Boy Boy2

Grooms 1913


If you have any additions or corrections please email ME

Date Groom Bride Vol Pg
04/20/1913 Adams, A.M. Cobb, Mary I F 151
10/30/1913 Adkisson, J.D. Rogers, Camelia F 183
09/25/1913 Allee, Carrell Waldrip, Mary F 177
12/29/1913 Allen, Otie Lewis, Mollie F 199
05/03/1913 Anderson, George Houston, Leotho F 146
08/23/1913 Anderson, Luleon Williams, Lula F 168
12/30/1913 Anderson, John Taylor, Effie F 207
04/13/1913 Attaway, D.J. Dennis, Lena F 146
06/01/1913 Billips, Thomas Mathis, Cherry F 157
11/06/1913 Bilderback, E.E. Shaw, Pearl F 181
09/20/1913 Betts, Jaron West, Rosie F 176
12/23/1913 Bottoms, Elvin Martin, Vada F 197
01/22/1913 Brittain, B. Snow, Annie F 123
03/08/1913 Bryant, Jonsle Campbell, Bobbie F 143
07/06/1913 Bryan, Clyde Smith, Berta F 164
02/06/1913 Brooks, Willie Lawrence, Ella F 148
01/25/1913 Brown, Columbus Thomas, Maggie F 142
04/20/1913 Brown, Verney Cooper, Estelle F 152
07/16/1913 Burleson, Roy Lynum, Lizzie F 160
01/31/1913 Canto, Mat Adkin, Harry F 136
02/04/1913 Carrington, H.L. Moore, Irma Brantley F 127
02/22/1913 Carson, Hayman West, Effie F 139
03/12/1913 Carroll, W.C. Russell, Pinkie F 158
None Given Carr, Columbus Cooper, Hannah F 156
07/26/1913 Cartledge, J.T. Cartledge, Carrie F 166
12/21/1913 Carrigan, B.H. Bain, Lizzie F 204
12/25/1913 Cary, John Henry Young, Hulda F 202
07/01/1913 Christian, W.J. Perrymon, Molenda F 159
04/21/1913 Clark, John Kelly, Mary Jane F 153
0716/1913 Coats, Louis Care Oliver, Josephene Teressa F 162
11/26/1913 Collins, Irwin Starr, Ruby F 196
06/22/1913 Cox, Elmer Hyden, Lois F 157
05/01/1913 Craig, Sherman Green, Inez F 147
07/05/1913 Craig, Herbert Selman, Arena F 161
04/19/1913 Culp, Maynard V. Rowls, Gracie F 156
07/27/1913 Daughtery, Roy Reynolds, Mattie F 166
11/06/1913 Dawkins, Frank Glover, Lottie F 192
11/26/1913 Dawkins, Ike Kelly, Bertha F 184
02/17/1913 Dickey, Joe Starr, Eula F 137
01/28/1913 Dyess, Jack Mullinax, Ethel F 131
11/25/1913 Dunn, Sessum A. Lowry, Lula F 191
08/11/1913 Davis, A. Jr. Harrison, Francis F 169
12/25/1913 Key, Paul Joseph * McCaskill, Fannie Lou    
02/2/1913 McCaskill, Daniel * Tilley, Sallie    

* Key and McCaskill information submitted by Lillian Beasley, Feb 20, 2008