DUNNAM - HARMON FAMILY CEMETERY GRAPELAND AREA - NEAR SUNSET East of Grapeland, 2 miles, on Percilla FM 228, right of road on Cunningham farm is a cemetery. Fenced with iron posts. There are 2 double markers and 1 single marker.
Thomas; b: 1-3-1883; d: 5·6-1901; b/o Joe Colkin
According to Mrs. Carl Jones, Grapeland, Tx., there are 15-20 more people buried here in unmarked graves. The following are her maternal grandparents and relatives; she is sure of the place of their burial;
Joseph Watson; b: 9-1-1856; d: 6-22-1925 Laura A.; b: 1-2-1857; d: 12-11-1953; w/o Joseph Watson Andrew Jackson; Maternal great-grandparent/o Mrs. Carl Jones Nancy Perdue;
Maternal great-grandparent/o Mrs. Carl Jones, w/o Andrew J. Elizabeth Grimes; w/o Elizah mat.gr.m./o Mrs. Jones Susan; d/o Elizah and Elizabeth Richard (Dick); unmarried, br/o Elizah
HARMON J. W.; b: 11-5-1831; d: 5-21-1899 Nannie R.; b: 11-23-1835; d: 1-2-1903; s/o J. W. (? w/o J. W. ?) HM
Written 1985 and submitted by Hazel Moore, member Historical Commission. |
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