PERCILLA EVERGREEN CEMETERY I-Z JACKSON, Adella Marie; b: 1931; d: 1982 JACKSON, Coleman; b: 1894; d: 1968; w/o Harrison Jackson JACKSON, Elijah "Lige"; b: 1853; d: 1926; h/o Elizabeth "Betty" Davis JACKSON, Elizabeth "Betty"; b: 1859; d: 1922; w/o Elijah "Lige" Jackson JACKSON, Emma J.; b: 1895; d: 1970; w/o Hoyt N. Jackson JACKSON, Hoyt;
b: 1898; d: 1982; h/o Emma J. JACKSON, Herbert; b: 1884; d: 1969; h/o Martha Pate JACKSON, Horace C.; b: 1911; d: 1966; h/o Dorothy Shipper JACKSON, Hosea; b: 1902; d: 1946; h/o Cynthia Dickey JACKSON, Infant Son; b: 1911; d: 1912; s/o G. H. & M. A. Jackson JACKSON, Loyal Leymain; b: 1913; d: 1975; h/o Marie Jackson. PFC US Army WW II JACKSON, Martha "Mattie" Bell; b: 1898; d: 1972; w/o Herbert Jackson JACKSON, Maudie Bell; b: 1898; d: 1973; w/o Hall W. Jackson JACKSON, Dorothy; b.8-22-1913; d. 11-3-1988
JENKINS, Bailum J.; b: 1836; d: 1942; oldest person buried in Evergreen Cemetery as of 1974
JOHNS, Alfred
c.; b.3-3-1909; d.1O-5-1993 JOHNSON, Jesse
Thomas, Jr.; b.7-8-194O; d.12-8-1992
d/o Elijah C. & Marcella Draper Skinner Gober; w/o Samuel W. Johnston Underwood Johnston; f/o Susie Rush, Addie Fourniquet, Thomas J., S. Wilburn, Clinton, Ethel, Maggie L. Goff, Wm. Harvey, Frank Henry, Kitty Thornton, and Lura Howard
JOHNSTON, Baby; b: 1920; d: 1920 JOHNSTON, Frank Henry; b: 1891; d: 1926 JOHNSTON, William Harvey; b: ?; d: 1934; Tex. Pvt. 344 F.A. 90 Div.
JONES, Annie L.; b: 1880; d: 1947; w/o Alonzo JONES, Callie; b: 1877; d: 1962; d/o Napoleon B. Hendricks JONES, Charles; b: 1925; d: 1951; s/o May A. & Eula Jones JONES, Claude E.; b: 1869; d: 1950; h/o Nancy Elizabeth Bobbit JONES, Daniel; b: 1842; d: 1912; h/o Lu Ann JONES, Dena Mae; b: 1943; d: 1944 JONES, Ideanes; b: 1902; d: 1902 JONES, Eula; b: 1888; d: 1969; w/o May A. Jones JONES, Henry Clay; b: 1877; d: 1974; h/o Lula Mae Mitchell JONES, Horace Powell; b: 1826; d: 1907; h/o Sophronia JONES, Horace Powell; b: 1907; d: 1974; h/o Hazel Howard JONES, Kenneth Porter Infant; b: 1935; d: 1935; s/o Porter & Edith Jones JONES, Lizzie; b: 1870; d: 1943; w/o Ollie T. Jones JONES, Lula Mae; b: 1886; d: 1973; w/o Henry Clay Jones JONES, Mabel Clara; b: 1906; d: 1907 JONES, Marshall M.; b: 1895; d: 1946; h/o Ethel (Dickey) Jones JONES, May A.; b: 1875; ,d.: 1966; h/o Eula Lockler Jones JONES, Nancy
Elizabeth; b: 1894; d: 1953; w/o Claude E. JONES, Olan; b: 1917; d: 1984; s/o May & Eula JONES, Ollie T.; b: 1881; d: 1973; h/o Lizzie Conner JONES, Oran; b: 1917; d: 1917; s/o May & Eula Jones. (Twin to Olan above?) JONES, Samuel; b: 1893; d: 1893 JONES, Stanley; b: 1906; d: 1972; h/o Minnie Belle Nesbitt JONES, Willis A.; b: 1908; d: 1982; w/o - Williams JONES, Edna
