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Photos of the park entrance and the white buffalo statue.

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White Buffalo Hide
John W. Mooar and J. Wright Mooar display the hide of the white buffalo which Wright killed in Scurry County on October 7, 1876. The picture was made about 1900. Wright kept the hide and showed it to visitors to his home as he told them about the hunting years. John lived in Colorado City where the Mooar Brothers owned and operated a livery stable. Wright ranched 10 miles northwest of Snyder near the site where the white buffalo was killed.

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Proud Grandpa
Julia (Judy) McDonnell Hayes, named in honor of Julia Mooar, posed for this picture with Grandpa J. Wright Mooar when she was about three. She remembers him as a gentle, loving grandfather who rode stick horses with her because she had few playmates on the ranch. Her love of horses grew over the years and today the Hays home is filled with trophies she received for the horses she has bred and trained.

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Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright Mooar
J. Wright Mooar and Julia Gallagher Swartz were married in Colorado City on April 13, 1897. Wright and John Mooar owned and operated a livery stable in Colorado City from 1881 to 1905. Wright and Julia lived on the Scurry County ranch most of their married life and she died there in 1921. Mr. Mooar died in 1940 at the age of 88. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mooar are buried in Snyder Cemetery. (Photo Courtesy Heart of West Texas Museum in Colorado City.)

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Memorandums telling the history of J. Wright Mooar.

Last Updated: December 12, 2010