Red River County

Tyson Cemetery, 1877,"This
cemetery is located in the southwest quadrant of Red River County,
Texas. GPS COORDINATES: Datum WGS84: 33 Deg 24.535N, 95 Deg 17.719W.
This cemetery is on pine plantation land belonging to Alexander
Frick. As this is private land, please gain prior permission
before attempting to find these two burials. From McCrury Cemetery
take FM 196 west for 1.9 miles to a cattleguard on the south.
Take this private lane south for 2/10 miles and turn right for
another 4/10 miles southwest. The markers are about 50 feet off
the road on the left in heavy brush and briars and are leaning
against the base of a large cedar tree. The first burial is that
of Elizabeth Tyson who died in 1877. This cemetery was surveyed
by Lawrence and Sue Dale on 17 Dec 1999. There was a revisit
on 20 Jan 2003 to take the GPS Coordinates. It surprised me to
be able to find it again. We also did a re walk of the cemetery
on 23 Jan 2004 looking for more markers."