
ORMES, Mary Elizabeth (Bettie)
Bettie Ormes family left Alabama in 1854 on a wagon train. She was the oldest child, and only daughter. Her dad, Jeremiah Brisco ORME didn't live to complete the journey west.  Widow Naoma ORMES and her children spent a couple of years in Mississippi, before continuing on to Texas c.1856.  They settled  in Marion county at first. Tragedy struck again, and Bettie's step-father died. The family was probably still in mouring when Eli McCoy, a young man from Virginia, arrived in Texas.   Noama and the children were in Harrison County  by the time Eli and Mary Elizabeth (Bettie) married.   Eli had a homestead, was a skilled blacksmith and horsetrainer, and was marrying the lady he loved. In normal times, they could have looked forward to seasons together planting and harvesting, and raising children.But 1862 was not normal times. Men were already marching off to war when they married. They had three short months together before he enlisted in the Confederate Army.   She was pregnant with Eli Jr. when he left. It is doubtful that Eli ever saw the baby. He died in the Confederate Hospital in Little Rock a few days after their first anniversary.

(Taken from Texas Legacy, courtesy of  Jimmie F Chatham).

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