The Coats Cemetery is located on private property north of the
road leading east from Pleasant Hill community (get a guide).
The transcript was made August 2004 by Charles Brightwell.
The name list was originally
transcribed in the 1970s; this electronic list was made in July
2003 by Leandra Denmark who entered the names of buried persons
from Nacogdoches County Cemetery Records, Volume V (collected
by Joel Barham Burk) compiled and edited by Carolyn Reeves
Ericson. Permission was received to provide the names on this
list. The dates and additional information in the book are not
posted on this page. See the
bibliography for information on locating or ordering a copy
of the book.
Every effort has been made to make an
accurate transcription. If you have additional information or
photos of any of these persons or if you believe there is an
error in the transcript please email TXGenWeb Nacogdoches County
Coordinator with the information but please DO NOT send images
or attachments without an exchange of email first. Unexpected
email with attachments will not be opened due to the threat of
viruses and worms.
This web page is an alphabetized list of the persons buried at
Brister Cemetery.
A text version of this list is available in the Nacogdoches
County, Texas section of the USGenWeb Project Archives at http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tx/nacogdoches/cemetery/indexes.txt
. Use your browser find or search feature to locate the
names in the text file after clicking on the link and loading
the file into your browser. |
List from Mrs. Ericson's cemetery book |
A. J. |
Bessie |
Frank |
infant children |
infant daughter |
Sarah L. Vardeman |
Dora Bell |
Ethel |
infant daughter |
infant son |
Sam |
2004 transcript by Charles Brightwell |
A.J. Coats Sarah L Coats
Born: August 16, 1841 Born: April 21 1853
Died: March 03, 1903 Died: August 14, 1904
“There are no partings in Heaven”
Infant daughter of
Mr. & Mrs. O.L. Coats
Born: Feb. 07, 1915
Died: Feb. 16, 1915
Confederate Marker: Field Stone and Marble foot marker
Andrew J. Coats No personal vitals given
Co “B” 8th Reg’t TEX Inf.
Aug. 16, 1846
Mar. 03, 1901
Several apparent burials marked by field
stones. Grounds appear to be attended and cleaned regularly. No
overgrowth. Fenced area approximate 75’ X 100’ |


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