SAMUEL SNELL GRAVES - (Lovelady, Texas) Samuel A.; b: -; d: -; Co. K 10 Miss. Inf. CSA ---- Harrison; b: -; d: died circa 1908; w/ Samuel Snell -------; b: -; d: -;
s/o Samuel Snell
On the 1880 Pct. 1, Houston Co. census it shows: SNELL, Saml. A., age 47, b. NC, Justice of the Peace Mary C., 49, wife William C., 12, son Hugh M.C., 10, son, Dora I., 0, dau Everett A., 8, son Children all born in Mississippi |
Houston County, TX - TXGenWeb Project Site Designed and Maintained by: Billie Nichols Bennett, Coordinator