M.; b.2-26-1909; d.2-5-1996
JORDAN, W. H.; b: -; d: -; G/grf of Julius Alton Ferguson
JONSON, Venie B.; b: 1865; d: 1955; w/o 1st - Jamon. 2nd Dave Jonson
JULIAN, Thomas Allen; b: 1950; d: 1973
KELLUM, Arthur; b: 1918; d: 1919 KELLUM, Charles G.; b: 1851; d: 1927; h/o Susan Jennie Wallace KELLUM, Daniel Webster "Web", Sr.; b: 1886; d: 1972; h/o Minnie Bishop KELLUM, George Leonard; b: 1913; d: 1947; Tex. MOMM 2c/USNR/WW II KELLUM, Minnie; b: 1890; d: 1972; w/o Daniel Webster Kellum KELLUM, Susan Jennie; b: 1860; d: 1945; w/o Charlie G. Kellum KELLUM, Carl Frank; b.6-29-1920; d.6-1O-1992; WWII
Ann; b. 1-31-1949; d. 1-24-1991
KLEEN, Edna Daniels; b.9-12-1907; d.1-12-1997
KNIGHT, Granville C.; b: 1903; d: 1979; h/o Margaret H. Sullivan
LARKIN, Harold Gregory; b: 11-4-1952; d: 11-16-1977; s/o Paul & JoAnn
LING, Lena Dickey; b.9-22-1917; d.6-1O-1992
LIVELY, Artie C.; b: 1915; d: 1970; h/o Travis "Pete" Yates LIVELY, Charlie B.; b: 1875; d: 1941; h/o Leta Jones LIVELY, Earl E.; b: 1897; d: 1975; h/o Audra L. Jones LIVELY, Emma; b: 1853; d: 1938; w/o Thomas Ciscero Lively LIVELY, Preston Olney; b: 1910; d: 1960; h/o 1st Mavis Salmon. 2nd Willie Craig LIVELY, Preston T.; b: 1881; d: 1920; h/o Vella Elliott LIVELY, Thomas Ciscero; b: 1847; d: 1942; h/o Emma Butler LIVELY, Travis "Pete"; b: 1917; d: 1976; w 10 Artie C. Lively LIVELY, Willard Myrl; b: 1924; d: 1925; s/o Earl & Audra Lively. (double marker identifies this grave and Wilson Earl Lively) LIVELY, Wilson Earl; b: 1924; d: 1925; s/o Earl & Audra Lively (Twins ?) LIVELY, Curt; b: 1979; d: 1979; s/o Gwenn & Lynett LIVELY, Audra
L. b.5-6-1900; d.12-3-1990
LOCK, Jesse Elic; b: 1891; d: 1958; h/o Mary A. Dorset LOCK, Mary A.; b: 1893; d: 1966; w/o Jesse Elic Lock LOCK, Rev. Oscar; b.6-29-1912; d. 12-31-1996; h/o Eve Elsie Stowe Lock
LOFLAND, Farris W.; b.7-22-1913; d.2-23-1989
LOGAN, Don Lee; b: 1940; d: 1984; s/o William (Bill) & Ruth Walton
LOWERY, Joshua Lee; b: 1982; d: 1982
LOYD, Martha Frances; b: 1827; d: 1901; w/o S. Perry Loyd LOYD, S. Perry; b: 1821; d: 1908; h/o Martha Frances Loyd
MASON, Elmer Lee; b: 1909; d: 1955; h/o Mae Etta Adams
MASTERS, Hugh David; b: 1951; d: 1974; s/o Hugh & Sylvia Masters MASTERS, Hugh Stafford; b.4-8-1915; d.4-12-1996
MCCORMACK, Doxye E.; b.6-3-1919; d.6-16-1994
McIVER, Infant Daughter; b: 1882; d: 1882; d/o W. W. & Fannie McIver McIVER, C. L.; b: 1842; d: 1891; w/o W. W. McIver
