The cemetery is enclosed in a chain link fence and is in generally good condition. For some markers that are impossible to read, we have used information from a 1970 census of Dorothy Hawk.
There are 300 marked graves and a number of unmarked ones. Read by Margaret Muenker and Ella Frances Dodd in 1976. Updated in 1985 by Mrs. R. L. Murray
Michael; b: 1975; d: 1975
ARNOLD Hazel Fuller; b: 10-10-1914; d: 9-11-1985
AUSTIN Jessie Lee; b: 12-1-1909; d: 5-23-1973; Tex P.F.C. Army Air Force W.W. II Lillian Inez; b.3-20-1922; d.6-8-1989
BAGWELL Charlie; b: 9-5-1885; d: 1-10-1958 Mollie; b: 10-6-1880; d: -; Wife of Charlie Infant son; b: 1938; d: 1938 Jeanette; b: 1943; d: 1947 Elizabeth I.; b: 8· -1858; d: 4- -1923 Mary K; b: 1880; d: 1965 Agnes J.; b.4-1O-1903; d.7-4-199O
BLACK William Earl; B&D; 3-23-1939
BOWDOIN Clint Wilson; b:
12-3-1928; d: 4-10-1935; Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Flim N.; b: 3-10-1910; d: 3-16-1961 Belle; b: 7-10-1878; d: 1-18-1968 Mother Charles W.; b: 3-1-1870; d: 10-2-1948 Father Ora; b: 7-2-1872; d: 11-2-1940 J. P.; b: 9-29-1862;
d: 5-4-1927 Allie; b: 7-15-1880; d: 5-18-1905 Lyman; b: 4-5-1903; d: 8-1-1905; Our Darling Mattie; b: 4-28-1905; d: 11-17-1906; Our Darling J. E.; b: 3-27-1873; d: 12-8-1950 Horace; b: 11-17-1901; d: 3-10-1975 Rosa Lee; b: 3-12-1914; d: Chester; b: 6-26-1901; d: 9-6-1975 Pvt. U.S. Army W.W. II Grover William; b:
-; d: 8-23-1931; Tex. Pvt. 165 Depot Brig. Effie Faye;
b.4-5-1904; d.3-12-1993
BOWION Arthur L.; b: 1892; d: 1953 Eva Readmon; b: 10-14-1882; d: 8-10-1963 William; b: 7-13-1913; d: 12-2-1935
BREAZEALE Thomas A.; b: 3-9-1861; d: 5-5-1877 Abner; b: 5-16-1859; d: 10-29-1874 William C.; b: 10-27-1827; d: 1-9-1897 Robert; b: 1-8-1897; d: 7-3-1897 John H.; b: 11-17-1876; d: 10-10-1940 Charity E.; b:
6-30-1830; d: 8-31-1898; Wife of Wm. C.
John Thomas; b: 3-19-1872; d: 10-14-1953 Homer David; b: 10-20-1901; d: 11-17-1935 Stone marked A.M.C.; No Dates; 4 unmarked on this lot Annie A.; b: 1883; d: 1968 Emmett T.; b: 6-3-1896; d: 12-12-1972; Tex. Cpl. U.S. Army WW I Nettie Lou; b: 2-15-1900; d: 2-11-1979 Mrs. Waymon; b.3-24-1914; d. 1-5-1919
BRISTER S. B.; b: 10-10-1885; d: 11-30-1937 McCarty, Lafronia; b: 8-16-1885; d: 11-21-1966
BUFORD Illegible; b: -; d:
CASSIDY B. H.; b: 1841; d: 4-4-1908
CEARY Katie M.; b: 1840;
d: 1912; Wife of A. M.
CHRISTIAN John P.; b: 2-18-1856; d: 9-18-1940 Mrs. F. M.; b: 1872; d: 1953; F.H.M.
