To reach the cemetery, go on Hwy. 7 West for 1.7 miles from Loop 304 to a dirt road on the left. 9-tenths mile on the dirt road to a gate on the left. Cemetery is 3-tenths mile inside, not visible from road. A wire gap crosses road, and a fence encloses the cemetery. The gate nearest the road is usually locked - will be opened by Theodore Washington, who lives nearby. Mitchell Jones gave the land for the cemetery, which is used primarily by Saint Matthew's Baptist Church, where Theo Washington is the oldest deacon. Earliest marked grave located is that of Nancy Jones, 1920.
Surveyed by: Crezette and David Campbell, Clara Sue and W. R. Phythian. Additional names from Catherine Moore. |
AUSTIN; Roberta Dixon; b: 9-2-1897; d: 1-30-1973
BURKS; George; b: 3-27-1888; d: 10-30-1964; Texas Pvt. 23 Co. 165 Depot Brigade WWI BURKS; Eddie Lee "Hoover"; b: 12-21-1941; d: 9-30-1984; s/o George BURLESON; Mrs. E. M.; b: 3-10-1910; d: 11-9-1962 BOX; No other name, no marker, but believed to be buried here-south center section
CLEVELAND; Bella; d/o Minnie Craig CRAIG; Moses CRAIG; Minnie; w/o Moses CRAIG; Frankie CRAIG; Mozelle McCullough; 1 broken stone on Craig plot
DICKSON (or DIXON); Hezekiah; b: 9-27-1896; d: 4-24-1975; PFC US Army DIXON; Winston Baker; b: 2-21-1901; d: 10-22-1982
FREMAN; Mrs. Palmetto; b: 2-15-1897; d: 1-30-1967; m/o Charles Freman
HAYDEN; Edger Isaac; b: 4-18-1918; d: 7-10-1978; s/o Eddie Tippett HENRY; Mazie; b: no dates; d: HOUSTON; Addison "Uncle Add"; b: 7-3-1878; d: 5-8-1980; "Father" HOUSTON; Mattie; b: 1-1-1883; d: 12-26-1954; w/o Addison HOUSTON; Herbert; b: 1904; d: 1981; s/o Addison HOUSTON; Henry Odell; b: 12-9-1907; d: 10-30-1981; CPL WWII HOUSTON; Herman; b: 10-16-1902; d: 11-12-1968; s/o Addison "Our beloved Father and Husband" HOUSTON; Horace; b: -; d: 11-11-1984; 73 years; s/o Addison
JONES, Mitchell; b: -; d: 1-29-1939 JONES, Nancy; b: 4-13-1863; d: 9-25-1920 JONES, Alex A.; b: 2-20-1887; d: 10-30-1945; h/o Georgia JONES, Georgia; b: 6-1-1895; d: 8-27-1979; w/o Alex |
JONES, Edly Odel; b: 3-15-1907; d: 9-26-1933 JONES, Willie B.; b: 3-3-1912; d: 3-12-1975; s/o Georgia; TEC 5 US Army Sam; b: 9-23-1878; d: 4-29-1961; b/o Ina Mae JONES, Ina Mae; b: -; d: 7-23-1971; sis/o Sam
LACY; Mrs. Bertha Lee; b: 2-22-1933; d: 7-15-197? stone broken; Sis/o Catherine Moore; one; marked with stone - may be Grandmother of Bertha Lee and Catherine LACEY; Robert Lee, Sr.; b. 10-17-1932; d. 1-26-1998; s/o Jonah & Lou Lacey LaRUE; Carrie A. Jones; b: -; d: 9-2-1972
McDONALD; Matthew; b: -; d: MITCHELL; Rev. Dan; b: 1885; d: 7-6-1930; "A Gospel Minister", Grandfather of Andrew Owens and Catherine Moore MITCHELL; Mittie; b: -; d: -; w/o Dan; Gm/o Catherine Moore MITCHELL; Hattie Mae; b: -; d: 1969; m/o Catherine Moore broken stone; b: 3- -1915; d: 4 only number left
OWENS; Berry; b: -; d: -; F/o Andrew OWENS; Andrew; b: 7-14-1917; d: 11-29-1956; TEX SFC 73 Engr Combat Bn WWII and Korea
ROSE; Addie; b: no dates; d: ; M/o Crezette Campbell
SIMPSON; Hattie; b: 1879; d: 1937
THOMAS; Mattie B.; b: -; d: ; d/o Addie Rose TIPPITT; Eddie Bell Dixon; b: 11-26-1893; d: 7-22-1971
TURNER; Nancy Burks; b: 4-8-1951; d: 4-11-1983; d/o George Burks
WARE; Sarah; b: 10-10-1892; d: 6-3-1971 WHEELER; Lincoln DeJuan; b: 12-1-1959; d: 5-11-1985; football star; former policeman WHITE; Mary; b: 8-6-1895; d: 12-1-1956; "Mother" WILLIAMS; Maggie Jones; b: 3-20-1886; d: 10-26-1940 |