Martin Parish, Marvin Parish, Sallie V. Parish, Vessie E. Pharr, James W. M. Pharr, Mary Plummer, A. R. Plummer, Cordela Plummer, G. P. Pritchard, Amandy Pritchard, Etta Pritchard, Louis E. Pritchard, W. H. Redden, Irris G. Redden, Lura V. Redden, Michael J. Robinson, Floyd Derwood Robinson, R. G. "Shorty" Robinson, Wanda Louise Skidmore, Mary G. Snyder, Benjamin Leroy Snyder, Benjamin Smalley Snyder, James Barton Snyder, Margaret Hudman Tubbs, Christine A. Tubbs, Glen Jay Wild, Myrtle Mae Woolsey, Gladys H. Woolsey, Worth R. Woolsey Jr., Worth R. |
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Husband of Reginna Stockton Agee
Husband of Jan Harber
Aged 33 years Son of G. W. and C. A. Johnson
Only name is on stone
Son of Bob and Lena Rose Mashburn
Infant of I. P. and Treby Mitchell
Wife of Charles R. Mosley Son of Priscilla Mosley
Son of M. H. and D. A. Parish Son of M. H. and D. A. Parish
Son of S. R. and L. E. Jackson
Son of Ben and Margaret Snyder
Daughter of J. E. and Laura Wild
Last Update Saturday, 21-Sep-2024 21:12:39 MDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller
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