Ann L.; b: 1884; d:
1954; Two other graves on this lot. Thomas R.; b: 1-6-1861; d: 10-5-1947 L. D.; b: 1872; d:
1920 Edgar T.; b: 5-9-1891; d: 7-2-1977 Zoradoah E.; b: 2-24-1901; d: 2-1-1906 S ilas Q.; b: 2-25-1908; d: 11-10-1913 Martin A; b: 3-2-1889; d: 9-28-1915 Silas A; b: 1856; d: 1923 Mattie L.; b: 1870; d: 1944 Lanny Wayne; b: 1-6-1942; d: 9-1-1954; Sonny D. Clinton; b: 9-19-1897; d: 10-25-1965 Father Evie E.; b: 5-17-1897; d: -; Mother William H.; b: 1-29-1885; d: 6-2-1966 Minnie Mae; b:
8-11-1887; d: 9-5-1957; Wife of W. H. Mattie Sue; b: 6-20-1910; d: 8-3-1913 Nora; b: 9-6-1889;
d: 3-1-1891; Child of D. R & M. L. D. R; b: 8-28-1854; d: 5-29-1926 E. D.; b: 6-6-1891; d: 10-5-1933 William L.; b: 9-1-1884; d: 4-18-1972; Married 12-26-1907 Ettie Louise; b:
4-24-1888; d: 2-20-1976; Wife of William L. Nena W; b: 10-10-1894; d: 1-1-1984 Oneta; b: 6-22-1918; d: 4-16-1979 Edgar T.; b: 5-9-1891; d: 7-2-1977 Etta N.; b: 12-3-1894; d: 6-10-1980 Duglass; b: 3-28-1914; d: 1-3-1986 Geary R; b: 1889; d: 1947 Geary W.; b: 1-21-1915; d: 4-6-1962 W. A.; b: 12-21-1822; d: 12-15-1894 M. A; b: 6-4-1833; d: 8-6-1894; Wife of W. A Coral; b: 12-17-1882; d: 11-21-1892; Daughter of E. R & S. A M. E.; b: 5-20-1867;
d: 1-22-1891; Wife of W. C. Jay H.; b: 10-3-1889; d: 12-29-1956 Etta N.; b: 12-3-1894; d: Elkin B.; b: 2-7-1890; d: 7-6-1961 Ollie; b: 1-23-1897; d: 5-22-1972 D. R; b: -; d: 2-15-1915; Son of E. B. & Ollie Infant; b: -; d:
5-20-1930; Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. M. I. Sallie; b: 1866; d: 1939 Alma Gertrude; b: 4-6-1897; d: 3-22-1965; Wife of Clarence Clarence M.; b:
12-30-1896; d: 4-9-1973 D. R.; b.2-15-1915;
COON Minia Mae; b: 1914; d: 1971 Noah Harmon; b: 11-18-1877; d: 12-29-1955 Harmon J.;
b.6-22-1902; d. 12-2-1988
CORDER Miss Gertrude; b: 1-31-1916; d: 10-18-1976; Sister of Coffield, Lewis, and Raymond James L.; b: 1881; d: 1962 Mrs. Effie Garner; b: 1884; d: 4-17-1974 L.; b: 9-17-1852; d: 5-5-1928 Dora Lee; b: 9-25-1891; d: 5-23-1968 Mildred; b: 1909; d: 1973 C. Adrian; b: 1-8-1909; d: 3-12-1982
CULP Fred W.; b: 2-22-1897; d: 6-17-1959; Tex. PFC Medical Dept. WW I M. V.; b: 9-7-1893; d: 4-17-1957 Clifton; b: 6-11-1917; d: 7-3-1984 James Edwin; b: 9-2-1944; d: 1946 Gracie; b: 10-21-1896; d: 5-19-1977 Bessie; b.
12-14-1905; d.12-31-1989
CUMMINGS Alice; b:
12-13-1875; d: 10-8-1894; Wife of J. A.
