January 11, 1912
Local News
Tom Aiken spent
Christmas at Henderson.
A.E. Mays of Dallas
visited home folks here last week.
Armstead Aldrich was at
home from school for the holiday season.
Miss Nell Beasley, in
school at Sherman, was at home Christmas week.
Miss Caroline Peyton
spent Christmas with the homefolks at Marlin.
T.J. Ware was a caller
at the Courier office on Thursday before Christmas.
Mrs. J.F. Downes of
Dallas is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Warfield
Mr. J. E. Monk is among
the number remembering the Courier since last issue.
H.W. Beeson of Lovelady
Paid the Courier a visit on Friday before Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. George McLean
were presented with a baby girl Christmas morning.
R.S. Willis of Winters,
visiting friends here, called at the Courier office
J.W. Young went to
Chicago on business in connection with the road
bonds last week.
Will Lipscomb has
returned to his studies in the State Medical
University in Galveston.
Miss Beasley Denny was
at home from Baylor University at Waco during the
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Newton
of Galveston were visiting relatives and friends
here last week.
Mrs. M.E. Smith and
daughter, Miss Roberta,
have returned to their home at Culpeper, Va.
Mrs. Barnes of Trinity
spent Christmas with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Bayne,
Miss Sue Denny, from
the State University at Austin, was at home for the
holiday season.
Rooms to rent, furnished or unfurnished, with bath
privileges. Apply to Mrs. Geo.
W. Cook.
Cleaning, pressing, repairing and altering clothes
our specialty. Shupak Tailors.
Miss Grace Denny,
teaching a music class at Ratcliff, spent Christmas
with the folks at home.
Albert Daniel has
returned to Crockett from Limestone Gap, Okla.,
where he has been ranching.
Alec Davis, one of the
Courier's long-time colored subscribers has renewed
for another year in advance.
Misses Reba Rich and
Lucile Mainer of
Lovelady were guests of Misses
Grace and Sue Denny last week.
Miss Willie Park Blair
left Thursday night for Tyler and will g in a few
days to New York to remain until summer.
The Courier regrets to learn of the removal of
R.D. Wherry of Houston
County. Mr. Wherry is now living at Oakwood.
Removal Notice. My office is now located over the
Murchison-Beasley Drug Co. W.C.
Lipscomb, M.D.
C.H. Long of Augusta,
D.J. Keels of Creek and
J.W. Manning were among
the number remembering the Courier before Christmas.
Donald G. Moore,
secretary and treasurer of the Beaumont Waterworks
Company, spent Christmas with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Moore
in this city.
The Courier is glad to know that
Mr. Charles Beazley,
formerly of Reynard, has decided to become one of
Crockett's citizens. He will move his family here.
B.B. Austin of Route 6,
Dr. W.W. Latham of
Route 2, O.T. Bitner of
Marlin and J.R. Luce of
Grapeland are among the number remembering the
Courier since last issue.
Miss Stewart Wise and
Miss Mary Hughes left
Monday morning for Houston, San Antonio and Oklahoma
City, where they will visit before returning to
their homes in Virginia.
To Rent. Eighty acres of good black land, one and a
half miles from Crockett. Will rent only to man with
two teams and able to furnish himself.
Smith Bros.
Mr. Berry Yates and
Miss Ava Brashears were
married at the Methodist parsonage December 24,
Rev. Geo. W. Davis
officiating. The bride was a Houston county girl,
the groom coming from Fort Worth where they will
make their home.
Among the numerous entertainments complimenting
Misses Wise and
Hughes of Virginia was
a "forty-two" party given by
Mrs. Lawrence Jordan Saturday evening. The
party was progressive and at its conclusion
refreshments were served.
A Miss Blalock and
Mr. Woollam were
married at the Harris hotel last week by Justice of
the Peace Ed Callier.
Mr. Woollam comes from central Texas while his bride
lived a few miles east of Crockett. They left on the
night train for the bridegroom's home.
Notice. I will have a deputy at Lovelady, Monday,
January 8th, 1912, Grapeland, Tuesday, January 9th,
1912, Ratcliff, Saturday, January 18th, 1912,
Kennard, Monday, January 15th, 1912, collecting 1910
taxes. Mrs. A.L. Goolsby,
Tax Collector.
Walter Jones died
suddenly at his home near Latexo last Thursday
night. Mr. Jones was a middle age, a man of family,
hardworking and a good citizen. The Courier, in
common with the rest of his neighbors, regrets very
much to learn of his death. He retired as usual and
died about 2 o'clock after a brief struggle. Heart
failure was given as the cause.
