Adams 44, 47
Amick 47, 49
Anderson 48
Andrews 43
Bailey 37
Baker 51
Barnett 45
Barrett 42,46
Biggs 34
Blake 40
Bowin 48
Bowles 45
Boyd 40
Boydstun 47, 49
Brinkley 39
Brisco 35, 42
Briscoe 34
Burrell 42
Bushong 37,38
Butler 41, 44, 47, 49
Carroll 38
Chandler 35
Chisholm 43
Chisum 35
Connor 36
Corder 46
Crittenden 37
Cummings 48
Darr 36, 50, 52
Davis 36, 42, 51
Davius 42
DeWees 39
Dragoo 51
Duncan 46
Dye 47
Eagan 38
Ellis 52
Faulkner 36
Findley 37
Fisher 50, 52
Fletcher 52
Gardenhire 38, 39, 44
Gass 43
Goff 48
Goss 50
Hanby 36
Hannah 43
Harris 44, 52
Harrison 46
Harvey 41
Hays 39
Heath 43
Heffington 48
Henry 49
Herrington 51
Hodges 43
Howard 34, 37, 46
Humphries 44
Jacks 47
Jackson 38
Jacobs 45
Jones 41, 51, 52
Kelly 34
Kyser 51
Lancaster 47, 48
Lee 46
Lovett 42, 52
Lovitt 45
Lucky 34
Malone 40
McClure 48
McCreary 45
McCurry 50
McQustin 38
MCReynolds 46
Miller 52
Morton 46
Naylor 39
Neal 47
Newman 37
Nugent 50
Olds 47
Orr 41
Payne 52
Phillips 40
Raines 42
Rains 42
Reynolds 49
Roads 50
Roberson 39
Rubles 41
Sayborn 41
Scott 45
Shaw 51, 52
Sheppard 46
Sherwood 39, 44, 45
Simmons 43, 44
Smith , 40
Spear 51
Starks 48
Stedner 52
Stone 50
Sullivan 47
Terrell 35
Thomas 36, 48
Thompson 37, 40, 44
Thornton 36
Tibbs 35
Truett 43
Truitt 42
Turner 41
Vance 41, 45, 47
Walton 35
Wells 49
Williams 45, 48
Williamson 43
Willson 34
Wood 37, 38, 40, 45
Yeary 51
Zacks 47
This site is part of the TXGenWeb project and maintained by Jeff Lowe.
Content of this site has
been gathered from many sources and transcribed records.
Therefore, errors may occur. When in doubt as to the accuracy of
data contained herein, go to the actual records yourself.
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only. All pages, compilations, transcriptions and abstracts
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