
Theme: "Bridges from the Past"
1860-70: First Middlebrookses arrived and settled in Woodruff County.
1870-80: Middlebrookses spread to Ashley, Grant, and Johnson Counties.
1880-84 Middlebrookses moved to Hempstead County.
- Meet your cousins and learn about your family heritage.
- Share your family history and photos.
- Ask questions about other family lines.
- Join in two family history presentations and field trips.
Hosted by: Middlebrooks Family Association Inc.
The association was founded in 2001 to preserve Middlebrook/e/s family history for future generations. Association projects include: family register updating, cemetery and military participation documentation, archiving family photos, DNA research, and helping others with family history.
The association was founded in 2001 to preserve Middlebrook/e/s family history for future generations. Association projects include: family register updating, cemetery and military participation documentation, archiving family photos, DNA research, and helping others with family history.
Information: Henry Middlebrook Email: henrym@bga.com
Address: 4921 Colonial Drive
Nacogdoches, TX 75965
Phone: 936-564-7742 (home)
936-554-1424 (cell)