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Wesley Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church, March 25, 1919

Contributed by Frankie Miller
This registry of Pastors and members was taken from the original books of the Wesley Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church, South dated 1893 to 1962. These books were in the possession of Mrs. Bernice "Raynalds" Keelin for many years, and now are in the possession of one of her daughters Mrs. Margaret DeBord who has given me permission to submit them for research. The wording and names are written as they were in the books, and therefore may not be spelled correctly.
Vol. 2
The Church Register of the Wesley Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church, South 25 March 1919
Emma Kate Conner and George Allen - Nov. 1912
Essie Mc Manus and F. O. Conner - No Date
Claudia Mc Manus and Ray Taylor - No Date
Elgie Mc Manus and Willie Smith - No Date
Martha Taylor and Julias Ardis - 14 Sept. 1913
Ina Taylor and Fletcher Young - 23 May 1917
Gertie Young and Dal Marshall - No Date
Etha Taylor and Morris Cromer - 19 Feb. 1921
Emma Young and Ray Hooten - No Date
Myrtle Reynolds and Willie White - No Date
Bertha Lovell and Cecil Hoover - No Date
Rachel Billingsly and Vry Conner No Date
Ora Simmons and Houston Lovell - No Date
Bethel Young and Homer Jackson - No Date
Lillie Turner and John Davis - No Date
Ellie Billingsly and Bob Mc Cool - No Date
Clara Smith and Lawrence Gregory - No Date
Xuma, Young and ? Whittle - No Date
Edith Reynolds and Earl Hopper - Dec. 1933
Bernice Raynalds and Marvin Keelin - by Wesley Doak - 5 May 1934
Luda Smith and Jim Bruton - No Date
Glenna Raynalds - Harold Reynolds - by Rev. Ragan - 19 Dec. 1937
Joyce Gregory and Ben Dodd - No Date
Vanera Allen and Dudley Shelton - Dec. 1938
Inez Williams and Wayne Beeson - 5 July 1939
Clyde Williams and John Baker Irons - 30 Jan. 1940
Marlin Taylor and Vara Sewell - No Date
Odena Allen and Billy Fox - No Date
Carolyn Wester and Carl Porter - No Date
June Wester and Kerney Brim - No Date
Ben Smith and Myrtle Pickett - No Date
Ovie Allen - does not say who was married to - No Date
Vessie McCauley and Beatrice Ward - by Rev. Henry Mood - 15 Nov. 1941
Wm. Earl White and Mary Dortch - No Date
Doris Click and Coy Vickers - by Bro. Lenhoff - Sept. 1937
Dena Fuller and ? Thomas - No Date
Emma Fuller and ? Clark - No Date
William Smith and Edna Hunter - No Date
Nora Gregory and Monroe Cannon - No Date
Nadine Mc Daniel and C. B. Knotts - No Date
Lester Mc Daniel - does not say who married to - No Date
Clara Marts - does not say who married to - No Date
Ada White - does not say who married to -No Date
Haskell Reynolds - does not say who married to - No Date
Ida May Keelin and Glenn Montgomery - No Date
Wanda Young - does not say who married to - No Date
Hazel Smith and Harmon Keelin - by Wesley Doak - 26 May 1934
Sarah Lou Keelin and Allen Dickie - by Howard Childs - 21 June 1956
Register Of Infant Baptisms:
Lovell, Robbert - s/o Walter and Ethel Lovell - by Rev. Little - 28 Aug. 1927
Smith, Helen - d/o Blantie and Nell Smith - by Rev. Brayles - 1929
Smith, Amega - child of Blantie and Nell Smith - by Rev. Brayles - 1929
Smith, Maynard - s/o Willie and Elgie Smith - by Rev. Ragen - No Date
Reynolds, William David - s/o H. B. and Glenna Reynolds - by N. L Glasco - 8 Sept. 1940
Taylor, Carol Ann - d/o Marlin and Vara Taylor - by N. L. Glasco - 8 Sept. 1940
Vicars, Coy Oliver - s/o Coy and Doris Vicars - by N. L. Glasco - 1940
Keelin, Valeria Ann - d/o Marvin and Bernice Keelin - by Bro. Smith - 1945
Johnson, Joe Lee - s/o Erney and Dortha Johnson - by Bro. Smith - 1945
Register Of Members:
Conner, W. M. - received by Rev. J. E. Hinman - No Date - died -1 Dec. 1925
Conner, Lois - received - No Date - died - 1927
Taylor, Fannie - received - No Date - withdrew - 13 Nov. 1921
Taylor, Sallie - withdrew - 1 Jan. 1921 - died - No Date
Taylor, Rash - received - died - No Date
Conner, Arnold - died - No Date
Conner, Kate - received -died - No Dates
Hopper, Rachel - received - died - No Dates
Hughes, J. H. - removed by order of church conf. - 13 Feb. 1921 - died - No Date
