Old Home Cemetery or Wilcox Cemetery Old Home (Wilcox) Cemetery

East side of SH 21 (Old San Antonio Road) about 15 miles NE of Crockett between Belott and Weches. Land was Wilcox and Bradley home places. S. P. Wilcox of Hardin, Texas gave information on this cemetery for a previous book. Mrs. Curtis (Ethel) Tims checked the cemetery in 1985 and helped with copy, adding information she remembered from Mrs. Andy (Lone Wilcox) Bradley and Mrs. A. B. (Nora Ferguson) Bradley. All of above named except Mrs. Nora Bradley were descendants of the Wilcox and Bradley families. Written by Hazel Moore, member Houston County Historical Commission.

BRADLEY,  J. P.; Comments by Ethel Tims except where initialed.
BRADLEY,  Nancy Luiza; w/o J. P.
BRADLEY,  Jack; may be br/o Mary

BRADLEY,  Lizzie; sis/o Mary Mary; Unmarried aunt of Mrs. Lone Wilcox Bradley

BRADLEY,  Infant; Baby/o Matt and Hannah (on stone)


CROFT, Jessie May; b: 1930; d: 1968; d/o Phil and Lillie Wilcox


JACKSON, Mrs. Recie; b: 1889; d: 1964; dlo Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilcox


MOFFETT, Texana;


WILCOX, P. E.; Co I 35 Tex Cav. C S A, (gr. father/o S. P. Wilcox SPW)

In the top/right hand picture, this marker is the one on the top, next to the fence at the road.


WILCOX,  Sarah Ann Bradley; w/o E. sis/o Mary Bradley

WILCOX,  J. D. (John Doan); (d. 1930's) HM

WILCOX,  Laura Bradley; w/o J. D.
WILCOX,  Mamie; d/o J. D. and Laura

WILCOX,  Stafford; s/o J. D. and Laura

WILCOX,  Phillip (Phil); b: 1899; d: 1957; Father - h/o

WILCOX,  Lillie, s/o J. D. and Laura

Lillie Wilcox; b: 1899; d: 1950; Mother-w/o Phil-d/o Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilcox W. A.;
WILCOX,  Infant; Baby of W. A. and Alice (on mkr)


JOHNSON, Belle Wilcox; May be buried here; w/o Sidney (buried GLOVER) d/o P. W. Wilcox - from Mrs. Ruby Parker

In the attempt to add information neither informant nor writer claims accuracy.  (HM)


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