MURDOCK McINTOSH BAKER Mr. M. M. Baker died at his home near Crockett last Tuesday night after a lingering illness of several week's duration. He was buried Wednesday afternoon in Glenwood Cemetery at Crockett. A long concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives accompanied the remains to the grave to pay their last tributes to the dead. Everything known to medical skill was done to restore health, but to no avail. To the bereaved family, numerous friends and relatives, we tender sincere sympathy. Source: Grapeland Messenger of 15 Feb 1906. ----------------------------------------------------- There has been no death in Houston County in recent years that has been more universally mourned than that of Mr. M. M. Baker. Always true to his friends, they clung to him with that devotion that lasts to the end. Much genuine sorrow has been expressed over his death. Such a true and sympathetic friend of mankind in general is seldom met with in these days of traitors for the sake of gain. May his ashes rest in peace is the prayer of hundreds in Houston County. Source: Houston County Courier of 15 Feb 1906.