ALLEN Artice Fay; b: 2-7-1914; d: (Living); h/o Loreda Loreda Luce; b: 8-6-1917; d: 9-6-1984; w/o Artice
ANDERSON Cora I. (Whitaker) Chapman; b: 1895; d: 1946; w/o Lewis Chapman; Lloyd Anderson; dlo Elizabeth Denson & Richard Whitaker
BEESON James Henry (Flex); b: 5-3-1897; d: 9-1-1983 Velma; b.3-21-1929; d. 12-16-1929; d/o James & Loye Zera Beeson Loye Zera W.; b.9-4-1908; d. 1-7-1993; w/o James Henry Beeson
BLACKMON Mary Ella; b: 2-1-1905; d: 5-12-1959; "Mother"
Tom; b: 3-3-1903; d: 4-26-1984 Annie (Cutre); b: 1852; d: 1931; w/o Duncan; m/o Eva Ruth Blue Low Duncan B.; b: 1849; d: 1932; h/o Annie; f/o Eva Ruth Blue Low
CANNON ?; b: 1897; d: 7-11-1979
CHAPMAN Lewis; b: 1891; d: 1917; h/o Cora Whitaker Chapman (Anderson); s/o Sarah Denson & John Chapman "Dad" Cora I. (Anderson); b: 1895; d: 1946; "Mother" Durwood S.; b.8-18-1911; d. still living; h/o Winnie; s/o Lewis & Cora Whitaker Chapman Winnie G.; b.6-19-1915; d. still living; w/o Durwood; d/o Major & Vera Ferguson Whitaker
CLARK Melba; b: 11-5-1922; d: 12-30-1922 John Henry; b: 7-29-1894; d: 6-3-1970; h/o Pearl Smith Clark; Pvt. US Army WWI Pearl; b. 9 -30-1898; d. 1-15-1993; w/o John Henry; d/o Ed R. & Mary C. Smith
CONN Ledell (Pete); b: 9-19-1927; d: 6-18-1975; h/o Wanda Fay; s/o Robert
Conn & Johnnie Carlee Lawrence, Mar.
3-5-1944 - Age: 79 Yrs. Genie Williams Lawrence Wanda Fay; b: 5-5-1927; d: (Living); w/o Ledell Infant; B&D: 1-15-1935; s/o Robert & Johnnie Carlee Robert; b: 9-30-1904; d: 6-13-1984; h/o Johnnie Carlee Lawrence; f/o Ledell
COX Michael A., Jr.; B&D: 4-6-1976
CRAWFORD Billie Sue; b. 11-26-1934; d. 3-30-1995; d/o Logan & Eva Platt McElyea
CUMMINGS Sarepta Blue (Lucy); b.9-4-1886; d.11-1O-1986 Henry Edgar; b: 1881; d: 1969; f/o Jewel Cummings Jackson
DENSON Caroline L. (Houston); b: 11-11-1836; d: 10-21-1918; w/oJoseph Denson; d/o Wilson Houston & Mary Ann Crawford (Houston)
Denson; niece of Sam Houston; Age:
81 Yrs. 11 Mos. 7 Da. Thomas C. & Polly Denson First legible headstone bur. here Ben (Child); b: 1873; d: 1889/1890; s/o Joseph & Caroline (about 17 Yrs. old) Jottie (Infant); b: No Date; d: No Date; Died as infant & possibly 1st grave here - no marker Thomas; b: No Date; d: No Dates; Age: 18 Yrs. - Unmarried-s/o Mary Ann & John
William H. (Bill); b: 4-25-1863; d: 2-14-1951; h/o Lucy
Brimberry Elbert & Polly Brimberry
