On farm now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Moore there was a cemetery reported
to Howard and Hazel Moore by several persons, among them Ruth Moore Grove,
Alvin Moore, Agnes Moore Lovett, Eva Moore, all of whom grew up near there.
Also by Truett Lovell; all remember the Cemetery. Ronnie also reported that
he has been shown the site. There was 15 or so graves; at least some had
monuments with names. Markers are now gone. Site on private property - not
open to public.
Written by Hazel Moore, member Historical Commission
-; Informers quote
Mr. George Moore "Parents of Mr. Hollin Scarborough."
-; a boy about 7 years old; slo Mr. and Mrs. Bud Scarborough. Same source.
No other names remembered now. It is not known when the markers disappeared,
but it was many years ago. Writer has asked some Scarboroughs but they did
not know about the cemetery.