Nacogdoches Co. TX - PENSIONS - F.M. Parrott
Contributed by: Jon Peterson
Copyright 2003 All rights reserved.

F.M. Parrott #16139


For Use of Soldiers, Who are in Indigent Circumstances

County of. Nacogdoches

     I, __ F.M. PARROTT____-, do hereby make application to the Commissioner of Pen-sions for a pension to be granted me under the Act passed by the Thirty-first Legislature of the State of Texas, and approved March 26, A. D. 1909, on the following grounds:
     I enlisted and served in the military service of the Confederate States during the war between the States of the United States, and that I did not desert the Confederate service, but during said war I was loyal and true to my duty, and never at any time voluntarily abandoned my post of duty in the said service: that I was honorably discharged or surrendered in May 1865, on account of the close of the war.

(Give date and cause.)

that I have been a boua fide citizen of this State since prior to .January 1,A. D. 1880, and have been continuously since a citizen of the State of Texas. I do further state that I do not hold any national, State, city or county office which pays me in salary or fees one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, nor have I am income from any other employment or other source whatever which amounts to one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, nor do I receive from any source whatever money or other means of support amounting in value to the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, nor do I own in my own right, nor does any one hold in trust for my benefit or use, nor does my wife own, nor does any one hold in trust for my wife, estate or property. Either real, personal. or mixed, either in fee or for life, of the assessed value of over one thousand dollars: nor do I receive any aid or pension from any other State, or from the United States, or from any other source, and that I am not an inmate of the Confederate Home. and I do further state that the answers given to the following questions are true:
1. What is your age?. 69 years to Jan. 12, 1909
2. Where were you born: in Tenn.
3. How long have you resided in Texas ? 61 years.
4. In what county do you reside? Nacogdoches
5. How long have you resided in said County and what is your Postoffice address? 57 years P.O. Garrison, Texas, R.F.D. 2
6. Have you applied for a pension under the Confederate pension law and been rejected? I if rejected, state when and where. No
7. What is your occupation, if able to engage in one? Farming
8. In what State was the command in which you served organized? Texas
9. How long did you serve? Give, if possible, the date of enlistment and discharge: 3 years. Enlisted Feb 10,1862. Discharged May 1865.
10. What was the letter of your company, number or name of battalion, regiment or battery? Co. G 34th Texas cavalry.?..
11. If transferred from one command to another, give time of transfer, name of command and time of service: I first enlisted in Co K 19th Tex Cavalry, but received my discharge there from on account of failure of health in the summer of 1862, U then re-enlisted in Co g 34th Tex Cav. and remained therein until close of War.
12. What branch of the service did you enlist in—infantry; cavalry, artillery or navy? Cavalry..
13. If commissioned by the President, what was your rank and line of duty?
14. If detailed for special service, under the law of conscription, what was the nature of your service and how long did you serve.
15. Have you transferred to others any property of any kind for the purpose of becoming a beneficiary under this law? No
Wherefore your petitioner prays that his appliciation be approved and such other proceedings be had in the premised as are required by law.
     (Signature of Applicant) F.M. Parrott
Seal          F.P. Marshall
County Judge Nacogdoches County, Texas

(Note.—There must be at least two credible witnesses.)
County of Nacogdoches }
     Before me F.P. Marshall,County Judge of Nacogdoches County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared F.J. Humphreys and F.H. Hamrick, who are personally known to me to be credible citizens who, being by me duly sworn, on oath state that they personally know F.M. Parrott the named applicant for a pension, and that they personally know that the said F.M. Parrott has been a bona fide resident of the State of Texas since prior to January 1, A.D. 1880, and that they have no interest in this claim.
         (Signature of Witness) F.J. Humphreys
         (Signature of Witness) F.W. Hamrick
     Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 16th day of August, A.D. 1909
         F.P. Marshall
     (Seal)      County Judge Nacogdoches County, Texas

     (If possible, the two witnesses should have served with the applicant in the army, and, if so, let them, or either, state it in their source of knowledge; also any information regarding applicant's army service.)
County of Nacogdoches }
     Before me F. P. Marshall, County Judge of Nacogdoches County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared J.K. Hodges and John R. Hobbs who are personally known to me to be credible citizens, who, being by me sworn, on an oath state that they are personally aquainted with the applicant, and that the foregoing applcant, and that the facts set forth and statements made in his application are correct and true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and that they have no interest in this claim, and said applicant's habits are good and free from dishonor. And they further make oath to the following facts touching the applicant's service to the Confederate Army: The said F.M. Parrott enlisted in Co G 34th Texas Cavalry in 1862, and served faithfully in said Co. and regiment until the close of the war. We know the above facts to be true because we served in the same co. and regiment with the said F.M. Parrott.
(Signature of Witness)J.K. Hodges
(Signature of Witness)John R. X His Mark Hobbs
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 24th day of August A.D. 1909
         F.P. Marshall
     (seal)      County Judge Nacogdoches County, Texas.