FERGUSON Hulet Newton; b: 1826; d: 6-27-1891; h/o Lydia Elizabeth Cone Lydia Elizabeth (Cone); b: 1842; d: 1915; w/o Hulet Newton Ferguson Virgil; b. 9-1892; d. 09-1899; s/o Hulet & Lydia Ferguson Emma; b. 11-06-1880; d. 1-1892; d/o Hulet & Lydia Ferguson Grady; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; Marked w/seashells; s/o Ruben & Lora Elsie; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; w/o Grady
Infant; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; ch/o Ruben & Lora E. Lora E.; b: 1882; d: 1962; w/o Ruben
W. D. (Billy); b: 1864; d: 1948; h/o Laura T. & Elizabeth Denson
Infant; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; s/o W. D. (Billy) & Laura
T. 1923-1971 Donna Marie; b.12-19-1956; d.2-25-1992
Alton Jr.; b: 6- -1921; d: 8- -1922; Age: 1 Yr. 2 Mos. GAMMONS
Mr. ?; b: No Dates; d: 7-10-1979; GARRETT Infant; B & D: 4-12-1929; d/o Lewis & Velma Smith Garrett Lewis; b.8-18-1903; d. still living; h/o Velma Smith Velma Smith; b. 1-17-1907; d. 8-20-1995; w/o Lewis Garrett
GOODNIGHT T. Sweeny; b: 2-23-1870; d: 4-23-1936; h/o Dora Williams - "Dad" (Marker reads Goodknight) (Family requested correction) Dora L. (Williams); b: 3-13-1876; d: 8-20-1957; w/o Sweeny; d/o Paul H. Williams; and Sallie Denson "Mama" Jack; b: 8-24-1906; d: 2-27-1980; h/o Edna Maye (Ivy); s/o Sweeny & Dora "Daddy" Edna Maye (Ivy); b: 7-23-1906; d: (Living); w/o Jack - Mar. 10-21-1923, Children: Jack, Jr., Jerry, Morris, Bob, & Jane
GRAY Sam Alva; b: 3-21-1889; d: 8-16-1890; s/o Frank & Mattie (Martha Ann Denson) Gray Ruby Ruth; b: 10-2-1893; d: 3-12-1894; d/o Frank & Mattie (Martha Ann Denson) Gray
HAMB Joseph Ooe); b: 5-31-1866; d: 8-3-1937; h/o Cora; f/o Ida Ham Williams; (Marker reads Hamb, although family says Ham) Cora A.; b: 10-28-1874; d: 7-26-1948; w/o Joe; m/o Ida Ham Williams Calvin - Infant; B&D: 8-7-1915 Children - 2; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; ch/o Joe & Cora Joe Steven; b: 6-18-1956; d: 8-21-1982 J. Warnie; b: 5-19-1909; d: 1-25-1983
Flora E.; b: 6-6-1912; d. 10-22-1993 ; w/o J. Warnie - Mar.
10-19-1930 Anita J. (Oliver); b: 2-6-1933; d: 1-21-1985; d/o Evelyn Oliver - On marker, w/o Evelyn Oliver
HUGHES Randy Lee; b: 8-27-1953; d: 1-7-1963 William Warner; b: 9-14-1905; d: 7-29-1978; h/o Gracie Allen - Mar. 9- 24-1922, Children: LaVerne, LaWanda, Margie, Bill & Larry
Gracie Allen; b.4-15-1904; d. 6-26-1992; w/o Wm.Warner; J. Hugh; b. 11-02-1922; d. 6-21-1990; TEC 5,USA-WWII
JACKSON Jewel Cummings; b: 1919; d: 1949; d/o Henry Edgar Cummings & Ivey Blue
Tom J.; b: 9-27-1899; d: No Dates; h/o Myrtle L. - Mar.
