Marion County TX

Ray Cemetery

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Coordinates: 32.85640, -94.21750

Barnett, Reece Cephas Oct. 12, 1878 Sep. 3, 1955
Black, Will 1882 Feb. 13, 1942
Blake, Mattie A Aug. 14, 1887 Oct. 25, 1947
Davis, Fannie Mar. 10, 1873 Dec. 25, 1954
Davis, Harry May 30, 1898 Feb. 2, 1954
Figures, George 1884 Sep. 21, 1944
Figures, Mary Gray Apr. 7, 1887 Jun. 15, 1973
Figures, Rebecca 1897 May 10, 1912
Figures, Tommie Lee Sep. 2, 1919 Oct. 9, 1965
Figures, Tommy Jesse Jan. 22, 1950 Aug. 11, 2012
Figures, Will H May 5, 1916 Jan. 5, 1958
Figures, Willie 1901 Oct. 27, 1960
Masdy, Ada Norville Nov. 3, 1872 Feb. 17, 1948
McAllister, Infant Sep. 13, 1947 Sep. 14, 1947
McAllister, Marvin Charles Sep. 13, 1947 Sep. 14, 1947
Miller, Luella S Carr Oct. 5, 1888 Mar. 22, 1949
Poster, Bishop 1895 Dec. 4, 1956
Russell, Colonel Lewis Apr. 11, 1946 Nov. 27, 1947
Smith, Deabry Delois Aug. 10, 1954 May 12, 1956
Thomas, Nancy Barnett Jun. 18, 1875 Aug. 23, 1959
Toliver, Rev William M Aug. 10, 1870 Mar. 9, 1952
Webb, Carol D. Sep. 2, 1953 Sep. 2, 1953


Please note that as hard as we try, we are human. Sometimes we miss a grave here and there. If you know of an interment that is not listed here, unmarked graves, cemetery history, have added information for an interment, or have a gravesite picture you would like to see added, please contact the county coordinator. Our goal is to put as much information online as is possible.



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