     I, A.Y. DONEGAN State and County Assessor in the County of Nacogdoches State of Texas, do certify the F.M. Parrott or his wife, or his trustee, or trustee for his wife, whose name is signed to the foregoing application for a pension, under the Act of the Thirty-first Legislature, approved march 26, A.D. 1909. is charged on the land and personal property rolls of said county with estate, real, personal and mixed, at the assessed value of $710.00 dollars.\

Given under my hand, this 20th day of August, A.D. 1909
A.Y. Donegan
State and County Assessor

March 3/18

Commissioner of Pensions,
Austin, Texas.

Dear Sir:
     F.M. Parrott is and old confederate veteran pensioner whose Pension Number is #16139 , departed this life several weeks ago, in Nacogdoches County several weeks ago, his wife lives now in this county, and she wants to get a mortuary claim for $50.00 in. And I ask that you will kindly send me at once the proper and necessary blanks for mortuary claims. I am his son and my mother who is the surviving widow of the deceased wants to collect this death claim. Please send me the necessary BLANKS at once.

         Yours truly,
         Athens, Texas, R. R. #7

The following is a transcription of the Writing that Judge McDonald added to the above letter: I join in the above application for the Blanks and feel that this poor widow of Confederate Soldier is entitled to the claim.
J.A. McDonald
County Judge

     10739 "NOT PAID"

Appleby, Texas      December 4, 1918

To the Pension Bord in reffence to the widow of F.M. Parrott they have been separated for the last 12 years she refused to keep house for him he was good to her to my nolledg lived close to them he gave her half of the property and went away from him I don't think She deserves a pention as his wife she resides in Henderson Co at one of his Nephews She is takin steps to get a pension.
         J.K. Hodges
         As a veteran and old friend

16139, Nacogdoches Is for all "See Above" If dead, something wrong

December 11th, 1918
Mr. J.K. Hodges
Appleby, Texas
Dear Sir- Replying to your letter of the 4th inst, I wish to thank you for the information and I will appreciate very much if you will give me the date of his death and the name of the party with whom he was living at the time of his death.

         Yours very truly Copy
Commissioner of Pensions

Commissioner of Pensions
16139, Nacogdoches In for Oct.
Appleby, December 20, 1918

Yours at hand Mr F.M. Parrott died on the 10 of November 1918 and his home was with his nephew about 4 miles of Appleby and had made that his home for several years but visited off some.

As ever, J.K. Hodges
PS at William Stanall his nephew

DEAD 10739 16139
         Athen, Tex Jan 30 1919

Mr. H.B. Terrell
     State Comptroller
         Austin, Tex
Kind Friend I want you to pleas send me a blank form for me to have filled- out so I can draw a burrel fund on my Father. Francis Marion Parrott. File No. 16139 he died Nov 10, 1918 pleas send the blank to my Brother address thus. W.A.L. Parrott
     R.F. #2 Garrison, Tex.

My address is R.L. Parrott Athens, Tex R#7
Note: 8 BLANKS SENT 2-1-19

             Feb. 6, 1919

Mr. W.W. Stanalan
Rt 4, Garrison, Texas

Dear Sir:
     Replying to your favor relative to your claim for mortuary warrant, account of the death of pensioner F.M. Parrott.

     The records of this Department show that Warrant No* 10730 was issued in favor of M. Parrott for quarter ending Nov. 30, 1918, and since Mr. Parrott died during the quarter for which such warrant was issued, it is necessary that the warrant be returned to this Department before mortuary warrant can be issued, as the law now requires. If the warrant has been lost, or for any reason cannot be found, it will be necessary to file a bond covering such warrant before the mortuary can be issued.

     Blank bond is enclosed, and on receipt of same properly executed, giving two good sureties as the law requires, a mortuary warrant will be issued and mailed you without delay.

         Yours very truly,

Garrison, Texas

MR. H.B. Terrell, Comptroller
Der sir I have yours of receipt dated Feb.6-19 and inquire of Warrant 10739 not issued in favor of FM Parrott he was ill and on this day of March his son RL Parrott came to my home where FM Parrott had maid his home for 6 years and he died the 10 day of November and I ask RL Parrott about the Pension and he said that the papers were filled and send back from them and that the warrant would come back there there and had my name about it. You can find out by riting RL Parrott, Athens Texas R 7. He never sent me the any word about what he done with the warrant the expense has been on me and I would like to have the check for the berrial.
Very truly, W.M. Stanaland, Garrison Tex R 4
Feb. 6, 1919

Mr. W.M. Stanaland,
Rt, Box 81,
Garrison, Texas.

