Index for San Saba County History 1856-1983

This is an index of the names in the titles of articles in the book.

An asterisk * in the photo column indicates there is a photo associated with the article.  It is not always a photo of the person named in the title.



Names in Titles of Articles       


Names in Titles of Articles   


Names in Titles of Articles    




* Adair, Tom * Campbell, Edward Fagg, John R.
* Adams, Thomas Kelly * Capps, John Stanton * Faught, Lynn Albert
* Adams, William S. Carroll, J. L. Faver, W. N (Billie)
Alcorn, W. C. * Carter, J. M. Feazle, Aaron
Alderman, Tom W. Chamberlain, O. C. * Feazle, Ashley & Mary Delilah
* Allen, Clarence Patrick * Childress, James G. W. Feazle, George L.
* Allen, John and Eda Choate, Gabriel & Mary Rainbolt * Felts, Dr. Homer Vick
Alston, William T. * Choate, Austin & Mary Elizabeth Simmons Felts, Richard & Lady Wynne
Anderson, William and Rosetta Christmas, Rubert F. Fishback, L. E.
Badley, Raymond and Mary Christmas, John C. * Fleming, John M.
* Bagley, Gailian Dean * Clark, Hough * Foster, William C.
Bagley, George Clark, Joseph Stull * Fry, Charles Thomas
* Bagley, Roy Britton * Click, George W. * Funderburk, Anthony
Baker, John Lee * Click, R. M. Gaddy, D. W.
* Barber, Albert Leslie Collins, Jess Gage, Moses B.
Barber, Hollis Demar & Mattie Gay * Coffman, Jacob Marion Gage, Thomas Truett
Barber, Hugh Smith * Coffman, James Montgomery Gage, William Henry
* Barber, Mary Isabella (Jennie Hayes) * Coffman, W. W. * Galloway, Henry
Barber, Robert Thompson Couch, Chaney & Isabella M. * Gamblin, Nancy & Quine
* Barker, Brantley * Coughran, Francis Henderson Garrett, Samuel A.
* Barker, Bob Fulton Coughran, Walter Perry Garrett, Mrs. Samuel A.
* Barker, Lewis Hamilton Cowart, Andrew Jackson * Garrett, T. A. 
* Barker, L. W. * Cowart, Minnie Belle Reynolds-Smith * Garvin, T. W. 
* Barker, Thomas Morgan * Cox, Coleman W. * Gatliff, George
Barnett, John W. * Crane, William S. Gay, Molly Long
* Barton, Columbus Fleming * Craven, Sam H. Gentry, Leonard C.
Barton, Franklin W. * Crawford, A. J. Gentry, Royce O.
* Barton, Garland Walker "Bud" * Crawford, Hubert Cecil * Gilbreath, Charles
* Barton, Homer "Pete" * Crockett, J. D. Goode, William Ermer
* Barton, K. Millison Crumley, Frances Lee Taylor Goodloe, John Prentice
* Barton, Sam Hoover Crump, Louis M. * Goodloe, Thomas Henry
Baskin, Mack Dacus, Orville Elisha Gossett, Andrew Edward
* Baxter, W. B. * Dalton, John & Rebecca Naudaine Gosstee, Andrew Van
Baxter, Wiley Richard * Dalton, John W.  Gossett, Elijah Vess
* Bearden, J. M. * Daugherty, William Matthew Gossett, J. V. D.
Benner, Heinrich * Davenport, Kelbert * Graves, James Newel
* Bennett, Joshaua * Davenport, Robert S. Graves, Lawrence D.
Beveridge, John H. Day, William Dickson Graves, Ray Erston 
Birk, Oppie Malinda Barrett * Deeds, James Riley * Graves, William E.
* Blackburn, Manassas Virginia Barton Dees, J. W.  * Gray, George Washington
* Blackburn, Thomas Jefferson * Dickison, Henry Gray, James Franklin
* Blackstone, Nip and Sonoma Doggett, Lucy Ellen Beckner Gray, Reuben Porter & Mary Armour Brown
* Bode, Alex Doran, H. H. Gray, William M.
Bolinger, Jasper Doran & Ketchum Gregg, Abner
* Bostick, Sion R. Doran & Gibbons Griffay, Newt Jackson
* Bourke, William Joseph * Doran, William Russell * Gunter, Thomas Jefferson
Bowers, C. H. and Mary A. Healy Dove, Henry * Grumbles, Jesse Lee
* Ezekiel Madison Boyett * Draper, George Washington & Clarintha Hall, Param Thompson
Brazil, Jesse * Draper, michael Lee Hamrick, Alma Ward
* Brazil, Moses and Martha Ellen * Draper, Richard Dawson Hamrick, Andy Lee
Brockman, Mary Edith Taylor Duggan, Alston Hamrick, Burl Ed
* Brown, Andrew Jackson "Jack" Duncan, Lavinia "Aunt Viny" Hamrick, Burl L.
Brown, Asa Madison "Matt" Duey, Beverly Barber * Hamrick, Carl Gra & Maude Bowers
* Brown, Ernest & Dora * Duey, Clarence & Roberta Hamrick, James Laurence
* Brown, George W. & Lillie Duey, Howard * Hamrick, Joshua H.
Brown, Frank * Duey, James * Hamrick, Martha Beatrice
Brown, George E. * Duey, Newel Hamrick, Thomas Peter Carr
Brown, James Franklin * Duey, Will & Lola McCarty Hanna, A.
Brown, John H. (Shorty) Dyer, Bill * Hardy, William Thomas
* Brown, L. T. * Eden, Samuel * Harkey, Benjamin Franklin
Brown, Madison Monroe * Edmondson, George Washington Harkey, Daniel Riley
* Brown, W. T. Edmondson, William Joseph Harkey, Mathias
Browning, Hoyett Lee * Edgerton, John W. & Lee * Harrell, Alfred Leon 
Broyles, George Edwards, Riley Jackson * Harrell, William Douglas
* Broyles, Robert W. Egger, Jesse Jackson * Harris, Charles Buchanan
Broyles, Thomas Jefferson Eiler, Joseph * Harris, George
* Burden, Nathaniel * Ellis, Henry W. & Mahala Creed * Harris, Doctor Lorner B.
Burke, J. Harrison * Ellis, James Robert * Harris, William Rogers
* Burleson, Leigh * Ellis, Joe H. & Lucille Whisenant Haverty, Amanda Volumnia
Burnham, Don * Ellis, John Sloan * Hayes, Francis Caroline "Dollie"
Bush, John T. * Ellis, William Henry * Hayes, Parks & Mary E. Cook
Elmore, Mrs. "Turkey Woman" * Hayes, William L. & Margaret Ann Couch
* Epperson, James E.  Hays, Elbert
Estep, Alfred Harve Hays, Gretta Ethel
Estep, Elijah


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