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  County Seat: City of Nacogdoches -- "The Oldest Town in Texas"
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Biographies of Nacogdoches County, Texas Residents


(History and records contributed by Evelyn Owens)
Copyright © 2003, Evelyn Owens, All Rights Reserved.

See also bio of James Claibourne Norris. and bio of John Samuel Norris.

Nathaniel Norris was the son of Edmund & Sarah H. Norris. Nathaniel was also Susannah Norris Gaines' brother, (brother-in-law of James Gaines) brother of Alcade Samuel Norris, Thomas Norris, John Norris and the brother of Maria Juliana Norris Quirk Porrier. Nathaniel was born abt. 1789 in St. Mary, MD. He married Jane (Juana) Poirer about 1817 in Natchitoches, LA. He was known also as "Natty ".

He built a home in Nacogdoches. He was a devoted Catholic. He was known as being obedient to the faith, loving and trust worthy. His home was used as the third Catholic Church or Mission in Nacogdoches. February 01, 1822 Nathaniel, Juana, and their three children and Nathaniel's brother John Norris took a solemn oath of to be faithful to their faith.

He served as a Lt. in the Civic Co. of Nacogdoches in 1829. 1838 Nathaniel served as a member of the Cordova Rebellion.

Children of Nathaniel & Juana were: Maria Pelaguia Norris, Clare Norris, Jose Augustine Norris, and Nathaniel Felicianno Norris. Later Nathaniel and his family moved to the Red River area in LA.

Sources for Nathaniel Norris Records:
Census Nacogdoches Co.
1809 , 1828, 1830 , 1831 , 1832, 1833, 1834
Tax List
December 13, 1829
Unfinished business
Vehlien's Colony = October 20, 1834
Mexican Land Grant
September 01, 1835 = 10 Leagues of Land
Contract of Marriage
February 14, 1825
Will of Maria Juliana Norris
1828, 1829, 1830, 1832

Contract of marriage of the daughter of Nathaniel Norris and the son of Pedro Roblo ---- February 14, 1825      64       13
Third Seal. Two reals. For the years of 1834, 1835 .
     In the town of Nacogdoches on the 14th day of the month of February of the year, 1835, before me, citizen John Mora, Judge of the first instance of this said town, and the two assisting witnesses who are informed as the law provides, there appeared in my court the citizens, Pedro Roblo, and Nathaniel Norris both accompanied by their legitimate wives, and the first, with his wife; both spoke, that according to the accustomed style, they were making known as fathers of the family, to Nathaniel Norris and his wife, that he found that his son Parmunceno Roblo wanted to marry his daughter Maria Pelaguia Norris; this having been made known; the fathers accepted the request of the suitors, both fathers agreed, with their wives, according to the request, with the exact will of the son and daughter who have already cited, that with the presence of this document, that, to the effect is understood before me, the expressed Judge, this might be verified in marriage, the fathers obliging themselves one and the other, as their wives, to verify it in the form that our religion provides; such then as is presented in this town, a Parish of our dioceses; for which the agreement is submitted to all authorities of the state and particularly those of this town, for all that is displayed in this document, they preform and execute them (the agreements) with this contact for whose end and faith of which, the aforesaid fathers signed this document and their wives, some with their signatures and the others with a sign of the cross because they do not know how to write; the foresaid son and daughter were advised, and they ought to appreciate it through marriage: they are in precise obligation of preforming with all the agreed in this contract, in the concept, that if one fails the agreement in this contract, wanting to retract, shall have to suffer the pain of paying the amount of eight hundred dollars (pesos) in number, and afterwards he shall be _____ [hesefido ?] to the agreement of his contract; accordingly they have preformed the parts suitable with the opinions of both, which sum of dollars (pesos) might fall back in favor of the other part of the two married ones, who desires mercy on part that they may not be guility, and, for that, may be clear.
Third seal. Two reals. For the years, 1834, 1835.
They signed it before me, the aforesaid Judge and the two assisting witnesses, according to the above form; I give faith of all.

  John Mora
  Nathaniel Norris
  M. Priscilla Norris
Sign of the Cross of)
X)Assisting Witness
Pedro Roblo)Manuel de los Santos Coy
Parmucen Roblo)
Assisting Witness)
Vital Flores-------------------------

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