Dear Sir:

     Replying to your favor relative to the mortuary claim account of the death of pensioner F.M. Parrott.

     Your attention is directed to letter addressed you by this Department Feb. 6th. The pension warrant for quarter ending Nov. 30, 1918, of duplicate warrant before the mortuary warrant will at once be issued and mailed to your address.

     Blank bond was sent you in previous letter, but another is enclosed for your use. Pllease execute same in proper form , giving two good sureties as the law requires, and forward to this department.
         Yours very truly,

        J.B. Terrell

Athens, Tex          March 30, 1919

Hon. H.B. Terrell
Austin, Tex

Kind friend (find enclosed and application for mortuary warrant I am entitled to draw this burrel fund the Doctor dident sighn this for me because he had sighned one for another man who was trying to undermined me and get this fund unleagle, for I have setted for my Fathers burrel expence and my County Judge filld out the enclosed Blank for me and he advised me to return the warrant of daite December 1, 1918 that reached me twenty days after the death of my father whitch I am returning and I ask you to pleas issue me a Certificate for the amount of $30.00 if you will. I understand that WM. Standalon is the man that sent up this claim ahead of me by the help of som other parties, but I paid all of the expense and want to abide by law and justice to all so if you cant issue this to me without this Doctor's signature am sorrie for they are pulling against me to get my rights pleas reply soon. Respectfully
RL Parrott
Athens, Tex
RFD #7


STATE OF TEXAS }      I WM Standalon,
County of Nacogdoches }

Do hereby certify that I am the person to whom is entrusted the paying of the accounts and indebtedness of the late F.M. Parrott, who was a pensioner of the State of Texas, and whose file number was 16139 and whose original county was Nacogdoches.
     The said pensioner F.M. Parrott died on the 10th day of Nov, 1918, in the town of Rural f Garrison, Tex, County of Nacogdoches, Texas.      The pensioner died in the home of WM. Stanalon, who was related to the pensioner as Nephew.
     That the warrant, which application is hereby made for, shall be applied to paying all or part of the funeral expenses incurred by the said pensioner Mr. F.M. PARROTT.
     I further certify that the pensioner, in the best of my knowledge and belief, has not cashed the warrant for the current quarter.
     I am related to the pensioner as (Friend) Nephew and that my home is in the town of Garrison RFD 4 County of Nacogdoches, State of Texas, that my Post office address is Garrison Rural Route four Box 31,Texas.
Signed WM. Stanalon
Before me J.R. Frederick and J.P. Exofficio Notara Public in and for the County of Nacogdoches, State of Texas, personally appeared W.M. Stanalon, who being my me duly sworn did certify to, and sign the foregoing statement.
(Seal of Office}          J.R. Frederick JP Exofficio Notara Public
         in and for Nacogdoches County, State of Texas


I , do certify that I am undertaker in the town of , County of Rusk, State of Texas, that I had charge of the body of Mr. F.M. PARROTT, who died in the town of Garrison, County of Nacogdoches, State of Texas, on the day of .That said body was prepared for burial by me on the day of , and that I am of the opinion that warrant herein applied for should be issued to the said who makes the foregoing application.

     I G.E.Samuels, do certify that I am a practicing physician, and that I attended Mr. F.M. PARROTT in his last illness, and am of the opinion that his aliments were Pneumonia.
     I further certify that I am of the opinion that the Mortuary Warrant above requested in the name of the aforementioned applicant, in accordance with Act passed by the Thirty-fifth 6Legislature and approved March 3, 1917.

SIGNED G.E. Samuels M.D.
Physician's Address: Appleby, Texas



In accordance with Law passed by Thirty-fifth Legislature of Texas in Regular Session
Nacogdoches County, Texas, Dec 30th 1918


         To: W.M. STANALAN Dr.


Account of Death of Pensioner No. 16139, County: Nacogdoches Pensioner's Name in Full: F.M. Parrott


Itemized add
Burial Expense $16.55
Dr. Bill 15.00

DIED 11/10/18

To above account for Thirty-one Dollars and fifty-five $31.55

         W.M. Stanalon
     Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of Dec 1918
         J.R. Frederick JP Ex Officio
     Notary Public for Nacogdoches County, Texas

             July 25, 1919

Mrs. Laura C. Reid
Delhi, Texas

Dear Madam:

     Your application for a Mortuary warrant has been received, but you have failed to properly fill out either of the banks returned to this Department. You have failed to itemize the account of funeral expenses on the small form and you have also failed to furnish the cetificiate of your undertaker in the Large form.

