Walter Joshua Crawford

Walter J. Crawford, lawyer, son of J. S. and Lou (Eddins) Crawford, was born in Mount Vernon, Texas, on February 25, 1873. He moved to Austin as a child and graduated from the University of Texas in 1894. He received his law degree three years later, then moved to Beaumont and established a successful law practice. Among his partners was Stuart R. Smith.qv Crawford married Cora Shults in 1901, and they had two children. Although never a candidate for public office, Crawford became an active booster of both Beaumont and the Democratic party. As a civic leader he served as director of the local chamber of commerce and of the Gulf National Bank of Beaumont. He was also a Mason and a Methodist. As a major stockholder of the Beaumont Enterprise,qv Crawford convinced his friend William P. Hobbyqv to leave a position with the Houston Postqv to become editor, manager, and half-owner of the paper in 1907. Crawford also served as Hobby's campaign manager during his successful race for lieutenant governor in 1914 and gave the nominating speech before Hobby's second term two years later. He died in Jefferson County of a stroke on February 19, 1924.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Frank W. Johnson, A History of Texas and Texans (5 vols., ed. E. C. Barker and E. W. Winkler [Chicago and New York: American Historical Society, 1914; rpt. 1916]).

Robert Wooster

Handbook of Texas Online, s.v. "," (accessed March 3, 2008).

(NOTE: "s.v." stands for sub verbo, "under the word.")

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