Crockett Courier, February 22, 1901 Quietly Passed Away On Monday morning, February 18, at twenty minutes after ten, occurred the death of Mrs. Rebecca Francis Miller. She had been sick for quite a while, suffering from a stroke of paralysis. Her demise came not as a surprise, but was extensively mourned. This good woman numbered her friends not only among her neighbors, but wherever she was known they were to be found. She possessed a true Christian spirit and her heart always went out to those in need. She was a member of the Baptist church and was the wife of the lamented S. A. Miller, who was a prominent attorney of this section during his time. The funeral services were held at her late residence at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon and interment followed in the family cemetery. There are left living four daughters, Miss Amelia, Miss Lucy, Mrs. Chas. Shivers and Mrs. Herbert Wagner, who mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate mother. MILLER CEMETERY One mile from Cedar Point in eastern Houston Co. No access