Mrs. Frances E.; b: 1861; d: 1952
DeONIER Carl William, LCDR; b: 3-6-1913; d: 12-11-1981; U.S. Navy WW II and Korea Dorothy Hester; b: 8-10-1926; d: 8-1-1984
DODDS Rufus J.; b: 3-2-1897; d: 1-31-1981 Mary Rawls; b: 1-30-1900; d: 6-26-1980
EDDY Lucy Jane; b: 6-4-1847; d: 3-22-1906 William A.; b: 4-1-1842; d: 12-19-1922 Louise Ann; b: 10-11-1875; d: 9-24-1945 John Warren; b: 8-28-1886; d: 3-12-1954; Wis. Pvt. M. G. Co. 64 Inf. WW I Alice Mae; b: 1883; d: 1965
EVANS Mr. Willis L.; b: 1901; d: 1976 Emily; b: 1863; d: 1945 G. W.; b: 1861; d: 1939 Jeff E.; b: 11-11-1897; d: 4-5-1965 Lora Irene; b: 5-21-1913; d: 4-2-1939 Henry; b: 1888; d: 1982; Pvt. U.S. Army WW II
FULLER J. F.; b: 3-28-1886;
d: 3-24-1952; Father Seward; b: 9-21-1898; d: 1-16-1956 Leonia; b: 2-17-1861; d: 2-26-1907; Wife of Thomas A Thomas A; b: 3-21-1855; d: 12-14-1915 Willis B.; b: 1-10-1889; d: 2-28-1910; On stone with Jesse Walton
GATEWOOD Forest Henry; b: 10-31-1896; d: 7-31-1948 Henry; b: 1-30-1901; d: 3-13-1947
GEARY Katie M.; b: 1840; d: 1912 AM.; b: 11-28-1828; d: 11-23-1884
GILSON E. E. "Gene"; b: 10-18-1933; d: 12-5-1974 Glenda Faye; b: 7-29-1941; d: Stewart Wayne; b: 1958; d: 1958 Claude; b: 1896; d: 1948 Bessie; b: 1903; d: 1984 Joe Dan; b.6-17-1924; d.5-20-1986
GOODSON Lena; b: 4-7-1901; d: 4-16-1902; Daughter of C. & M. E.
Willie Lively; b: 1905; d: 1970 Mary Adams; b.6-22-1905; d.11-5-1994
HENRY Lelia; b: 1-31-1938;
d: 8-2-1939; Daughter of A L. & E. E. Mary Stell; b: 7-6-1869; d: 1-24-1925 John A; b: 1909; d: 1952 Walter D.; b: 1907; d: 1957 Mary S.; b: 1905; d: 1972 Jim William; b: 3-2-1932; d: 2-14-1970; Tex. PFC U.S. Army Korea Mrs. W. K.; b: 1-21-1865; d: 1-4-1897; Daughter of Wm. C & C. E. Breazeale Forrest A; b: 10-31-1896; d: 7-31-1946 Gatewood; b: 1-30-1901; d: 3-13-1942 Jim William; b: 1887; d: 1980; E.N. 2 U.S. Navy WW I Peggy Joyce Patrick; b.8-24-1935; d. 5-10-1992; w/o Roy L. Henry
HERBERT Prof. John N.; b: -; d: 1906
HERRING Elizabeth Blanche; b: 1985; d: 1985; Infant Steve; b: 8-8-1985; d: 8-8-1985; Inf/o Juanita Marie & Richard Elizabeth Blanche; b. & D. 2-2-1985
HESTER Harold; b: 7-7-1904; d: Ora Pauline; b: 4-17-1907; d: 12-20-1968 Ada M.; b: 7-16-1878; d: 11-16-1887 Harold Wayne; b: 6-14-1929; d: 5-31-1985 Harold; b.7-7-1904; d.8-29-1988
HOGUE W. S.; b: 11-26-1840; d: 7-1-1894 Willie H.; b: 5-31-1873; d: 10-8-1893 Lydia R.; b:
6-7-1849; d: 9-2-1890; Wife of W. H. Daughter of W. H. & M. J. White Rev. James W.; b: 1846; d: 1892 Willie; b: 1873; d: 1892 Elizabeth; b: 1839; d: 1899
LANSFORD Mary J.; b: 4-5-1846; d: 1-2-1917; Married M. E. 1-27-1867 M. E.; b: 2-21-1841; d: 3-23-1921 George E.; b: 1881; d: 1960; Mary, George, Clarite, Martin, Mike, John Eula Kate McCarty;
b: 6-19-1888; d: 3-12-1970; Wife of Geo. E. Ima Ophelia; b.IO-26-1909; d.I-7-1992
McCANN Donna Marie Cook; b: 1-23-1946; d: 10-17-1983; Beloved daughter of Dorothy Hester DeOnier
McCARTY Dawson; b: 11-16-1895; d: 3-2-1902 Willie Watson; b:
8-5-1894; d: 7-17-1894; Son of W. D. & W. C. Walter S.; b: 1886; d: 1967 Nora Ruth; b: 1899; d: 1899
McKELVEY Mrs. Junia Lorene; b: 5-31-1926; d: 8-30-1976; Wife of Eddie
Lucinda A.; b: 1832; d: 1908; Last four names on one stone. Francis c.;
b.4-20-1907; d. 10-27-1991
MULLIGAN James; b: 1867; d: 1914 Emma; b: 1866; d: 1940; Mother Alfred B.; b: 1860; d: 1947; Father Amanda S.; b: 1-16-1894; d: 4-19-1967 Jack; b: 1889; d: 1974 Matt B.; b: 6-18-1895; d: 6-10-1973 Ruth; b: 5-26-1896; d: 5-5-1963
MURRAY John Thomas; b:
8-6-1849; d: 9-12-1932; Five stones with no name. Ola B.; b: 11-10-1891; d: 5-30-1959 Rebecca Lou; b: 8-28-1900; d: 6-19-1968; Daughter Mary C.; b: 9-17-1879; d: 8-12-1962; Mother James L.; b: 6-8-1876; d: 4-7-1957; Father Louisa F.; b:
11-9-1847; d: 10-10-1916; Wife of James F. James F.;
b.3-12-1912; d.5-30-1993
NELSON Fred Hilton; b: 8-8-1906; d: 4-15-1974 C. 0.; b: 1877; d: 1968 Annie; b: 1880; d:
1959 C. C.; b: 9-23-1840;
d: 11-9-1895; Very old stone.