McKENZIE, Alice; b: 1892; d: 1913; d/o Daniel & Nancy McKenzie McKENZIE, Alton; b: 1889; d: 1959; h/o Mertie Hendrick McKENZIE, Daniel Jackson; b: 1862; d: 1920; h/o Nancy Jane Sullivan McKENZIE, Daniel; b: 1825; d: 1913; h/o Elizabeth McKENZIE, Doris; b: 1916; d: 1929; d/o Alton & Mertie McKENZIE, Eva E.; b: 1883; d: 1967; w/o John Reagan McKenzie, Eva and Addie Ethel (Rush) Dickey were twin sisters McKENZIE, Frankie; b: 1912; d: 1914; d/o Alton & Mertie McKENZIE,
Franklin; b: 1896; d: 1896 Supt. of Grapeland Schools in 1950's and 1960's) McKENZIE, Marshall; b; 1899; d; 1966; h/o 1st. Rosa Lee Howard. 2nd. Mary Kate Butler McKENZIE, Mertie; b; 1895; d; 1973; w/o Alton McKenzie McKENZIE, Nancy Jane; b: 1860; d: 1951; w/o Daniel Jackson McKenzie McKENZIE, Robbie; b: 1911; d: 1914; d/o John R. & Eva McKenzie
MELTON, Lura Mae; b: 1905; d: 1981
MILES, Elmer F.; b: 1914; d: 1971; h/o Jessie O. Lock MILES, Grover R.; b: 1918; d: 1970 MILES, Lela; b: 1891; d: 1942 MILES, Milton H.; b: 1882; d: 1948
MILLER, Coy Helen; b: 1924; d: 1982 MILLER,
Jeffery Allen; b. 1-25-1956; d. 4-21-1991; USMC
MILLS, Margaret "Peggy"; b: 1924; d: 1965; w/o - Mills
MITCHELL, Bennie; b: 1888; d: 1950; h/o Willie Eleanor Coleman MITCHELL, Buddy Dee; b: 1963; d: 1963; unmarked grave north of Horace C. Jackson's; s/o Harold & Mary Mitchell MITCHELL, Donna Gale; b: 1968; d: 1977; d/o Vernon & Alicia MITCHELL, Porter Aldridge; b: 1915; d: 1968; h/o 1st Lottie Ivey. 2nd Katherine MITCHELL, Willie Eleanor; b: 1893; d: 1976; w 10 Bennie Mitchell MITCHELL, Harold; b.4-22-1911; d.7-18-1990
MOORE, Eula Mae; b: 1898; d: 1973; w/o John Harry Moore MOORE, J. C.; b: 1882; d: 1940; h/o Mabel O. MOORE, Joan; b: 1855; d: 1928; w/o Richard B. Moore MOORE, John Harry; b: 1894; d: 1975; h/o Eula Mae Coleman MOORE, Mabel D.; b: 1885; d: 1941; w/o J. C. Moore MOORE, Richard B.; b: 1856; d: 1939; h/o Joan MOORE, Lloyd Jack; b. 7-10-1906; d. 8-7-1990
MURDOCK, A. G.; b; 1872; d: 1912; h/o L. A. MURDOCK, J. L.; b; -; d: -; h/o Mary. Double grave marker inscribed "J. L. and Mary Murdock" links the two graves - no dates MURDOCK, Mary; b; -; d; -; w/o J. L. Murdock
Hagle; b.9-22-1924; d. 3-6-1987; USN-WWII
NEWMAN, Bulah Jane; b: 1879; d: 1949; w/o H. Frank Newman NEWMAN, Cleo Mae; b: 1914; d: 1976; w/o Octa Pitts Newman NEWMAN, Donald Craig; b; 1951; d: 1972; s/o Octa P. & Cleo Newman NEWMAN, H. Frank; b: 1878; d: -; h/o Bulah Jane Bush NEWMAN, Octa Pitts; b: 1911; d: 1977; h/o Cleo Mae Newman NEWMAN, Horace Franklin; b: 1919; d; 1976; s/o H. Frank & Eulah NEWMAN, Una Lee; b: 1899; d: 1904; d/o H. Frank & Bulah
OATES, Annie Lois; b; 1900; d: 1981; w/o H. P. (Pink) OATES, H. P.
