
Sep 1859","Gilliam","This cemetery is located
in the southeast quadrant of Red River County, Texas. GPS COORDINATES:
Datum WGS84: 33 Deg 33.107N, 94 Deg 51.763W. To reach this cemetery
go south from Annona on FM 44 for 4.1 miles to the intersection
with FM 1701, take FM 1701 east about 2 miles to its intersection
with CR 4405, turn left or south for 1.9 miles. The cemetery
is at the intersection with CR 4406 and is well marked. The earliest
land transaction we could find is for 1/2 acre of the D. McKinney
survey, the instrument being made on 1 Jun 1949 and filed for
record on 19 Aug 1948 in Book CH Vol 178 Page 522 from W. J.
Gilliam et vir to Gilliam Church of Christ. The oldest marked
grave is that of Thomas R. Peek who died on 1 Sep 1859. The cemetery
was surveyed by Lawrence and Sue Dale on 6 Jan 1999. We visited
the site again on 27 Dec 2003 and took the GPS readings. We also
did a re-walk of the cemetery adding new burials and noting marker