Beeville Weekly Picayune
July 23, 1896
Bee and Live Oak County |
The singing people met at Mineral City on Saturday, June 7th, for the purpose of organizing a singing convention. The meeting was called to order by Prof. J.C. Spears, who stated the object of same. He was followed by an address from Prof. J.F. Cannon of Bonham, Texas, who assisted in the organization of the convention.
Officers were elected as follows: G.S. Cook, president; Prof. J.M. Johnson, vice president; Prof. R.W. Gibbons, chaplain; Prof. W.S. Gardner, secretary, Miss Zoe Clemons, assistant secretary.
Mineral City was selected as the place for holding the first meeting and Saturday, July 18th, the day set for folding same.
There being no further business the convention adjourned.
As per previous appointment the convention met at Mineral City on July 18th.
There not being many members present, an adjournment was taken until in the afternoon, when the convention was called to order by the president with a few appropriate and timely remarks.
After some singing by the convention and talks by different members, a committee of three was selected to draw up by laws and constitution for the convention. Those chosen for that purpose were Profs. J.T. Harris, J.I. Williams and S.H. Wright. The committee, after drawing up constitution and by laws, reported same to the convention, which report was adopted.
A motion carried to call the convention the Bee an Live Oak County Singing Convention.
The best part of the time was taken up by songs and talks from members of the convention and a delightful time was enjoyed by all present.