(Pink); b; 1897; d: 1979; h/o Annie Lois Jackson OATES, Icie Henderson
O'REAR, Donna Gale; b: 1968; d: 1977; d/o - and Dale O'Rear
OWENS, Lisa Marie; b.3-30-1964; d.3-12-1986
OZMENT, Mollie; b: 1840; d: 1914; w/o Jeff Ozment
PABLO, Infant; b: 1970; d: 1970
PARKER, J. D.; b.5-30-1926; d. 11-15-1990
PATE, Marvin Lewis; b: 1904; d: 1906; s/o L. T. & A. J. Pate
PEARSON, Clifford R.; b: 1899; d: 1965; Tex. Spm 1 USNR WW I & II PEARSON, Florence; b.8-2-1902; d.2-12-1988
PETTERSON, Alford; b: 1947; d: 1947; s/o John Davis & Waneatha PETTERSON, August; b: 1842; d: 1897; b. Sweden. h/o Margareth PETTERSON, Ella; b: 1894; d: 1956; w/o Henry D. Petterson PETTERSON, Henry D.; b: 1885; d: 1946; h/o Josie Hall (1st). 2nd Ella Hall PETTERSON, Infant; b: -; d: -; c/o John Davis & Waneatha PETTERSON, Infant Daughter; b: -; d: 1953; d/o John Davis &Waneatha PETTERSON, John Davis; b: 1918; d: 1944 PETTERSON, John Davis; b: 1912; d: 1972; h/o Waneatha PETTERSON,
Josie; b: 1891; d: 1919; w/o Henry D. PETTERSON, Marion; b: 1876; d: 1950; h/o 1st John Regan Hall. 2nd Carrie Hudson PETTERSON,
Ella Mae "Maizie"; b.6-29-1912; d.8-9-1994
PIPKIN, Letha Addie; b: 1867; d: 1900 PIPKIN, Philip; b: 1817; d: 1886; OLDEST IN EVERGREEN.
POWDICK, Richard Miles; b.2-11-191O; d.4-24-1988
PREYER, Ernest; b: 1849; d: 1914
QUINN, Roger Ellis; b.3-6-1966; d.6-23-1994
RACHELS, John T.; b: 1895; d: 1896; s/o W. A. & V. Rachels
RAWLS, John Lemuel; b: 1882; d: 1961; h/o Lillie Ethel Jones RAWLS, Lillie Ethel; b: 1886; d: 1967; w/o John Lemuel Rawls
REDMON, Leonard "Chuck"; b. 1-28-1925; d.12-17-1991
REED, Melba Hogan; b. 11-24-1920; d.7-5-1991
RENFRO, Hester Winnie; b: 1907; d: 1978; w/o Johnny RENFRO, Jean Thomas; b.4-24-1929; d.4-16-1994
Murphy A.; b.6-17-1923; d. 11-11-1994; WWII
ROBINSON, Infant; b: -; d: -; c/o Bert & Mary Robinson
Lee Ferrell; b. 10-30-1910; d. 4-29-1986
ROSE, Jessie K.; b: 1913; d: 1982
RUSH, James L. "Jim"; b: 1874; d: 1947; h/o 1st Suzie Johnson. 2nd Lucy Adams RUSH, Lucy; b: 1883; d: 1969; 2nd w/o James L. Rush RUSH, Susie
Johnston; b. ca 1878 MS; d. ca 1898 TX; lw/o
b: 1893; d: 1975; w/o Robert H. Sadler
SALMON, Lottie C. Denson; b.3-8-1907; D. 10-28-1993
SANDERS, Ruth B.; b: 1898; d: 1966; w/o - Sanders