Estray Notice. One bay mare about 10 years old,
crippled in fore foot and wire cuts on leg. Also one
bay horse about 10 years old. The weight of the
above about 1000 lbs. Each. The above stock left
Pennington about 4 weeks ago. Will pay liberal
reward for above stock. J.A.
Brannen, Pennington, Texas
Honoring Miss Stewart Wise,
of Norfolk and Miss Mary
Hughes of Culpeper, Va.,
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Edmiston
entertained at dinner Christmas day. The other
guests on this occasion were
Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Wootters,
Miss Willie Park Blair
of Tyler, Mr. Hugh Mercer
Smith of Weldon and
Messrs. Oliver Aldrich and W.W. Aiken. The
game of bridge was enjoyed after dinner.
Sheriff A.W. Phillips
arrested in Oklahoma last week a man indicted by the
last Houston County grand jury for bigamy. The man's
name is Kelly, but he
was living under an assumed name in Oklahoma living,
it is claimed with wife no.2. Kelly posed for a
while as a preacher and an ex-convict in the
southwestern part of this county and married a
Houston county girl. He later went to
Oklahoma and the grand jury indictment followed. He
is being held in jail and it is said that he is an
ex-convict and was passing himself as a preacher in
At the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Warfield,
in this city on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock,
occurred the marriage of Mr.
John W. Greenwell of Minneapolis, Minn., and
Mrs. Sallie Warfield Clark
of San Antonio. The wedding was a very quiet
one, being witnessed only by the members of the
family. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. S. F. Tenney of
the Presbyterian church. Mr.
and Mrs. Greenwell left on the north bound
train for San Antonio and from there they will go to
their home in Minneapolis. Mr. Logan Greenwell of
Kansas City, a brother of the groom, was here for
the wedding.
Dissolution of Firm. Notice is hereby given that the
law firm of Madden & Ellis
as this day dissolved. All business now on hand will
have the attention of both until completed and all
claims against the firm may be presented to either
of us. Mr. Madden will
remain in the office occupied by the firm, and
Mr. Ellis can be found
on the same floor adjoining
Dr. Atmar's office. All persons owing the
firm will please call and settle as soon as
practicable. We are grateful to all clients for
their business in the past and either of us will be
glad to serve them in the future.
J.W. Madden, C.M. Ellis.
January 11, 1912
The State of Texas, to the sheriff or any constable
of Houston county greeting:
You are hereby commanded to summon the unknown heirs
of S.S. Towles,
deceased, the unknown heirs of
J.S. Towles, deceased, the unknown heirs of
E.J. Wood, deceased,
the unknown heirs of Archible
Henrie, deceased, the unknown heirs of
Melissa J. Pollard,
deceasced, the unknown heirs of
A.E. Merritt, deceased,
the unknown heirs of George J.
Butler, deceased, the unknown heirs of
Sally J. Butler,
deceased, the unknown heirs of
A.F. James, deceased, the unknown heirs of
Maggie Blagge,
deceased, the unknown heirs of
Hamilton ???, deceased, the
unknown heirs of Hamilton
Blagge, the unknown heirs of
B.N. McBride, deceased,
unknown heirs of J.W. Webber,
deceased, and the unknown heirs of
Benjamin F. Wood,
deceased, by making publication of this citation
once in each week, for eight successive weeks....In
the town of Crockett, on the fifth Monday after the
first Monday in February, A.D. 1912, the same being
the eleventh day of March A.D. 1912, then and there
to answer a petition filed in said court on the
ninth day of January, A.D. 1912, in a suit numbered
on the docket of said court No. 5364, wherein
M.A. Milliff is
plaintiff and the unknown heirs of (as listed
above), Mrs. M.E. McBride,
for herself and as administratrix of the estate of
B.N. McBride,
W.T. Patton and
M.M. Medford are
defendants, said petition alleging that the
plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the
hereinafter described tracts or parcels of land,
being lawfully seized and possessed of same, that on
or about the first day of January, 1912, the
defendants unlawfully entered upon said land,
dispossessed the plaintiff and now unlawfully
withhold from plaintiff the possession of said land
to plaintiff's damage in the sum of fifty thousand
dollars. That said tracts of land are all situated
on the Archible Henrie
league and labor about 23 miles south west from the
city of Crockett, and the same which was patented to
Benjamin F. Wood, as
assignee of the said Archible
Henrie, and more particularly as
follows....(detail of tracts of land)