Located at Pink Oaks Ranch, an area which he had developed and loved, Jim Grady Waller, descendant of pioneers, civic leader and longtime funeral director, was laid to eternal rest on April 11, 1986.
Waller was born Sept. 11, 1917. A WWII veteran, he was a member of Crockett City Council.
Pink Oaks Ranch, the J.G. Waller Family Estate, is 12 miles SE of Crockett on US-287 or 2 miles NW of Pennington on US-287.
WALLER James Grady "Jim"; b. 9-11-1917; d. 4-1-1986; WWII; s/o Grady Cooper Waller & Ioma Dunlap; h/o Lesal Virginia "Bobbie" Brandes
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