SATTERWHITE, Edward Collins; b: 1910; d: 1977; h/o Wilda Daniels
SAUCIER, Murvel Clifton "Buddy"; b.8-24-1919; d.I-13-1998
SCOTT, Lura; b: 1880; d: 1951 Kerry Croford; b: 1969; d: 1984; s/o Fannie Scott SCOTT, Fannie Mae Denson; b.4-5-1930; d. 10-22-1994
SEGELQUIST, Ann; b: 1837??; d: 1970; w/o - Segelquist
SELF, Carlin; b: 1919; d: 1982; US Army WW II
SEWELL, Benoni; b: 1889; d: 1889 SEWELL, J. C.; b: 1872; d: 1905; h/o Maude SEWELL, Ida Mildred; b: 1913; d: 1915 SEWELL, Mary L.; b: 1877; d: 1915; w/o - Turner
SHARP, Marthey; b: 1835; d: 1912; w/o Thomas Sharp SHARP, Thomas; b: 1830; d: 1901; h/o Marthey
SHAW, Annie L.; b: 1894; d: 1978; w/o Steve SHAW, Billy Earl; b: 1932; d: 1982; s/o Steve & Annie SHAW, Infant Daughter; b: 1965; d: 1965; d/o Billy & Norma Shaw SHAW, Audrey; b: 1916; d: 1970; h/o Doris L. SHAW, J. Steve; b: 1891; d: 1959; h/o Annie L. Adams SHAW, Vernon; b: 1919; d: 1972; h/o Connie Johnson) SHAW, Connie;
b. 10-14-1922; d.9-15-1987
SHEFFIELD, Ima Ann Hogan; b: 1903; d: 1964; w/o Gordon Sheffield SHEFFIELD, Imajean; b: 1921; d: 1934; d/o Gordon & Ima Ann
Madeline!.; b. 12-7-1924; d.11-14-1992
SMITH, John E. "Bunk"; b: 1894; d: 1975; h/o Ethel L. Wilkins SMITH, Martha; b: 1839; d: 1914; w/o Paris Smith SMITH, Paris; b: 1842; d: 1904; h/o Martha SMITH, Wayne Earl; b: 1923; d: 1977 SMITH, Ethel
Lee Wilkings; b. 10-19-1898; d.5-22-1997
SOWELL, George P.; b: 1909; d: 1982; h/o Cleo Colman
SPANN, James Calvin; b: 1900; d: 1980; US Navy WW II
SPENCE, Ouida Jean; b. 12-1-193_; d. 7-19-1986
STANDRIDGE, Era Faye; b: 1922; d: 1976
Melton; b.7-21-1927; d.I-7-1988
STEWART, David E.; b: 1884; d: 1952 STEWART, Oneal Wesley; b: 1907; d: 1967; h/o Mada Holcomb STEWART, Madia Geneva; b. no date; d. 6-21-1995 (71 yrs, 4mos, 29 days) New grave 1997
STOVALL, Bobbie; b. 1912; d. 1988
Modell; b: 1893; d: 1976; w/o Arch Stringer SULLIVAN, Bertha; b: 1888; d: 1958; w/o T. Leonard Sullivan SULLIVAN, Ella; b: 1862; d: 1958 SULLIVAN, Elmer Lee; b: 1890; d: 1959; h/o Alma E.Yoast SULLIVAN, Louis A.; b: 1913; d: 19591 h/o Verna P. Newman SULLIVAN, Owen C.; b: 1857; d: 1931; h/o Ella Wright SULLIVAN, Riley R.; b: 1859; d: 1938; h/o Willie Steadman SULLIVAN, T. Leonard; b: 1887; d: 1938; h/o Bertha Goodson SULLIVAN,
Verna P.; b: 1912; d: 1968; w/o Louis A.