3-8-1947 Myrtle L.; b: 8-7-1909; d: 1-3-1982; w/o Tom J. LANGHAM John Dean; b: 1-4-1944; d: 3-21-1944; s/o J. V. Langham & Dovie Lawrence J. V.; b: 3-4-1913; d: 9-18-1984; h/o Dovie Lawrence
Dovie; b. 3-05-1910; d. 8-20-1992; w/o J.V. Langham; d/o John
LAWRENCE Virgil Alton; b: 9-4-1904; d: 1-23-1976; h/o Bertha Anderson; s/o John Lawrence & Lura Eugenia (Genie) Williams Bertha B. Anderson; b: 1-18-1904; d: 9-28-1970; w/o Virgil - Mar. 6-16-1923 Ora Bell (Davidson); b: 4-24-1915; d: 3-27-1934; 1st w/o Wm. L. G. (Dock) Lawrence d/o Mrls W. P. Davidson Morgan Texas (Tex); b: 1882; d: 1930; Bro/o J. C. Lawrence John Coleman; b: 1-17-1876; d: 11-6-1944; h/o Lura Eugenia (Genie) Williams Lura Eugenia (Genie) Williams; b: 7-19-1884; d: 7-3-1966; w/o John Lawrence; d/o Paul H. Williams & Sallie Denson William L. G. (Dock); b: 10-18-1912; d: 8-1-1980; h/o Dorothy Allen;
s/o John Lawrence & Lura Eugenia
(Genie) Williams; s/o John Lawrence & Lura Eugenia (Genie) Williams Edna Pearl (Weisinger); b: 10-13-1925; d: 5-18-1982; w/o Earl Edward Lawrence; d/o G. W. & Callie (Matilda Caroline Chapman) Weisinger Gary Earl; b. 1-20-1944; d. 12-24-1995; s/o EarI & Edna Pearl Lawrence - no marker Paul Leyland "Mutt"; b.3-22-1925; d. 12-08-1988; s/o John & Genie Williams Lawrence
LEE Denzel Milton "Buddy"; b. d. 1-14-1997; 69 yrs 1 mos 1 day
LEWIS Jo Ann; b. d. 10-07-1987; 50 yrs 7 mos 3 days
LOW James D.; b. 10-05-1909; d. 6-1 3-1987; h/o Leatha V. Davidson; 2nd: Maggie Lee Platt; s/o Harvey & Eva Ruth Blue Low Leatha V. (Davidson); b: 1-2-1913; d: 2-5-1971; w/o James D. Low Baby; b: 10- -1938; d: No Dates; ch/o James & Leatha Isaac Harvey; b: 8-1-1886; d: 11-22-1962; h/o Eva Ruth Blue; f/o
James D. d/o Duncan & Annie Blue
McELYEA Logan W.; b: 8-21-1911; d: 5-10-1984; h/o Eva Platt Eva (Platt); b: 5-2-1909; d: (Living)
MORGAN Winnard; b: 10-27-1913; d: 8-11-1985; h/o Docia T. - Mar. 2-8-1936 Docia T.; b: 10-6-1916; d: (Living) Patsy Ruth; b. 10-16-1936; d. still living; w/o Thomas Stacy Morgan
Thomas Stacy; b. 12-31-1936; d. 01-11-1987; h/o Patsy Ruth;
OLIVER Evelyn (Shaver); b: 11-3-1910; d: (Living); d/o Wm. A. & Julia Shaver, "Mother" (On marker w/ Anita J. Hill)
OWENS Bert L.; b: 1880; d: 1949; h/o Nancy Joanna Williams Nancy Joanna (Anna); b: 1878; d: 1953; w/o Bert; d/o Paul Williams & Sallie Denson Child; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; s/o Bert & Anna; rock marker
PARKER James E. (Bud); b: 9-23-1894; d: 8-22-1974; hjo Ruthie Allen Parker-Mar. 5-141922, Pvt. US Army Ruthie Ann (Allen); b: 12-15-1895; d: (Living); w/o James (Bud)
Parker-Children: Mildred T., Anna
Bell, J. K, Jr., Lucille K, Berta D. PETERSON William Alfred; b: 3-9-1904; d: 1-30-1984; h/o Benola Lawrence; s/o David W. Peterson & Sarah Francis Grissett Benola (Lawrence); b: 4-27-1918; d: (Living); w/o William; d/o John Lawrence & Lura Eugenia Lawrence; (Also Petterson, some state, but not on markers)
