Marion County TX


Lockett Cemetery



Lockett Cemetery Historical Marker:

Royal and Martha (Smith) Lockett came to Texas from Georgia between 1856 and 1858 with their eleven surviving children and the family's slaves. Seven of  their eight living sons served in the Conferderate Army.  The earliest marked  grave on this site is that of Walter R McGarity (1853-1862), son of James H and Marie
Antoinette (Lockett) McGarity and a grandson of Royal and Martha Lockett.  Six generations of Lockett descendants are interred here.  According to family oral history, a Union soldier who died on the Lockett Plantation also is buried in the graveyard. Of the more than 45 interred here by 1999, two were Veterans of the Conferderate Army and three were Veterans of World War II.  The Lockett Cemetery continues as a chronicle of Marion County history.

Thanks to Marylee Watson Knight for the following information & thanks also to Mrs. Pauline Lockett and her daughter Miss Beatrice Lockett, who were most helpful by giving Marylee so much information. Marylee says:   Several years ago I did a lot of interviewing re the Union soldier buried at Lockett Cemetery.  Here's the story that emerged:

The Union soldier had fought in the Battle of Mansfield (LA), but deserted his unit and set out to walk home.  Accounts vary as to whether he had been wounded in the battle or whether he was ill with some disease.  At any rate as the soldier pressed northward he lapsed into unconsciousness on the side of the road, not far from the Lockett Plantation.  When word of the soldier reached Dr. Lockett, he sent his slaves to fetch the unconscious soldier back to the plantation.  Despite the opinions of his neighbors, Dr. Lockett gave the soldier the best of care.   However, a few weeks later the soldier died.  Dr. Lockett was determined to bury the soldier in the family cemetery, but, bowing to family pressure, buried him just outside the fence.  The last time the cemetery fence was replaced, it was agreed to extend the fence to include this lone grave.

At the same time I was also digging for information as to why a scout for Kit Carson was buried here.  As it turns out he married into the Lockett clan, so there is no mystery to that one.

Thanks to Bill Sweeney  for the information in gold.

Name Birth Death Notes
Dreesen, Dr J. J. B. Feb. 3, 1867 Mar. 14, 1942  
Dreesen, Dr W. L. B. Dec. 27, 1868 Sep. 8, 1918  
Dreesen, William Jesse Dec. 21, 1916 Aug. 15, 1987 H/o Phyllis A; Sgt US Army WW II 
Holley, Bobbie Lockett Oct. 9, 1919 Nov. 15, 1994 W/o Gordon Russell Holley
Holley, Gordon Russell Dec. 9, 1912 Apr. 12, 1984 H/o Bobbie Lockett Holley; S2 US Navy WW II
Holley, James Randall Jun. 25, 1968 Nov. 23, 1985
Lockett, Albert Apr. 17, 1869 Aug. 25, 1873 S/o T N & Laura Lockett
Lockett, Ethel Berman Jun. 11, 1920 Sep. 30, 1983 W/p Quentin R Lockett
Lockett, Eunice Beatrice May. 20, 1874 Jun. 28, 1876 Dau of J O & M A Lockett
Lockett, Henry Pelham Jul. 10, 1870 Apr. 2, 1872 S/o H C & Rebecca Lockett
Lockett, Infant Apr. 12, 1873 Apr. 29, 1873 S/o T N & Laura Lockett Age 17 days
Lockett, James Henry Jun. 26, 1879 Jul. 19, 1881 S/o  J M & Ellen Lockett
Lockett, James Marvin Mar. 15, 1872 Jul. 14, 1873 S/o  J O & M A Lockett
Lockett, Julia F. Mar. 5, 1835 Jul. 1, 1866  W/o Royal F Lockett
Lockett, Kelly T. May. 1, 1956 Nov. 7, 1995 S/o  Paul & Jo Lockett
Lockett, Laura Dec. 9, 1846 Apr. 15, 1873
Lockett, Martha A. Smith Nov. 29, 1804 Feb. 22, 1868 W/o Royal Lockett
Lockett, Mary A. Mar. 2, 1843 Apr. 26, 1929  
Lockett, Minnie Edna Mar. 14, 1873 Aug. 10, 1875 D/o H C & Rebecca Lockett
Lockett, Norma Jul. 22, 1876 Nov. 13, 1877 D/o   J O & M A Lockett
Lockett, Quentin R. Jun. 20, 1911 Jul. 17, 1987 H/o Ethel Berman
Lockett, Royal Mar. 5, 1794 Aug. 27, 1871 H/o  Martha A Smith
Royal and Martha came to Texas from Georgia with their surviving 11 children in the mid 1800's
Lockett, Royal A.  Jan. 23, 1879 Mar. 1, 1914  
Lockett, Royal F. Nov. 25, 1827 Dec. 26, 1865 H/o Julia F       S/o Royal & Martha Smith Lockett 
Lockett, Royal Miles Apr. 18, 1865 Nov. 17, 1881 S/o  J M & Ellen Lockett
Lockett, William A.  Aug. 19, 1833 Feb. 22, 1916  
Lockett, William Alonzo Oct. 21, 1881 Jan. 1, 1973  
Lowther, R. J. May. 19, 1837 Jan. 1, 1929 Scout for Kit Carson for 12 years (inscribed on headstone) 
McAlexander, Sarah Ward 1829 1881  
McAlexander, Thomas 1823 1879  
McGarity, Hervey Apr. 7, 1865 Feb. 28, 1868 S/o  James Hervey & M A McGarity
McGarity, James Hervey 1814 Sep. 6, 1873 Age 59 years; h/o Marie Antoinette Lockett (buried Oakwood Cemetery); f/o Albertha Pauline McGarity (buried Oakwood Cemetery)
McGarity, Jimmie A. Jan. 2, 1874 Nov. 17, 1877 D/o James Hervey & M A McGarity
McGarity, Pouncey H. Sep. 21, 1860 Sep. 29, 1888 S/o   James Hervey & M A McGarity
McGarity, Walter R. Oct. 9, 1858 Jan. 2, 1862 S/o  James Hervey & M A McGarity
Northen, Capers Feb. 7, 1855 Jul. 4, 1866   
Pierce, Claud Lockett Dec. 4, 1877 Dec. 4, 1902  
Soldier, Unknown Union unknown 1865
Walker, Elsie Nov. 12, 1889 Jul. 28, 1892 D/o   Jno. E & Della Walker
Ward, John Jan. 18, 1794 Jul. 3, 1872  


Read by Maribeth Buce   November 2001 & March 2002.

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