     Pleade fill out those forms and return to this Department, at your earliest convenience, when you will be issued a warrant for Thirty Dollars.

         Yours very truly

Mr. R. L. Parrott,
Athens, Texas
Route 7:

Dear Sir:
     Your application for a mortuary warrant, on account of the death of F.M. Parrott, a Confederate pensioner, cannot be approved because of your failure to fill out one of the forms sent you.

     I am enclosing a duplicate of the missing form, and on receipt of same properly executed , a warrant for Thirty Dollars will be issued in your favor.          Yours very truly,


STATE OF TEXAS }      I R.L. Parrott
County of Henderson }

Do hereby certify that I am the person to whom is entrusted the paying of the accounts and indebtedness of the late Francis Marion Parrott, who was a pensioner of the State of Texas, and whose file number was 16139 and whose original county was Nacogdoches.
     The said pensioner Francis M. Parrott died on the 10th day of November, 1918, in the town of near Appleby, Tex, County of Nacogdoches, Texas.
     The pensioner died in the home of WM. Stanalon, who was related to the pensioner as Nephew.
     That the warrant, which application is hereby made for, shall be applied to paying all or part of the funeral expenses incurred by the said pensioner Mr. F.M. PARROTT.
     I further certify that the pensioner, in the best of my knowledge and belief, has not cashed the warrant for the current quarter.
     I am related to the pensioner as (Friend) Son and that my home is in the town of out from Athens, County of Henderson, State of Texas, that my Post office address is Athens,Texas R.F.D. #7.
         Signed R.L. Parrott
Before me Janice Dawcreed, Co. Judge in and for the County of Henderson, State of Texas, personally appeared R.L.Parrott, who being my me duly sworn did certify to, and sign the foregoing statement.
(Seal of Office}      Janice Dawcreed
         in and for Henderson County, State of Texas

I R.L. Parrott , do certify that that I had charge of the body of Mr. F.M. PARROTT, who died in the town of Mayotown, County of Nacogdoches, State of Texas, on the 10th day of Nov., 1918. That said body was prepared for burial by me on the 12th day of Nov. That said body was buried in the Walnut Grove Cemetery, which is located in the county of Nacogdoches, State of Texas, and that I am of the opinion that warrant herein applied for should be issued to the said R.L. Parrott who makes the foregoing application.


     I G.E.Samuels, do certify that I am a practicing physician, and that I attended Mr. F.M. PARROTT in his last illness, and am of the opinion that his aliments were Pneumonia.
     I further certify that I am of the opinion that the Mortuary Warrant above requested in the name of the aforementioned applicant, in accordance with Act passed by the Thirty-fifth 6Legislature and approved March 3, 1917.

SIGNED G.E. Samuels M.D.
Physician's Address: Appleby, Texas



In accordance with Law passed by Thirty-fifth Legislature of Texas in Regular Session
Athens, Texas, Nov 1919

         To: R.L. PARROTT Dr.


Account of Death of Pensioner No. 16139, County: Nacogdoches Pensioner's Name in Full: F.M. Parrott


Itemized add
Burial Expense Coffin $30.00
( I, in fact paid $52.00 for coffin,and
66.60 for burial purposes)

To above account for Thirty dollars. Is just, due and unpaid.

         R.L. Parrot
     Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of Dec 1918
         J.T. McDONALD
Co Judge for Henderson,County, Texas

3 June, 1944

Please reply refer to : SPQYH 293
         Parrott, Marion

Comptroller of Public Accounts:
State of Texas
Austin, Texas


     This office is in receipt of an application for a Government marker for the grave of the late Marian Parrott. It is said that the decedent and his widow received the Confederate Pension, and the decedent died on 10 November 1918.

     If you have any record of the military service of this deceased veteran, a transcript of such service will be appreciated.

     For the Quartermaster General:
         Very truly yours,
         M.A. beyers
         Major, Q.M. Corps


             June 7, 1944

Parrott, Marian

The Quartermaster General
War Department
Washington, D.C.


Replying to your letter of June 3, the records show F.M. Parrott, also borne as Francis Marion Parrott, drew a Confederate Pension from the State of Texas under Pension File No. 16139, Nacogdoches County, until his death on November 10, 1918.

F.M. Parrott was a private in Company K, 19th Texas Cavalry, Confederate States Army. He enlisted March, 1862 and served until May, 1865. He claims to have transferred to Company G, 34th Texas Cavalry, C.S.A.

The application was approved on the affidavit of witnesses and a report from the Adjutant General, War Department, Washington, D.C.

         Yours very truly
         George H. Shepherd
         Comptroller of Public Accounts

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