Mc Manus, J. H. - received - died - No Dates
Mc Manus, Nannie - received - No Date
Conner, Essie - received - left by letter - No Dates
Taylor, Claudie - received - No Date
Hopper, Maud - removed by order of church conf. - 13 Feb. 1921
Hopper, A. J. - received - No Date - died - 3 Aug. 1925
Hopper, Sarah - received - No Date - died - 31 Aug. 1926
Hoover, Cora - received - No Date - removed by order of church conf. - 13 Feb. 1921
Stephenson, B. F. - removed - 1922
Stephenson, Josie - removed - 1922
Johnson, George - received - No Date - died - July, 1924
Lovell, J. W. - received - removed by order of church conf. - 13 Feb. 1921
Lovell, Mollie - received - died - 20 Feb. 1944
Lovell,John Houston - received - died - No Date
Smith, Elgie - received - No Date - removed - 9 Jan. 1949
Young, Ina - baptized - No date
Ardis, Martha - baptized - No Date
Hooten, Emma - baptized - No date - left by letter - No Date
Hilburn, R. H. - received - No Date - withdrew - 2 Feb. 1921
Hilburn, Jessie - received - No Date - withdrew - 2 Feb.1921
Fuller, Rosetta, - received by Rev. J. E. Hinman - died - No Dates
Hannin, F. O. - received - No Date - withdrew - 1922
Conner, A.. E. - received - died - No Dates
Lula, Snow - received - No Date
Chester, Belle - received by Rev. Brown - died -1924
Young, Mollie - received by Rev. Brown -No Date - died - 31 Dec. 1924 {w/o John D. Young}
Jones, E. D. - received - withdrew - 1922 - died - No Date
Jones, Docie - received - 1921
Young, Bessie - received - transferred to Birthright, Tex. - No dates
Gregory, Fannie - received - No Date - transferred - No Date
Gregory, G. J. - received - died - No Dates
Davis, Oscar - received - No Date - removed by church conf. - 13 Feb. 1921
Davis, Rosie - received - removed by church conf. - 13 Feb. 1921 - died - No Date
Chester, M. A. - received - No Date - removed by church conf. 13 Feb. 1921- died - No Date
Hopper, Mary - received - No date - died - 2 June 1931
Bradberry, J. B. - received - No Date - died - 2 July, 1925
Bradberry, Ida - received - No Date
Bradberry, M. W. - received - No Date
Young, Bethel - baptized - No Date - removed - joined Baptist Church -No Date
Hoover, Cecil - received by Rev. Hubbard - withdrew - 1922 - died - No Dates
Hoover, Bertha - baptized - No Date - withdrew -1922
Davis, Lillie - baptized - No Date - withdrew - 1922
Turner, Calvin - baptized - No Date - removed by church Conf. - 13 Feb. 1921
Jones, Ernest - baptized - withdrew -No Dates
Tramel, Eddie - received - No Date - removed - 1922
Reynolds, Mary A. - received - died - 1924
White , Myrtle - received - No Date
Ardis, Julius - received - No Date
Bullington, G. D. - received - No Date - withdrew - 1950 - died -1957
Bullington, M. E. - received - No Date - died - 28 March 1949
Eavens, Rev. J. W. - received - No Date - died - 20 Aug. 1919
Taylor, Creed - baptism by Rev. Hubbard - withdrew - 13 Nov. 1921 - died - 28 Jan. 1945
Conner, Vry - baptized - No Date - transferred to Sulphur Springs, Tex. - No Date
Taylor, Ethel - Baptized - No Date -withdrew - 1 Jan. 1921
Cannon, Nora - received by Rev. Culwell - transferred to Sulphur Springs, Tex. - 13 May 1941
Smith, B. L. - baptism - No Date - removed - No date
Smith, Nellie - baptism - removed - No Dates
Sheppard, Parlie - baptism - No Date - removed - 1922
Armstrong, J. C. - baptism - withdrew - No Dates
Evins, B. W., - received by Rev. Payne - transferred to Sulphur Springs, Tex. - No Dates
Evins, Ida - received - transferred to Sulphur Springs, Tex. - No Dates
Hilburn, Ira - received - No Date - removed by order of church conf. - 13 Feb. 1921
Fuller, J. W. - received - died - No Dates
Fuller, Charlie - received - died - No Dates
Fuller, Dena - married Mr. Thomas - received - No Date
Fuller, Fannie - received - No Date
Fuller, Catherine - received - withdrew - No Dates
Fuller, Emma - married Mr. Clark - received - No Date
Marts, Clara - baptism by Rev. Thompson - joined another church - No dates
Young, Xuma - baptism - left by letter - No Dates
Lovell, Walter - received - died - No Dates
Taylor, Marlin - baptism - No Date - withdrew - 13 Nov. 1921
Billingsly, S. L. - received by Rev. Flemming - died - 28 March 1945
