Judge S. M. Thompson, aged 80 years, died Friday afternoon and was
buried Sunday afternoon in the City Cemetery. He was born in North
Alabama in the year 1813, and came to Texas when quite a young man. He
was County Judge of this county for four years.
W.D. CONNOR - May 1894
W.D. Connor, one of the oldest citizens, died on Sunday. Deceased
was a veteran of the War for Texas Independence.
E.A. GAUSE - Oct 1893
The community was very much surprised to learn of the death of E.A.
Gause on Monday morning. Mr. Gause was a a native of Alabama and
moved to Texas in 1860. He was engaged in education, and for quite
a number of years was President of Chappel Hill Female College in
Washington County. Thence he moved to Houston County where he was
similarly engaged. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and
a mason. His remains were laid to rest under the auspices of the
Masonic Order.
C.E. ROMAIN - Sep 1893
C.E. Romain died about 5'oclock a.m. on Monday. He was on the
streets Saturday greeting friends and attending to business. Mr.
Romain was a Canadian by birth. He came to Crockett soon after the
war. He was filling his second term as Justice of the Peace and
was making a most excellent one.
He was a member of the Methodist Church. He married Mrs. Bella
Lewis about fifteen years ago from which union two bright, interesting
children were born.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist Church which was packed.
His remains were interred Monday afternoon, the stores closing and a
large crowd following them to the cemetery.
We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Eugene Cooke on Saturday.
She will be remembered here, her native county, as Eugene Hail, sister
to Bud Hail and Mrs. LeMay. Deceased resided in Granbury, TX.
Miss Virginia L. Nations came to Texas from Mississippi about the first
of May on a visit to her sisters Mrs. John A. McConnell and Mrs. Alvis
Ellis. She became indisposed about the 18th of July and grew
better for a few days. Then a turn was taken for the worse which
terminated fatally on the 27th. Her remains were interred in city
cemetery on 28th July. A large number of friends and acquaintances
of the deceased and deceased's relatives attending.
Thomas E. Wagner died on Sunday morning at the home of his
father-in-law, J.C. Miller. Deceased has been at home but a few
days, having come from Mexico where he had been at work in various
capacities for the last eight years. He leaves a wife and one
DR. J.N. GOOLSBEE - Jul 1893
Dr. J.N. Goolsbee died Tuesday evening at his house. Dr. Goolsbee
leaves a large and interesting family who will receive the sympathies of
the entire city. He was buried Wednesday morning, the Knights of
Honor, of which he was a member taking charge.
H.G. McConnell, in a letter from Haskell, dated June 23, to his brother,
John A. McConnell says:
Captain. J.C. English died here last Monday at 2 o'clock p.m. and was
buried the next day at 2:30 p.m. I had for a number of years
regarded him as one of my best friends and I regret his death very much.
No man ever came to this country who was more deservedly popular with
those who knew him than Captain English.
J.C. English was a native of Houston County, and a son of Captain George
English. He was born about 1840 and until 1883 his entire life had
been spent in this county. He was twice married, his first wife
being Sarah, daughter of Dr. J.H. Stuart. After her death he
married Miss Emma Day of Austin. He left Houston County in 1883
and went with his family to Austin where he engaged in business.
He sought a higher and drier climate in his move to Haskell, the present
home of his family.
His life in Houston County was not an uneventful one. Crockett
English was known by nearly every citizen of the county and there were
very few, if any, who didn't esteem and love the man for his noble,
generous traits of character. In reconstruction days he was
prominently and fully identified with the struggles of the Democrats to
throttle the carpet-bag rule in the state. He was elected to the
legislature from this county in those days, but was peremptorily fired
out by the carpet-bag element which was then supreme in all branches of
the government. After the overthrow of the E.J. Davis regime, and
the adoption of a new constitution he was elected District Clerk of
Houston County and served in that capacity until 1883.
JOHN C. FIFER - Jul 1893
John C. Fifer died at the home of his brother, Forest, on Sunday
afternoon about about 7 o'clock. Deceased had been in bad health
for a year. He was from Tennessee and worked for years as a
compositor on the Memphis Daily Appeal. He came to Texas about
eighteen months ago. His remains, accompanied by his brother, J.B.
Fifer, were taken to Memphis for interment. Deceased was a nephew
of Colonel Gallaway, at one time editor and proprietor of the Memphis
EVA J. RODGERS - May 1893
The angel of death has carried away a jewel from our home. Mrs.
Eva J. Rodgers, daughter of W.J. and M.H. Harkins was born near Coltharp,
Houston Co., TX, August 5, 1870; was married to Mr. W.T. Rodgers, June
5, 1892, and quietly passed away at her father's residence at Tadmore,
April 23, 1893. She was buried at Old Zion by the side of her
infant that was buried there a few days before her death.