NETTLES Thomas D.; b: 3-7-1892; d: 7-30-1960 Clara; b: 12-11-1928; d: 10-30-1931 Claudie Jane Fuller; b. 12-10-1893; d.9-16-1986
OLIVER Wilson G.; b: 12-15-1894; d: 11-7-1959 Louska A; b: 8-20-1904; d: 7-24-1945 James Q. "Jack"; b: 5-3-1918; d: 5-2-1934 James B.; b: 10-24-1870; d: 10-19-1931 Mattie L.; b:
9-8-1879; d: 11-26-1946; Wife of James B. Cyril L.; b: 5-3-1903; d: Madie L.; b: 12-10-1908; d: 2-25-1975 Mrs. W. A; b: -; d:
7-22-1949; 40 yrs. 11 mos. 4 dys. James B.;
b.6-6-1927; d.6-13-1994
PATRICK John C.; b: 1877; d: 1956 Vesta; b: 1888; d: 1953 Francis Amanda; b: 9-30-1942; d: 8-21-1965 Angus Landfair; b: 5-22-1888; d:12-1-1965 Ophelis Katherine; b: 10-13-1886; d: 9-7-1964 Stella Leona; b: 3-11-1884; d: 8-29-1966 Walter Milligan; b: 9-20-1870; d: 10-7-1936; Father Mrs. F. A; b:
3-27-1848; d: 10-10-1930; Wife of J. D. Robert Y; b: 8-2-1872; d: 2-12-1906 Jerry D.; b: 1883; d: 1930 Maudie; b: 1883; d: 1966 Christine; b: 1909; d: 1910 Ruby Lee; b: 1914; d: 1967 Clifton L.;
b.9-21-1912; d. 12-12-1993
PEEBLES H. M.; b: 6-11-1847; d: 8-12-1877
PLEDGER Lawson; b: No Dates - Last name only
PONDER John B.; b: -; d: 6-20-1937; Tex. Cpl. 9 Motor Sup. T.N. 9 Div.
Mittie; b: 1896; d: 1938
REDMAN William; b: 7-13-1913; d: 12-2-1935 J. J.; b: 1878; d: 1925 Infant; B&D: 2-18-1910
REED J. C.; b:
1-21-1916; d: 11-29-1964; Tex. FL USNR W.W. II
RHONE G. W.; b: 9-23-1832; d: 2-27-1890
ROSSER Infant; B&D: 11-20-1917; Daughter of J. H. and Inez
SANDERS James Rogers; b: 4-26-1921; d: 3-28-1961; Tex. SC 3 US Navy W.W. II -; b: 1928; d: 1956; First name gone
SHELTON Reginald Houston; b: 1-10-1909; d: 8-5-1974; S/Sgt. US Army Fannie Mary; b: 12-30-1908; d: -; Married Reginald 9-4-1937
SHIVERS Corrine; b: 1872; d: 1907 T. J. (Tom); b: 1854; d: 1907
SHROYER Infant; b: 12-13-1915; d: 12-14-1915; Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Guy Shroyer
SOSA Mary A.; b: 1926; d: 1965 Infant; b: 1960; d: 1960
STEPHENS Linda Faye; b: 1966; d: 1966 Brenda Kay; b: 1966; d: 1966 Wayne E.; b: 3-27-1928; d: 11-5-1950 Jerry W.; b: 1952; d: 1952 Weaver; b: 6-29-1899; d: 12-11-1985
STRANGE C. E.; b: No Dates; Infant
SULLIVAN Albert D.; b: -; d: 12-1-1917; Tex. Pvt. 143 Inf. 36 Div. W. W. I Julia T.; b: 11-22-1900; d: 8-2-1905
TAYLOR Rosie Nell; b: 9-1-1917; d: 9-10-1917; One other grave unmarked J. F. H.; b: 2-18-1856; d: 1-13-1917 Florence; b: 3-24-1878; d: 2-13-1953
5-6-1861; d: 8-19-1898; Daughter of W. H. & C.
