"My name is Major J. Crowson.
I am called at the Eastham
State Prison Farm 'Long Arm
Man' or 'Backfield Man', and
on the morning of January
16, 1934, Olin Bozeman was
carrying No.1 squad. I
was riding a horse and I was
in front of Bozeman's squad.
It was about 7:15 a.m. when
Bozeman called me and said
'Raymond Hamilton has jumped
my squad.' and I said 'Boy
that is for something.' and
Bozeman said 'Yes it is.'
Joe Palmer was in Boss
Bozeman's squad and he
pulled an automatic pistol.
It was a .44 or .45, and Joe
Palmer shot me in the
stomach he shot at me once
while I was riding away.
When Joe Palmer pulled his
gun on me Joe Palmer said
'Don't you boys try to do
anything.' I never did get
my hand on my gun, and I
never did shoot at Joe
Palmer or any other convicts
that was in the squad.
After I was shot I rode to
the camp and told Captain
Mozingo that I was shot and
shot bad. I am positive that
it was Joe Palmer who shot