5c to $1.00 Store |
Ramey Auto Supply
Carter Ramey |
Irene's Beauty Shop |
Grocery & market |
Crockett Cotton Oil Co. |
Goolsby Drug Co. |
Bennett's Food Store |
Vogue |
First National Bank |
Ritz & Texas Theatres |
Davy Crockett Federal Savings & Loan |
King Motor Company
Chevrolet Dealers |
Crockett State Bank |
United Gas Corp. |
W.G. Gentry
County Tax Assessor & Colledtor |
O.K. Grocery & Market
Lacy Hooks, Mgr. |
Perry Bros., Inc |
Thompson's Dry Goods |
McLean's Grocy & Market |
Jno. A. Long
County School Superintendent |
T.D. Craddock's Service Station -
Gulf Station |
Jimmie's Food Store |
Hotel Barber Shop |
Compliments of
Edd Buller |
A.B. Rush & Son Grocery |
Hervey Lumber Co. |
Texaco Gas
R.L. Allee - Agent |
W.M. McConnell
Sheriff |
John Bear's Garage |
Brazil's Food Store |
Royal Cafe |
City Drug Co.
W.D. Julian, Owner |
Cattleman Cafe |
W.H. Sanders Dry Goods |
Miller & Berry Men's Store |
Houston County Mutual Life Ins. Co. |
Knox Furniture Store |
Mrs. Albertine von Doenhoff |
Walden's Dairy |
C.W. Moore |
"Big B&L"
Baughman & Lansford |
Perdues Jewelry |
Jim Covington |
Bayne's Paint & Glass |
Morrow's Food Market |
Terry Van Pelt Drugs |
Crockett Truck & Implement Co. |
Style-Mart Closthes
Rush Taylor & Clifford Kennedy |
L.L. Murray
Dodge & Plymouth |
John L. Dean Grocery & Market |
Cook's Cream Parlor
J.W. Cook, Owner |
George Straughan
Chamber of Commerce |
John Hazlett Grocery |
B.L. Satterwhite
Wholesale Grocery |
Sherrod & Parker
Shoe Shop - Gun Repair |
K. Wolen's
Dry Goods |
J.G. Beasley Insurance Company |
M.L. Berry |
Smith Murchison Hardware Co. |
Cash Hardware
J. Smith Murchison |
Ferguson Men's Shop |
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. |
White Tire Co. |
Leroy Moore |
Crockett Hotel & Coffee Shop |
E.C. "Shorty" Morrow |
Sullivan Motor Co. |
Travis Moore Electric Shop |
Hollingsworth's Garage |
Caprielian Brothers
E.K. Caprielian - Owner |
Trube's Feed Store |
Arledge Tailor Shop |
Lela Downes Shop |
C.W. Jones
Real Estate |
Bennie Ellis
General Insurance |
H.A. Lemay
Gulf Oil Products |
Syd's Beauty Shop |
Crockett's New Store
E.T. Ozier, Mgr. |
Keeland Bros. & Co.
Hardware & Farm Supplies |