MARTHA WALL - May 1893
A mother in Israel has fallen. Died at the home of her son, John
C. Wall, in Houston Co., TX the 11th day of April, 1893. Sister
Martha Wall, aged 78 years. She was the wife of Elder S.F. Wall,
who died a little over a year ago. She was the daughter of
Jonathan Walton and was born in Clark Co., AL. She joined the
church in Neshota Co., MS in 1840. Her husband was one of the
pioneer missionary Baptist preachers of East Texas. She leaves
several children and quite a large number of grandchildren to mourn her
Sam Houston Rice died in Houston County on the fourth of March, 1893.
He was the son of Clinton A. and Jane Rice and was born in the same
county in July 1847.
He married Mrs. Josephine Hatton, a sister of Wyatt N. Lane, in Rusk,
Cherokee County, on the 29th day of December 1871.
Shortly after his marriage he spent four years on the coast country of
this state and then an equal length of time in Williamson County.
He united with the Cedar Point Presbyterian Church on the first of
October 1892. The writer knew Mr. Rice intimately and can frankly
say of him he was a "diamond in the rough."
Reverend J.J. Miller, an eminent Lutheran divine died on the 6th of
April, 1893, aged 74 years. Dr. Miller was born in New Yrok State
in 1819 year New York City. He was for several years a pastor of
Lutheran churches in Ohio and Mississippi and six years ago came to
Texas on account of failing health. The old gentleman occupied a
warm place in the hearts of our people and his place will be hard to
On Sunday night last, Colonel Stewart A. Miller, the oldest citizen of
the county, and one of its most substantial and widely known, died at
his home in this city (Crockett). Deceased was born in Campbell
County, VA, in 1805, and came to Texas in 1839. He engaged in
business here until 1851. He then went on a visit to his old home
and while there was married to Miss Rebecca F. Whitten of Bedford
County, Virginia, his present wife.
On returning to Texas he studied law under a lawyer by the name of Carr
and soon admitted to practice.
Deceased was in the Mexican War as well as the numerous Indian wars in
which citizens of Texas at that early period were almost constantly
engaged. He also joined what is known in Texas History as the
Santa Fe Expedition and bore a conspicuous part in that fruitless
Previous to the late war he represented the districts of which Houston
County was a member in both the Representative and Senate Halls at
Austin, where he took an active part in the legislation of the state.
He twice fille dthe position of County Judge of Houston County.
He was a man of stern and rugged honesty of thought and deed and the
exalted standard by which in his own individual case he measured the
relations of man to man commanded the admiration and applause of those
near him. Few men there be who have counted off as many milestones
as he who can point to the fact that he has "Hewn" to the line of duty
with inexorable exactness and fidelity.
Since 1839 he has been a citizen of this county. A generation, as
the term goes, has come and gone since he cast his lot in the county.
There are none now living of whom we know that were here when Stewart
Alexander Miller came to Texas fifty-five years ago.
His remains, which were taken charge of by the Masonic Fraternity, of
which he had been a consistent and devoted member, were interred at the
family residence on Tuesday last. The number of people present was
an eloquent testimonial of the high esteem in which he was held.
W.A. DAVIS - Feb 1893
JUDGE W.A. DAVIS died at the home of his father in Crockett on Friday
morning last. His remains were interred at the City Cemetery.
The stores all closed as a mark of respect for the deceased. Judge
Davis was a public official for ten years. His administration of
the affairs of the County was a highly credible one. He leaves two
bright sweet little girls who will be cared for by Colonel Davis, and
Our little city was pained to learn on Monday morning that Mrs. Berkley
Ellis had suddenly died on Sunday night. The news was a shock for
no one suspected her of being ill.
Mrs. Ellis was about forty years of age and the mother of several
children. The funeral services at the Methodist Church on Tuesday
were largely attended by friends of the family.
JOHN WHITE - Sep 1892
In the death of John White, Houston County loses one of its oldest and
most respected citizens. He was seventy odd years of age and had
been a citizen of the county for forty years or more.
The entire community was shocked on Tuesday when it was learned that
Miss Sallie Arrington was not expected to live. Her life ended
fatally on Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock. It can hardly be
realized that one who only a few days ago seemed to be in the flower of
good health and lovely womanhood should so soon pass away.
Miss Sallie Arrington was a young lady of who any family or community
should be proud. She chose teaching as her life calling, and but a
short while since had been re-elected for the fifth time as teacher of
the advanced classes in the city graded school. She leaves a host
of friends to mourn.
W.F. BREITLING - Jul 1892
Mr. W.F. Breitling, who has been dangerously ill for several days, died
on Wednesday night and his remains, we presume, will be interred on
Friday. The family to which deceased belonged came from Alabama to
Texas in 1870 and located on the Trinity River where the firm of A. & W.
F. Breitling engaged in a shipping business, afterwards moving to
Crockett. Deceased was highly esteemed by all who knew him as a
most excellent citizen, a devoted father and brother and a business man
of splendid qualifications.