SWANSON, Opie B.; b.5-16-1899; d.4-22-1992
TAYLOR, Johnnie; b: 1914; d: 1982; w/o Jim Frank TAYLOR, Orby J.; b: 1888; d: 1963 TAYLOR, Larry
Zane; b. 10-15-1935; d.5-18-1996
TEEMS, Edward; b: 1902; d: 1978; h/o Kelma Hendrick & Emma Lemons (Velma ?) TEEMS, Velma; b: 1902; d: 1970; w/o Edwards Teems TEEMS, Henry L.; b: 1898; d: 1982; h/o Willie Mae Dickey. US Navy WW I TEEMS, Charles
E. "Bud"; b.5-9-1927; d.7-4-1989
TENNANT, Infant; b: -; d: -; clo George & Elmer Tennant
THORNTON, Dassiel J.; b: 1887; d: 1974; h/o Kittie 1. - Thornton THORNTON, Maude; b: 1881; d: 1950; h/o Maude Wright (? Tom maybe ?) THORNTON, Kittie I.; b: 1893; d: 1969; w/o Dassiel J. Thornton THORNTON, Odell; b: 1905; d: 1973; h/o AIda Frank Daniels THORNTON, Ouida; b: 1922; d: 1934; d/o Tom & Maude Thornton
TIDWELL, Jerry; b: 1944; d: 1984; h/o Joy
TYER, Essie May; b: 1900; d: 1974; w/o Bryan Tyer TYER, Infant Son; b: 1935; d: 1935; clo Bryan & Essie Mae Tyer TYER, Wilbur Bryan; b: 1927; d: 1954; Tex. Pvt. 34th Inf. WW II; s/o Bryan & Essie Mae Tyer
VAUGHN, A. M. Jr.; b: 1953; d: 1953; father A. M. Vaughn
WAGSTAFF, J. E.; b: 1912; d: 1976; h/o Edythe Elliott WAGSTAFF, Edythe Elliot; b. 10-14-1918; d. 4-17-1993; w/o J.E.
WAITS, Shirley Mae; b: 1924; d: 1958; d/o Bryan & Essie Mae Tyer
WALTON, Douglas E.; b: 1894; d: 1978; h/o Luna Bridges WALTON, Harold Eugene; b: 1923; d: 1942; s/o Douglas & Luna Walton; Tex. F2 USN WW II PH WALTON, Luna Mae Bridges; b: 1895; d: 1970; w/o Douglas Walton WALTON, Zelma Virginia; b: 1925; d: 1927 WALTON,
Douglas E., Jr.; b. 11-2-1920; d. 4-23-1990; WWII
WATSON, Sarah Jane; b: 1915; d: 1958
WEEMS, Jack F.; b: 1929; d: 1979; h/o Wilda Hogan WEEMS, Wilda Hogan; b: 1922; d: 1978; d/o Andrew & Annie Hogan
WELCH, Ava; b: 1915; d: 1980; w/o Ardle. d/o Fate & Bettie Barnes
WHITAKER, Herman Willis; b: 1896; d: 1967; h/o Rosa May Branch. (Sign at entrance of Evergreen Cemetery was presented by Billy Whitaker and dedicated to his parents Mr. and Mrs. Willis Whitaker) WHITAKER, Rosa May Branch; b: 1900; d: 1949; w/o Herman Whitaker WHITAKER, Vello; b: 1895; d: 1984; d/o Jessie & Maggie Elliott WHITAKER, M. Leon; b: 1925; d: 1982; US Navy WW II
WHITLEY, Nora Bell; b.7-13-1933; d.1O-2-199O
WHITTLE, Carolyn; b: 1944; d: 1945
WILCOX, Jim; b: 1901; d: 1984; h/o Lola WILCOX, Minnie Ola; b: 1920; d: 1971; w/o Johnnie Wilcox