Lewis; b: 10-1-1869;
d: 11-23-1892; Son of W. P. & M. G. Eugina R.; b: 1896; d: 1973 Thomas A.; b: 10-18-1890; d: 1-18-1972; Tex. PFC US Army W.W. I Rebecca; b: 4-28-1856; d: 1-23-1920; Wife of J. W John W.; b: 3-3-1852; d: 1-21-1919 John Franklin; b: 8-11-1888; d: 7-21-1970; Tex. PFC US Army W.W I Dorothy Helen; b:
5-24-1930; d: 10-28-1932 Infant; b: 1963; d: 1966 Robert L.; b: 1895; d: 1970 Bernice; b: 1898; d: 1974 Albert L.; b:
12-23-1877; d: 8-15-1878; Son of J. W. & F. R. Mary C.; b: -; d: 12-27-1876; Wife of W. F. Age 40 Emma B.; b: 11-30-1899; d: 9-28-1981; Mother Clester; b: 8-3-1909; d: 6-6-1982 Onia; b: 8-18-1892;
d: 5-27-1985; Wife of Willie T. Florence; b: 3-2-1873; d: 2-13-1953; Mother Willie T.; b: 1892; d: 1970 Donald Alton; b: 11-22-1922; d: 8-19-1967 Alton E.; b: 9-30-1895; d: 7-30-1974 Daddy Billie; b: 8-8-1911; d: 3-13-1975 Aline; b: 3-16-1913; d: Ada; b: 7-13-1910; d: Ada Estelle; b.
7-13-1910; d.7-4-1988
VADEN William Scott; b: 1911; d: 1940 Pauline; b: 1917; d: 1969
WALTON Jesse W.; b: 12-25-1883; d: 9-29-1945 Bella M.; b: 10-15-1900; d: 5-27-1972
WARE James R.; b: 10-24-1867; d: 7-31-1907
WEBB J. Howard; b: 6-8-1911; d: 11-22-1971 Annie; b: 3-13-1911; d: -; Married J. H. 12-22-1928 Raymond M.; b: 8-27-1953; d: 3-30-1977 George Lewis; b: 6-11-1903; d: 5-24-1953 J. C.; b: 9-11-1859; d: 10-23-1926 Lizzie A.; b: 1-25-1873; d: 6-28-1944 Lucious Raymond; b:
2-24-1892; d: 9-16-1907; Son of J. C. & L. A. Jonathan; b. 10-6-1950; d.12-2-1994
WEEKS Frances M.; b: -; d: 5-30-1891; 75 years W. H.; b: 7-25-1845; d: 2-23-1892 T. J.; b: 3-11-1858; d: 10-9-1898
WELLS Mrs. Dewitt; b: 8-24-1924; d: 10-24-1985 William L.; b: 7-24-1887; d: 10-20-1951 Dewitt R.; b.6-6-1923; d. (age 63)
WHEERY J. W.; b: 8-10-1859;
d: 11-29-1899; Born in York Co. S.C. W. H. Sr.; b:
4-27-1815; d: 5-22-1896; Born in Amit Co. Miss.
WOELFLEY Nancy R.; b: 12-25-1854; d: 7-4-1886 Ada Lindsey; b: 7-10-1888; d: 1-26-1955
YATES Edna Burnell; b: 1924; d: 1974 R. E.; b: 1913; d: 1970
Houston County, TX - TXGenWeb Project Site Designed and Maintained by: Billie Nichols Bennett, Coordinator