ENNON SCHOOL Ennon School was established in the central part of the county March 3, 1883, about six miles east of Grapeland near the Davis Cemetery on the road to Augusta (FM 227). The school's history after the mid-1880's is not known.
FRANKLIN SCHOOL An early school in the eastern part of the county was the Franklin School, located 21 miles northeast of Crockett near SH-21. A courthouse record shows that on July 21, 1883, Isabella A. Taylor sold one and three-quarters acre plot to the school for $5. John Pugh of Weches recalled that the school was no longer in operation when he moved to Weches in 1889 as a child. The school site was identifiable and at a later date he found a school hand bell there.
COOPER SCHOOL Another school whose only record is a land transaction in the courthouse is that for the Cooper School. On Feb. 10, 1883, F.P. Mallet donated land for this school at a location about five miles west of Crockett on SH-21.
HAGERVILLE SCHOOL The Hagerville School, in the Hagerville Community, located about five miles southeast of Kennard, had its beginning in a one-room Enon Baptist Church. This was destroyed in a forest fire in 1890. A two-story school was built around 1900 on land donated by W.A. "Bill" Hager, the third son of James Murphy and Naoma Hager. The school continued until it merged with Kennard in 1936.