Photo Submitted by Perry Robertson
2nd Rockwall County Court House
The decision to build the a stone annex for courthouse records proved to be a premonition on the part of the county's officials, because the second courthouse burned on 27 Jan 1892.
Kaufman Sun - 28 Jan 1892
Temporarily the Lovejoy Block building, erected in 1885 and located on the town square, was made into a make-shift courthouse until the third courthouse was planned and built starting in the summer of 1892. The below newspaper article is dated July 28, 1892.
The following is from Dallas Morning News - 23 April 1893.
The first courthouse to be erected in the center of Rockwall's town square, the Third Courthouse was made from native sandstone and was sturdy except that the mortar used was an inferior grade and began deteriorating. By 1920 the upper stories of the courthouse were vacated and not usable, and by 1940 the County Commissioners decided it had to be replaced and the building was soon demolished.
Photo Courtesy Rockwall County Genealogical Society
Rockwall County's 3rd Court House
Below are Photos showing the Demolition of the 3rd Courthouse in 1941.
Demolition well underway
Demolition nearly completed - note the surrounding businesses on the square
In 1941 a new brick and stone courthouse was built in the same place. This building has been used more than 60 years.
 Rockwall's 4th County Courthouse - Photo circa 1950
How it looks today

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