PLATT Tom; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; s/o John T. & Ada Platt - Rock marker Ada C.; b: 11-19-1882; d: 10-26-1961; w/o John T. Platt
John T.; b: 1850; d: 1934; h/o Ada C. Truman L.; b: 5-27-1911; d: 8-22-1958; h/o Maggie; s/o John T. &
Ada C. Jas. Low William Henry; b: 5-20-1886; d: 5-1-1973; h/o Virgie; s/o John T. &
Ada C. Aubrey H.; b: 6-8-1914; d: 10-14-1979; h/o Katy Lucille Lawrence; s/o Mr. Henry & Miss Virgie Katy Lucille (Lawrence); b: 11-16-1914; d: (Living); w/o Aubrey; d/o John Lawrence & Lura Eugenie Williams
Lonny; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; s/o Albert P. Albert Lloyd; b: 7-30-1933; d: 5-21-1975; PFC US Army
RANDEL Joyce; b. 1-19-1944; d. 11-15-1990; d/o Roy & Lorene Whitaker
SHAVER Charles Clifton; b: 9-27-1918; d: 11- -1918; s/o Edell & Edith (marked w/pipe & can Julia Ann (Denson); b: 8-27-1870; d: 2-11-1954; w/o W. A. (Bill)
Shaver; d/o Joseph Denson &
Caroline L. Houston William Elmer; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; s/o Julia & Bill - Marked w/rock Alex Odell; b: 12-14-1893; d: 3-10-1894; s/o J. W. & L. L. Shaver Oze Ray; b: 1-26-1920; d: 3-3-1920; s/o S. J. Shaver
SKIDMORE Arwine; b: 4-15-1898; d: 3-3-1975; h/o Cora Estell; s/o John Clayton Skidmore & Mary (Texie) Chapman, Br/o Arland; Children; Gwendolyn, Ouita, &John Cora (Estell); b: 11-24-1898; d: (Living); w/o Arwine - Mar. 8-15-1919; d/o Ada Platt Mary Elizabeth (Texie) Chapman; b: 4-15-1875; d: 8-5-1954; w/o John Clayton; d/o John Chapman & Sarah Ann Denson John Clayton; b: 9-29-1869; d: 10-19-1958; h/o (Texie) Chapman; s/o John Turner Skidmore & Elizabeth Denson Helen Rose; b: 3-10-1927; d: 7-14-1930; d/o Arland Arland, Jr.; b: 1-4-1925; d: 8-13-1925; s/o Arland Ed; b: 1-13-1881; d: 3-20-1968; h/o Bennie Elizabeth Williams; s/o John Clayton Skidmore & Mary (Texie) Chapman Bennie Elizabeth; b: 5-13-1891; d: 11-19-1977; w /0 Ed; d/o Paul Williams & Sallie Denson; Mar. 7-31-1910 Child; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; No marker
Calvin Dewey; b: 10-31-1915; (Living); h/o Nancy; s/o Ed &
Bennie Nancy T.; b: 5-11-1923; d: 2-6-1984; w/o Calvin D. Harold P. "Boots"; b. 12-10-1918; d. 12-07-1996; s/o Ed & Bennie Elizabeth Williams Skidmore
SMITH B. W. (Bat); b: 1-27-1885; d: 3-3-1965; h/o Myrtle Myrtle L.; b: 8-30-1891; d: 8-19-1978; w/o Bat Willie A; b: 6-19-1909; d: 4-6-1977; s/o B. W. & Myrtle; h/o Rowena Neoma (Simms); b: 1912; d: 1950; First w/o Olin Smith (Ed & Mary's son)
Edward Franklin; b: 12-2-1876; d: 5-4-1974; h/o Mary C. Infant; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; d/o Mr/s Wilburn Smith Infant; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; s/o Mr/s Wilburn Smith Infant; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; d/o Preston Smith Wilburn; b: 11-10-1900; d: 5-9-1969; h/o Ruby - Mar. 1-11-1922 - "Daddy" Ruby (Davidson); b: 9-16-1903; d: 3-2-1984; w/o Wilburn - "Mama" Joyce M.; b.9-15-1926; d. still living; w/o Olan Smith; mar.4-9-50
O.E. (Olan); b.4-17-1909; d.8-9-1987; h/o Joyce M.
