1ST TEX. VOL. INF. REGT. - COMPANY I - CROCKETT SOUTHRONS Company was organized in Houston County, Texas, and mustered into Confederate service "for the war" at New Orleans, June 24, 1861 by Lt. John G. Deveroux, CSA. Key (1) Original memher of Company. (2) Paroled at Appomattox. K (Killed), W (Wounded), POW (Prisoner of War) AWOL (Absent Without Leave) LINK TO: Additional Information ORIGINAL OFFICERS (1) CURRIE, EDW. Capt. - Resgnd., Dec.20, 1861. (1) SHERIDAN, JACOB L. iLt. - Recruiting duty in Tex., Feb.-Apr., 1862: W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): Prom., Capt.: Relieved of command by court-martial, Summer, 1863: Cashiered. (1) WALL, WM. B. 2Lt. - Off. in charge of Regmtl. Store at Ashland, Va., Apr. & May, 1862: W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): Prom., iLt. (1) COTTON, RICH. W. 3Lt. - Elect., Capt.: W., Antietam (Sept. 17, 1862): Died of wound, Sept.31, 1862. ORIGINAL NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS (1) ENGLISH, CROCKETT lSgt. - Dischgd. from Service for chronic bronchitis, Oct.26, 1861. (1) FOSTER, JON. H. 2Sgt. - W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): K., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863). (1) WINGFIELD, JOHN 3Sgt. - Dischgd. for disability (chronic diarrhea), Oct.15, 1861. (1) WAGNON, CECIL 0. 4Sgt. - W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): Transfd. from Co. I to Co. M, 1st Tex. Inf. Regt., Feb.18, 1863. (1) HARRIS, MORTON V. lCpl. - Sick in Richmond hosp., Summer, 1862: Furlough granted, Jan., 1864: Deserted, Feb.17, 1864. (1) MONTGOMERY, ALEX. 2Cpl. - W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): Died of wound, July 14, 1862. (1) GATES, JOHN C. 3Cpl. - Sick in hosp., Spring & Summer, 1862 and Jan.-Aug., 1863: W., in Va., May 18, 1864: Hospitalized, Columbia, So. Car,., May 28, 1864: Paroled, Farmville, Va., Apr. 21, 1865. (1) HALE, DRURY 4Cpl. - K.., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862). OTHER OFFICERS WOOTTERS, JOHN H. Capt. - Orig. Pvt. in Co.: Elect., 3Lt., Spring, 1862: W., Antietam (Sept. 17, 1862): Elect., iLt., Summer, 1863: Elect., Capt., Fall, 1863: Recruiting duty in Tex., Aug., 1864. (2) ALDRICH, ALBERT A. iLt. - Orig. Pvt. in Co.: Prom., SSgt.: Recruiting duty in Tex., Feb.-Apr., 1862: W., Antietam (Sept. 17, 1862): Elect., 2Lt., July 28, 1863: W., Chickamauaga (Sept. 19, 1863): Elect., iLt.: Paroled, Appomattox (Apr.12, 1865). (2) BERRYMAN, NEWTON M. 2Lt. - Orig. Pvt. in Co.: Recruiting duty in Tex., Feb.-Apr., 1862: W., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862): Prom., 4Sgt., Sept. 20, 1863: Elect., 3Lt., March 15, 1864: W., Wilderness (May 6, 1864): Appt., 2Lt.: Paroled, Appomattox (Apr.12, 1865). ONES, HENRY N. - Orig. Pvt. in Co.: As a Pvt. cmded. Co. at Malvern Hill (July 1, 1862): W., Antietam (Sept. 17, 1862): Elect., Lt., Oct.23, 1862: K., Gettysburg (July 2, 1863). MUSICIANS (1)(2) BUSH, DAVID B. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar. 7, 1862: Recruiting duty in Tex., Feb.-Apr., 1862: W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): Prom., lSgt., March 1, 1863: W., Chickamauga (Sept. 19, 1863): Demoted to SSgt.: Paroled, Appomattox (Apr.12, 1865). (1) HALLMARK, RICHARD M. - Died of typhoid fever in a Richmond hosp., June 21, 1862. PRIVATES ALDRICH, ALBERT A. - See list of "Other Officers" above. (1)(2) ALDRICH, COLLIN Q. - See roster, "Regmtl. Hdqtrs., 1st Tex. Inf." (1) ALLEN, WM. J. Eni. at New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: Died of typhoid fever, Sept.20, 1861. (1) ANDREWS, ELISHA B. - W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): Detailed as hosp. nurse, Nov., 1862: Detailed as a nurse in hosp. at Greenville, Tenn., Apr., 1864: POW, Apr. 4, 1865 at Appomattox River: Paroled, June 14, 1865. BALLENGER, H. - Recruited in Va., Sept. 5, 1861: Hospitalized, Spring, 1863: No other record. BATY, THOS. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar. 7, 1862: Died of pneumonia, at Danville, Va., July 1, 1862: Left personal effects of $28.30 cash, one pocket book, one pr. pants, one shirt, one pr. drawers, one pr. shoes and one vest. (1) BECKHAM, FRANKLIN A. - Dischgd. from service for disability (rheumatism), Oct.26, 1861. (1) BECKHAM, WM. J. - Dischgd. for disability (chronic bronchitis), Oct. 24, 1861. BERRYMAN, H. WATTERS - Recruited at Alto, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: W., (twice), at Wilderness (May 6, 1864): W., (twice), Darbytown Rd., Oct. 7, 1864. (1) BERRYMAN, NEWTON M. - See list of "Other Officers" above. BLACKMAN, ROBT. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar.10, 1862: Died in Richmond hosp., June 20, 1862. BOONE, TOM A. Recruited at Alto, Tex., Mar. 22, 1862: W., Antietam (Sept. 17, 1862): POW, Bunker Hill, Va., July 20, 1863: POW, Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863): Died in Alto, Tex., from TB. contracted during war. (1) BOX, FELIX W. - Detailed to Pioneer Corps, May, 1862: K., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862). (1) BOX, JOHN P. - Eni. at New Orleans, Aug. 6, 1861: No other record. BOYKIN, OSBOURN H. - Recruited at New Orleans, La., Apr.21, 1862: K., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862). (1) BRADSTON, SAMUEL J. - Sick in Richmond hosp., Spring, 1862: Detailed as Regmtl. Wagon Master, Jan., 1864: W., Wilderness (May 6, 1864): Died of wound, May 30, 1864. (1) BRANDON, WM. M. - Dischgd. for disability (acute diarrhea), Dec.24, 1861. (1) BROWN, DANIEL W. - W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): W., Wilderness (May 6, 1864). (1) BROWN, JOHN - Dischgd. for disability (chronic diarrhea), Nov.15, 1861. BUSH, W. D. - EnI., Apr. 1, 1862 at Milam, Tex.: Sick most of 1862 and 1863: Retired from service, Jan.24, 1865. (1) CAIN, DANIEL S. - Sick in hosp., Winter, 1862-63 & Spring, 1863: Deserted, Aug.12, 1863. CALLDER, HARTWELL C. - Recruited at Alto, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Died near Richmond, June 7, 1862: Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va. (1) CARTER, JESSE M. - Died of measles, Sept.15, 1861. CHANCE, V. M. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr.10, 1862: Sick most of 1862 & 1863: Presumed dead, "Missing 12 months." COLLINS, MONROE P. - Transfd. into Co. I from Co. L, 1st Tex. Inf. Regt., Apr.19, 1862: Died at Leesburg, Va., Sept.27, 1862. (1) CONGLETON, ALLEN A. - K., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862). (1) COOK, THOS. J. - K., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862). (1) COOK, WM. R. - Eni. at New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: No other information. (1) CORLEY, JAS. M. - W., 2nd Manassas (Aug. 30, 1862): W., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863): Foot amputated. (1) CUMMINS, JUDGE Eni. at New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: Dischgd. for disability (chronic diarrhea), Nov.27, 1861. (1) DeLONG, JOHN - W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): W., Suffolk, Va. (Apr., 1863): Right leg amputated. (1) DENMAN, ALBERT H. - EnI., New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: Dischgd. for disability (bronchitis), Oct.26, 1861. DICKENSON, JOHN W. - Died of disease, Oct.22, 1861. DOUGHERTY, EDW. - Recruited, May 1, 1862 at Crockett, Tex.: Hospitalized in Richmond most of 1864. DOUGHERTY, WM. E. - EnI.; Richmond, Va., May 1, 1863: K., Wilderness (May 6, 1864). (2) DRAWHORN, J. M. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr.10, 1862: Prom., 3Cpl.: W., Chickamauga (Sept.20, 1863): Prom., lCpl.: Paroled, Appomattox (Apr.12, 1865). EASTER, W. C. - Recruited at Alto, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Died near Richmond, June 10, 1862. ELLISON, M. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr. 10, 1862: Died at Lynchburg, Va., Mar. 7, 1863. (1)(2) EMMONS, RUFUS F. - Prom., 3Sgt.: W., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863): Prom., 2Sgt.: Paroled, Appomattox (Apr.12, 1865). (1) ENGLISH, WM. R. - Dischgd. for disability (diarrhea, lung disease & measles), Oct.24, 1861. (1) FAULDS, ANDREW J. - Sick in hosp., Summer, 1862: CourtMartialed, Apr., 1863: Deserted in Tex., Nov.10, 1863. (1) FITTS, LEVI J. - W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): K., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862). (1) FITTS, WM. M. - Died of disease, Winter, 1861-62. (1) FOSTER, SAMUEL 0. - W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): W., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863): Died of wound, Oct.14, 1863. (1) GOMER, LEONIDAS B. - Eni. at New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: No other information. (1) GRIGSBY, DANIEL B. - Dischgd. for disability (lung disease), Oct. 26, 1861. HALL, C. W. - Recruited, May 1, 1862 at Crockett, Tex.: Dischgd., Sept.26, 1862, for chronic diarrhea. (1) HALL, JOHN J. - Prom., Sgt., Nov. 1, 1863: W., Wilderness (May 6, 1864): Died of wound, May 31, 1864. (1) HANKS, THOS. A. - W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): Deserted, Apr. 15, 1864. HARRELL, J. R. - Recruited in Milam, Tex., Apr. 1, 1862: Died in Richmond of pneumonia, June 26, 1862. (1)(2) HARRIS, JOHN - Detailed as a Brig. Teamster, Summer, 1862: POW, Williamsport, Md., Sept.15, 1862: Exchanged: W., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863): Paroled, Appomattox (Apr.12, 1865). (1) HARRIS, WM. - Regmtl. Mail Carrier, Nov., 1862: Brig. Mail Carrier, Jan., 1863: K., Wilderness (May 6, 1864). (1) HARRIS, WM. J. L. W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): Granted 60 day wound furlough, Jan.22, 1863. (1) HART, BENJ. G. - EnI., New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: No other information. HARWELL, JOHN S. - Recruited, May 1, 1862: W., Antietam (Sept. 17, 1862): Two fingers amputated: Died, Oct.14, 1862. (1) HOOKER, JESSE - EnI. at New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: No other information. (1) HOUSE, WILEY A. - K., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862). HOWARD, Z. M. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr.10, 1862: Died in Richmond, July 20, 1862 of tuberculosis. HUGHES, N. G. - Recruited at Alto, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Died, buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va., on Nov.12, 1862. (1) JARREL, WM. H. - Died of pneumonia, Apr.12, 1862. (1) JOHNSON, ROBT. Y. - Transfd. to 18th Va. Heavy Artillery Regt., Aug.31, 1863. (1) JONES, GEO. E. - Died of disease in Fredericksburg, Va., Apr. 8, 1862. (1) JONES, HENRY N. - See list of "Other Officers" above. JONES, S. J. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar. 22, 1862: Deserted, Feb. 4, 1864. JORDAN, T. J. - Recruited, May 1, 1862, at Crockett, Tex.: Died in hosp., Aug. 5, 1862, and was buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va., Aug.20, 1862. JORDAN, W. W. - Recruited, May 1, 1862: Died of disease in Richmond, June 15, 1862. (1) KYAL, GEO. W. - Dischgd. from service for hepatitis, Oct.26, 1861. LACY, SAMUEL - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Detailed as a hosp. nurse, Summer, 1862: AWOL in Tex., Jan., 1863. LONG, SIMON E. - Recruited at Crockett, Tex., May 1, 1862: Died in Petersburg, Va. of "aneurisma", May 27, 1863. LOONEY, JIM C. - Recruited at Alto, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Died of acute diarrhea, July 25, 1862. (1) LOVING, BENJ. F. - Died of tuberculosis, Oct.12, 1861. LOW, JESSE - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr. 10, 1862. Died in Richmond of "disease of chest", June 13, 1862. (1) LUCKETT, LEVEN W. - POW, Spotsylvania CH. (May 10, 1864). Confined at Camp Elmira, N.Y.: Paroled from Elmira, June 16, 1865. (1) MANN, GREEN P. - Sick in Richmond hosp. (bronchitis), Spring, 1862: Sick in Richmond hosp. (nephritis), Spring, 1863: W., Chickamauga (Sept.18, 1863): POW, Petersburg, Apr. 3, 1865: Paroled, June 14, 1865. (1) MANNING, LEWIS W. - K., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862). (1) MARTIN, JAS. - Dischgd. for chronic rheumatism, Oct.24, 1861. MASON, W. B. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar. 22, 1862: K., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863). McBEE, S. B. - Recruited at Alto, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Detailed as nurse at Chimborazo Hosp., Richmond, Fall, 1862: POW, Richmond, Apr. 3, 1865. (1)(2) McCALL, THOS. W. H. - Detailed to guard Tex. Depot Baggage, Fall, 1862: Present for duty entire war: Paroled, Appomattox (Apr. 12, 1865). McCARTY, JOHN - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr. 10, 1862: Deserted, June 15, 1862. (1) McCASKILL, NEILL E. - Dischgd. for disability (chronic diarrhea), Jan.31, 1862. (1) McCLURE, ZACHARIAH T. Died from chronic diarrhea, Oct. 2, 1861. (2) McLEAN, DANIEL W. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr.10, 1862: W., Malvern Hill (July 1, 1862): Paroled, Appomattox (Apr. 12, 1865). MILLER, A. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr. 10, 1862: Sick at Lynchburg, Va. most of 1862: POW, Gettysburg, July 5, 1863: Confined at Ft. Delaware: Paroled, June 9, 1865. (1) MITCHELL, RUSSELL C. ("Lawyer") - Grandfather of Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone With the Wind: Prom., lSgt.: W., Antietam (Sept. 17, 1862): Reduced to ranks for inefficiency, Feb. 28, 1863: Detailed as nurse in hosp. at Atlanta, Ga., Summer, 1863: Never returned to Cc. (1) MOFFEIT, SOLOMAN D. - Dischgd. for disability (hepatitis), Oct.22, 1861. (1) MONTGOMERY, ROBT. - W., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862). (1) MOORE, JAS. A. - Eni at 16: In Richmond hosp., Fall, 1862: Deserted, Sept.12, 1863. MOORE, J. T. - Recruited at Crockett, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Furlough granted, Jan. 8, 1864: Never returned to Co. (1) MORRIS, CHRISTOPHER C. - Prom., sSgt., July 28, 1863: K., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863). (2) MORRIS, F.M. - W., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862): W., Wilderness (May 6, 1864): Paroled, Appomattox (Apr.12, 1865). MORRIS, J. A. Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar. 22, 1862: W., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863). (1) MORRIS, WM. G. - K., Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862). (1) MURPHY, MORTIMER - K., Gettysburg (July 2, 1863). (1) NORFORD, JAS. W. F. - W., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863): Granted "wounded furlough", Feb.22, 1864. (1) NORFORD, JOHN S. - W., Gettysburg (July 2, 1863): W., Wilderness (May 6, 1864): Died of wound, May 15, 1864. (1) OLIPHANT, S. H. - W. & POW, Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862): Sent to Ft. McHenry, Md.: Exchanged: POW, Gettysburg (July 2, 1863): Confined at Ft. Delaware: Paroled, June 19, 1865. (1) OLIPHANT, WILFRED - W., Chickamauga (Sept. 20, 1863): W., Wilderness (May 6, 1864). (1) OLIVER, ELDRIDGE M. - Detailed as a Regmtl. Teamster, Spring, 1862: Deserted, Dec. 17, 1862: Captured & court martialed sentenced to work on Richmond defense fortifications: POW, Knoxville (Nov. 3, 1863): Confined at Camp Chase, Ohio: Paroled, May 23, 1865. PATRICK, H. C. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar. 22, 1862: W., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862): Right arm amputated. PAYNE, W. M. - Transfd. into Co. I, from 2nd Regt. Tex. Mtd. Rifles, A; Aug., 1862: K., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862). PRATT, H. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar. 22, 1862: On sick furlough to Tex., Sept., 1862: Never returned, "Dropped from rolls for protracted absence west of Miss. R.", Dec., 1863. PRITCHARD, W. P. - EnI., Aug. 9, 1861, at New Orleans: W., Wilderness (May 6, 1864): Retired to Invalid's Corps, Crockett, Tex., Dec.11, 1864. (1) PRITCHARD, WM. D. - Prom., 4Cpl.: W., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862): W., Spotsylvania CH., May 12, 1864. On wounded furlough to No. Car., Fall, 1864: Retired for disability, Feb.20, 1865. (1) RABORN, ALEX - Died of typhoid fever at Charlottesville, Va., Oct. 11, 1861. (1) REEVES, MALACHIAH - W., Antietam (Sept. 17, 1862): Prom., 4Sgt., Apr.15, 1864: Furlough to Ala., Spring, 1865: Paroled at Centerville, Ala., Apr., 1865. RENFRO, DAVID K. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., July 28, 1862: Sick in hosp., Spring, 1863: Prom., 3Sgt., Nov., 1863: Present for duty through Aug., 1864. (1) RENFRO, PETER F. - K., 2nd Manassas (Aug.30, 1862). (1) ROACH, BENJ. F. - Dischgd. for disability (diarrhea), Oct.26, 1861. RUDICIL, JOS. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar. 7, 1862: W., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862): K., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863). RUSSELL, FRANK M. - Recruited at Alto, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Sick, Summer, 1862 (rheumatism): Sick, Fall, 1862 (typhoid fever): Dischgd. from service (ulcerated leg), Apr.14, 1864. (1) RUSSELL, REUBAN R. Died (meningitis), Oct.20, 1861. (1) RUSSELL, THOS. B. - Dischgd. for disability, Oct.26, 1861. (1) SALTER, WM. Y. - Recruiting duty in Tex., Feb.-Apr., 1863: K., Chickamauga (Sept.19, 1863). (1) SAMFORD, THOS. P. - Recruiting duty in Tex., Feb.-Apr., 1862. (1) SCRUGGS, GEO. W. - Eni. at New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: No other record. (2) SCULLY, CHAS. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar.25, 1862: Sick (pneumonia), May, 1862: Paroled, Appomattox (Apr.12, 1865). SELMAN, B. T. - Recruited at Alto, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Died in Richmond, June 8, 1862, buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va. (1) SHAVER, GREEN D. - Eni. at New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: No other record. (1) SHEHANE, WM. R. - Dischgd. for disability (TB), Nov. 7, 1861. SHERIDAN, JOHN H. - Recruited in Tex., May 1, 1862: W., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862): POW, Sept.28, 1862: Confined at Ft. Monroe, Va., Dec.29, 1862: Paroled: Wound furlough, 90 days, Mar.15, 1863: Went to Tex., disabled, never rejnd. Co. SHERIDAN, L. E. - Recruited in Tex., May 1, 1862: Sick in Tex., June, 1862, never jnd. Co. in Va. (1) SMITH, WM. W. - Eni. at New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: No other record. SPLAWN, WM. - Sick furlough for 60 days granted Feb. 6, 1862: AWOL, since Apr.25, 1862: No other record. STEDMAN, JOHN - Recruited at Crockett, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Sick in Richmond hosp., Apr., 1862: No other record. (1) STUART, GEO. - Eni., New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: No other record. (1) THOMPSON, ROBT. W. - Sick in hosp., Charlottesville, Va., June-July, 1862: Sick in hosp., Richmond, July, 1863: Paroled, Montgomery, Ala., June 15, 1865. (1) TINDALL, ROBT. W. - Prom., 3Sgt., Mar., 1862: Died in Richmond, Va., June 12, 1862. (1) VAUGHN, THOS. M. - Died at Camp Quantica, Va. of measles, Sept. 18, 1861. WARE, ABRAM - Dischgd. for disability (hepatitis), Oct.26, 1861. WETHERRED, GEO. MARCUS - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr.10, 1862: W., Malvern Hill (July 1, 1862): W. & POW, Chickamauga (Sept.20, 1863): Died of wound. WEBSTER, GREEN M. Recruited at Alto, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Died in Winchester, Vat;Aug. 3, 1863. WHITE, H. J. - Recruited at Milarn, Tex., Mar.22, 1862: Sick in hosp., Summer, 1862: Died of pneumonia, Nov.13, 1862: Buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Nov.18, 1862. (1) WILLIAMS, FRANCIS M. - W., Malvern Hill (July 1, 1862): Granted sick leave: Listed as deserter, Jan. 3, 1863. (1) WILLIAMS, WILFRED W. - Dischgd. for disability (TB), Aug.16, 1862. (1) WILLIAMSON, ZACHARIAR M. - Dischgd. for disability (rheumatism), Feb., 1862. WOMACK, L. P. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr. 4, 1862: Sick or on furlough most of 1862 & 1863: Dropped from rolls "on account of protracted absence west of Miss. R.," Dec., 1863. (1) WOOD, ALFONZO S. - Eni., New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: No other record. (1) WOODS, JAS. G. - Eni., New Orleans, Aug. 9, 1861: No other record. WOOTTERS, JOHN H. See list of "Other Officers" above. WORFORD, J. S. - W., Wilderness (May 6, 1864). YARBOROUGH, C. F. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar.10, 1862: No other record. YATES, J. H. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Mar.10, 1862: No other record. YOUNGBLOOD, M. - Recruited at Milam, Tex., Apr.10, 1862: W., Antietam (Sept.17, 1862): Left arm amputated.
Houston County, TX - TXGenWeb Project Site Designed and Maintained by: Billie Nichols Bennett, Coordinator