WILKENS, Charles Murel; b: 1929; d: 1929; s/o Hannis & Vina Wilkins WILKENS, Augusta Exar "Gussie"; b: 1874; d: 1958; w/o William John Wilkins WILKENS, Hannis; b: 1906; d: 1970; h/o Vina Howard WILKENS, James L.; b: 1916; d: 1974; h/o AI-- WILKENS, J. D.; b: 1909; d: 1979; h/o Corren Adams WILKENS, Jimmie Rodgers; b: -; d: -; US Army Korea WILKENS, Mack David; b: 1900; d: 1978 WILKENS, Vina Howard; b: 1907; d: 1965; w/o Hannis Wilkins WILKENS, William John; b: 1871; d: 1939; h/o Augusta Exar Carpenter
Rogers; b. 7-8-1904; d.4-23-1993
WILLIS, Walter Hayne; b: 1890; d: 1964; h/o - Baggett
WILSON, Robert E.; b: 1890; d: 1959; h/o 1st -. 2nd Ruby Frazier WILSON, William Gayle; b: 1930; d: 1930; s/o Pat & Lura Mar Wilson WILSON, Woodrow B.; b: 1917; d: 1972; Texas Pvt. US Army WW II
WITTENBURG, Eunice Brunson; b: 1913; d: 1976; w/o 1st Hamilton Beeson. 2nd Albert Wittenburg
WOLFE , Roda Ann; b: 1848; d: 1912
WOOD, Howard Barry; b: 1940; d: 1977 WOOD, Bertha
Edith; b.9-29-1916; d.3-24-1994
E.; b: 1864; d: 1906; w/o Roof E. Woodard
WRIGHT, Mrs. A. L.; b: -; d: 1946 WRIGHT, Amanda; b: 1865; d: 1939; w/o Lanty Wright WRIGHT, Arthur C.; b: 1874; d: 1954; h/o Belle McCrory WRIGHT, Belle McCrory; b: 1879; d: 1940; w/o Arthur C. Wright WRIGHT, Bonho; b: 1912; d: 1912 WRIGHT, Ella Barron; b: 1882; d: 1962; w/o Walter W. Wright WRIGHT, George; b: -; d: 1962; h/o Telitha Mahar WRIGHT, Hazel Dell; b: 1915; d: 1916 WRIGHT, J. C.; b: 1918; d: 1933; s/o Joshua & Annie Wright WRIGHT, John; b: 1880; d: 1957 WRIGHT, Joshua "Jot"; b: 1885; d: 1959; h/o Annie Atchley WRIGHT, Lanty; b: 1858; d: 1920; h/o Amanda Gilmore WRIGHT, Lee; b: 1887; d: 1961; h/o Linnie Daniels WRIGHT, Linnie Mae; b: 1897; d: 1983; w/o Lee. d/o George & Mavid Daniels WRIGHT, Margaret Caroline Sullivan; b: 1850; d: 1924; w/o William E. Wright WRIGHT, Riley Sullivan; b: 1877; d: 1953; 2nd mar to Alice ____ WRIGHT, William E.; b: 1846; d: 1924; hlo Margaret C. Sullivan WRIGHT, Walter W.; b: 1872; d: 1960; h/o Ella Barron WRIGHT, Annie Z.; b.8-19-1895; d.I-23-1988
YARBOROUGH, Zuma Dell; b: 1923; d: 1972 YARBOROUGH, Winston Churchill; b.3-22-1921; d. 11-21-1995; WWII
YATES, B. O. "Bud"; b: 1914; d: 1984; s/o Bob & Linnie. h/o Johnnie Adams YATES, Johnnie; b.8-1O-1917; d. 1-28-1990; w/o "Bud" |