Crockett Courier, April 1, 1926 Lee Patterson Dead Lee Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Patterson, died Monday at the Baptist sanitarium in Houston. Funeral services were held at the home of his parents in Crockett Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Interment followed in Glenwood cemetery. The deceased was a young man and leaves a wife and children. He was born, reared and educated in Crockett, and had spent the most of his life here. Besides the wife and children, he leaves the parents and a number of brothers and sisters here and elsewhere in Texas and Louisiana. The Courier extends sympathies to the bereaved relatives in their loss. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. A. Lehmberg, the Methodist pastor. Crockett Courier, April 8, 1926 Sincere Thanks We want to extend to our friends and acquaintances our sincerest thanKS for the kindness and sympathy shown us on the death of Lee in this the darkest hour of our lives, and especially to Messrs. Waller and Green for the beautiful arrangements made at the cemetery by them. W and Mrs. W Patterson, His wife, Brothers and Sisters. Watson Patterson Mr. Watson Patterson , long-time citizen of Crockett and Houston County, died at the family home in north Crockett Thursday afternoon. Funeral services were held at the residence at 3 o’clock Friday afternoon, with religious services by Rev. J. L. Spears, pastor of the Tenney Memorial Presbyterian church. Interment followed in Glenwood Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were in charge of T. J. Waller, local undertaker. Active pallbearers were G. H. Henderson, W. P. Bishop, Harvey Douglass, M. Younas, Frank Leediker, Leo Knox, Vernon Sanders and Will Wilson. Born at Raymond, Miss., on August 29, 1859, Mr. Patterson was 71 years old. He came to Houston county about 50 years ago, and had made his home in Crockett approximately 40 years. A salesman for years, he made the acquaintance of many people of this city and county, and was possessed of the friendship of all who knew him, Mr. Patterson was a member of the Methodist church. He was a good citizen and a kind and loving father. His passing is deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. The deceased leaves the wife and five children, several grandchildren and other relatives. Two sons are W.E. Patterson of Houston and Ernest Patterson of Crockett. Three daughters are Mrs, L A. Parker of Shreveport, La., Mrs. G. W. Hayslip and Mrs. W. H. Sanders of Crockett. Crockett Courier, Jan. 8,1931 Mrs. W. Patterson Passes to Reward Mrs. T. A. Patterson native of the Lone Pine community and lifelong resident of Houston county, passed away at her late residence in Crockett Tuesday night, February 5, after an illness of about three weeks. Funeral services were held at the Waller Funeral Home at 3 o’clock on Wednesday afternoon, with religious services by Rev. Leo Lemons, pastor of the First Methodist church. Interment followed in Crockett cemetery. Mrs. Patterson, widow of the late Watson Patterson, was 87 years old. She leaves a son, Ernest P. Patterson of Crockett; three daughters, Mrs. L. P. Parker, of Shreveport, La.; Mrs. George Hayslip of Simenton and Mrs. W. H. Sanders of Crockett; a sister, Mrs. L. L. Byers of Benton, Ark.; grandchildren and other relatives. The deceased was a lifelong member of the Methodist church. Her passing is a source of deep regret to her many friends here and elsewhere. |