Historical Marker Number: 11509

Marker Title: Rainbow Bridge
(click on photo for a larger view)

Index Entry: Rainbow Bridge
City: Bridge City
County: Orange
Year Marker Erected: 1990
Marker Location: West side of Neches River Bridge on SH 87 E., 3 mi. S of Bridge City

Marker Text:

The rapid growth of the petrochemical industry in Orange and Jefferson counties in the early 20th century led to increased population in this area. In order to serve the transportation needs of workers and others in this vicinity, the Dryden ferry was established in 1926. It soon proved inadequate for the volume of traffic, however, and plans began for the construction of a bridge to span the Neches River. Jefferson County, the State of Texas, and the Federal government (through the Public Works Administration) all provided funding for the bridge's construction. While the citizens of Orange County also supported the project, the county's economic situation did not permit monetary assistance. Construction of the bridge began in 1936, and was not completed until over two years later. Measuring 176 feet in height and 7760 feet in length, it was the largest bridge ever built by the State of Texas up to that time. Dedication ceremonies were held on Sept. 8, 1938, attracting a crowd of approximately 20,000. Among the activities were a boat regatta on the river and a stunt diver's plunge from the top of the bridge into the water below. The structure was officially named "Rainbow Bridge" in a 1957 contest.


The information on Historical Markers is from The Texas Historical Sites Atlas
Photos by Elaine Stone

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