Previously submitted by Mrs. Jo Ann Kennedy. More recently checked and reported to Hazel and Howard Moore by Truett Lovell, Kenny Hayes, and others. Written 1985 by Hazel Moore. Additional information added by: Billie Nichols Bennett 07-06-2008 Specific Location given by Kenny Hayes: As you are going east through Weches, just past Lacy Lovell's place on the left side of Hwy 21, there is a field with gas well now... right behind the gas well in the river bottom is where this Old Kennedy Family Cemetery is located.
KENNEDY, Mary Massengale; w/o J. C. Kennedy, G/gm Loyd Lovell. Mary Massengale was the wife of John Chester Kennedy; she was born 1815 TN and died bet. the 1880-1900 census. Mary Massengale's father was a William Massengale/Massengill born 23 Dec 1782 Jonesboro, Washington Co., TN and died 1851; married 1804 to Deborah Chisholm 1786-1833. Mary Massengale's grandfather was John D. Chisholm who was also grandfather to Jessie Chisholm of the Chisholm Trail fame. John D. Chisholm's third wife was a Cherokee, Deborah Chisholm was from his 2nd wife Elizabeth Sims.
MASSENGALE , Porter: Mary Massengale-Kennedy had two brothers with the name Porter in their name; this is probably William Porter MASSENGILL b: 20 MAR 1819 in Sullivan County, Tennessee
CONNERS, female, name unknown (this is probably Jane Kennedy Conner, wife of A.J. Conner; daughter of John Chester Kennedy and Mary Massengale Kennedy. She was deceased between the 1860 & 1870 census.
CHESTER, Dr. Thomas Kennedy
CHESTER, Mary Kennedy, w/o Dr. Thomas K. Chester (this could be Mary Kennedy b. 1837, daughter of John Chester Kennedy and Mary Massengale Kennedy.