WASHBURN Elizabeth (Denson); b: 7-26-1817; d: 1-12-1894; Sis/o Joseph Denson
WEEMS Herra; b. 12-14-1921; d. 12-30-1993; h/o Mary Frances- m. 05-02-51 Mary Frances; b.8-12-1933; d. still living; w/o Herra Weems
WALZER Elsie Hood; b.1O- 22-1905; d. 11-10-1988
WHITAKER A. L.; b. 1-20-1909; d. still living; h/o Inez; m.8-31-1935 Bertie; b. d. bef. 1900; s/o Elizabeth Denson & Richard Whitaker [marked by rock, located near parents' graves] Boyd L; b.9-30-1910; d. 9-05-1994; h/o Janey; s/o Major L. & Vera C. Ferguson Whitaker Elven Stuard; b. 12-04-1901; d. 8-27-1987 Holly Roy; b. 12-14-1910; d. 8-31-1987; h/o Lorene Inez; b.8-16-1918; d. 10-15-1991; w/o A. L. Whitaker Lorene; b. 3-1897; d. no date; d/o Elizabeth Denson & Richard Whitaker [marked by rock, located near parents' graves]
Lorene Lee; b.4-19-1915; d. 11-27-1996; w/o Holly Roy
Whitaker Will; b. 5-1892; d. no date; s/o Elizabeth Denson & Richard Whitaker [marked by rock, located near parents' graves] Roy Lee; b: 5-25-1932; d: 9-19-1973 Michael David; b: 11-3-1956; d: 6-28-1959 Major L.; b: 10-19-1881; d: 11-27-1954; h/o Vera C. Ferguson; s/o Wilson Whitaker & Emmaline Denson Vera C. (Ferguson); b: 7-16-1894; d: (Living); w/o Major Whitaker; d/o W. D. Ferguson & Laura Skidmore No Name; b: No Dates; d: No Dates; Rock Marker M. Elizabeth (Denson); b: 9-12-1867; d: 6-8-1935; w/o Richard Whitaker; d/o Joseph Denson & Caroline (Houston) Denson Richard E.; b: 5-2-1864; d: 10-19-1901; h/o Elizabeth Denson; br/o Wilson Whitaker Holly Webster; b: 1-30-1889; d: 11-10-1961; h/o Cora; s/o Wilson Whitaker & Emmaline Denson Cora; b: 7-20-1893; d: 9-29-1918; w/o Holly Webster Whitaker Infant - Son; B&D: 1921 S. Edmund; b: 1-6-1886; d: 11-17-1968; h/o Velma - Mar. 10-16-1907; s/o Wilson Whitaker & Emmaline Denson N. Velma; b: 10-12-1890; d: 6-19-1967; w/o Edmund Whitaker Emmaline (Denson); b: 9-23-1858; d: 6-27-1936; w/o Wilson Whitaker; d/o Joseph Denson & Caroline (Houston) Denson Wilson; b: 11-25-1856; d: 2-20-1937; h/o Emmaline Denson; br/o Richard Sarah Louise; b: 1918; d: 1919 C. L.; b: 8-10-1879; d: 5-23-1957; h/o Mollie
Mollie B.; b: 9- 1889; d: 7-8-1955; w/o C. L. Annie Bell; b: 1912; d: 12-27-1934 Boyd L.; b: 9-30-1910; d: (Living); h/o Janey - Mar. 1-7-1933; s/o Major & Vera Whitaker Janey B.; b: 5-5-1913; d: 12-8-1983; w/o Boyd L.; Children: Donald, Diane, & Ginger D. B.; b: No Dates; (Living)
WHITE Lawrence N.; b: 2-17-1909; d: (Living); h/o Mamie - Mar: 8-10-1935 Mamie M.; b: 7-16-1906; d: 2-12-1981; w/o Lawrence
WILLIAMS Paul H.; b: 1-9-1851; d: 7-30-1922; h/o Sallie Denson Sallie (Denson); b: 2-8-1851; d: 7-30-1929; w/o Paul Williams; d/o Joseph Denson & Caroline (Houston) Denson Daniel (Dan); b: 9-24-1879; d: 3-21-1933; h/o Ida B. Ham; s/o Paul Williams & Sallie Denson; Rock Marker Ida B. (Ham); b: 9-11-1891; d: d.9-8-1965; w/o Dan Williams; d/o Joe & Cora Ham, Metal Marker (Illegible) Baby; b: No Dates; d: 1915; d/o Dan Williams & Ida Hamb; Twin to Anna Laura Garland Lee; b. no date; d. 4-30-1995; 75 yrs 8 mos 16 days; s/o Dan & Ida Ham Williams |