Marion County TX

Webb Cemetery

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FINLEY, Olivia Wakefield King Feb. 22, 1805 Mar. 20, 1869
Harris, Ephriam Ross Jul. 26, 1833 Sep. 24, 1874
HARRIS, Ross May 22, 1867 Sep. 7, 1870
Nuckols, Mary S Jemison Jan. 4, 1803 Jun. 4, 1877
Taylor, Annie Harris Feb. 6, 1898 Jan. 20, 2007
Taylor, Lemnuel unknown Mar., 2001
Thompson, Lee A. unknown Jul. 18, 2001
Weatherall, Cornelia Sep. 2, 1819 May 13, 1894
Weatherall, Fannie Jul. 5, 1841 Nov. 21, 1884
WEATHERALL, Joseph S. D. Mar. 3, 1813 Oct. 26, 1883
WEBB, Charles Henry Jul. 12, 1808 Aug. 20, 1879
WEBB, Mary Jane Britton Dec. 24, 1819 Sep. 30, 1866
Young, David Mason Mar. 20, 1808 Jul. 5, 1854
Young, Martha J May 22 unknown
Young, Nancy unknown Mar., 1853
Young, Samuel unknown Mar. 27, 1852


Please note that as hard as we try, we are human. Sometimes we miss a grave here and there. If you know of an interment that is not listed here, unmarked graves, cemetery history, have added information for an interment, or have a gravesite picture you would like to see added, please contact the county coordinatr. Our goal is to put as much information online as is possible.



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