Billingsly, Rachel - married Vry Conner - baptism - No Date
Gregory, Joyce - married Ben Dodd - baptism - No date
Smith, Luda - married Jim Bruton - baptism - No Date - removed. - 13 May 1941
Smith, Ben - received - No date
Smith, Clara - married Lawrence Gregory - received - No Date
Billingsly, Ella - married Bob Mc Cool -transferred to Tyler, Tex. - No date
White, Ada - no other information given
Patterson, H. P - received - left by letter - No Dates
Patterson, Julie - received - died - No Dates
Smith, A. L. - died - 20 April 1940
Lovell, Ora - no information given
Patterson, Joel - received - transferred to Okland - No Dates
Patterson, Lula - received - transferred to Okland - No Dates
Reynolds, Lonnie - rec. by Rev. Massengale - trans. to Wesley of Sulphur Springs, Tex.- No Date
Reynolds, Beckie - rec. by Rev. Massengale - trans. to Wesley of Sulphur Springs, Tex.- No Date
Hammans, ?na - rec. by Rev. Anderson - from Dike - trans. to Sulphur Springs, Tex.- died - No date
Hammans, Lois -rec. by Rev. Anderson - from Dike, Tx. - trans. to Sulphur Springs, Tex. - No Dates
Lovell, Ethel - taken off church roll - no info on why or when
Mc Cauley, Theo - no information given
Smith, Della - received - No Date
Conner, Esther - no information given
Mc Daniels, Robert - received - No Date - removed - 1 Oct. 1939
Mc Daniels, Ollie - received - No Date - removed - 1 Oct. 1939
Mc Daniels, Nadine - received by Bro. Barcus - P. E. - removed - 1 Oct. 1939
Mc Daniels, Lester - received by Bro. Barcus -P.E. - Rev. Brayles - Pastor - left, 1 Oct. 1939
Clayton, Lee - received by Rev. F. P. Brayles - died - 10 Dec. 1945
Clayton, Mollie - no information given
Wester, F., Mrs. - no information given
Reynolds, Edith - married Earl Hopper - received by Bro. Dennis - withdrew - No Dates
Allen, Venera - received by Bro. Dennis - No Date
Smith, Aubrey - received by Bro. Dennis - No Date
Raynalds, Glenna - married Harold Reynolds - rec. by Bro.Dennis - trans. to Lubbock, Tx.-No Dates
Allen, Ovie - received by Bro . Dennis - No Dates
Gregory, Mary Kate - received by Bro. Dennis -No Date
Smith, William - baptism by Bro. Ragan - transferred - No Dates
Taylor, Vara - baptism by Bro. Patterson - No Date
Smith, Mollie - received by Bro. Patterson - No Date
Harbor, Kirt - received by Bro. Patterson - No Date - died - 1 April 1963
Harbor, Pearl - baptism by Bro. Patterson - transferred - No Dates
Williams, Cleo - received by Bro. Burress - No Date
Williams, Inez - received by Bro. Burress - from Sulphur Springs, Tex. - No Date
Williams, Clyde - received by Bro. Burress - No Date
Wester, Carolyn - baptism by Bro. Burress - Aug. 1936 - transferred - No Date
Wester, June - baptism by Bro. Burress - Aug. 1936 - transferred - No Date
Allen, Odena - baptism by Bro. Burress - Aug. 1936 - withdrew - 1950
Hoover, J. W. - baptism by Bro . Burress - Aug. 1936 - removed - 6 Aug. 1940
Raynalds, Mae, Mrs. - married Davie Lee Raynalds - baptism by Bro. Reagan - 1938
Keelin, W. M., - certified by N. L. Glasco - Dec. 1938 - trans. to Gafford Chapel - 6 Aug. 1940
Keelin, W. M., Mrs. - certified by N. L. Glasco - Dec. 1938 - trans. to Gafford Chapel - 6 Aug. 1940
Reynolds, H. B., - received by N. L. Glasco - from Asbury of Lubbock Tx. - Dec. 1938
Reynolds, H. B., Mrs. - received by N. L. Glasco - from Asbury of Lubbock, Tex. - Dec. 1938
Reynolds, William David - received by Rev. Jessie E. Marlin - No Date - trans. to Como, Tex. - 1964
Hinkle, M. A., Mrs. - baptism by N. L. Glasco - 8 Sept. 1940
Smith, Willie - received - No Date - removed - 9 Jan. 1949 - died - No Date
Taylor, J. C. - died - 28 Jan. 1945
Vickers, Coy -received - 19 Sept. 1941
Vickers, Doris -received - 19 Sept. 1942
Click, Leona -received - 19 Sept. 1942 - died - 1949
Cates, Allen -received by Bro. Branch - from Orange, Tex. - 1942 - transferred to Odessa, Tex. - 1951
Cates, Ruby -received by Bro. Branch - from Orange, Tex. - 1942 - transferred to Odessa, Tex. - 1951
Cates, Elbert - received by Bro. Branch - 1942 - transferred - 1952
Cates, Reba - received by Bro. Branch - 1942 - transferred - 1952
White, Marvin - received by Bro. Branch -1942 - died - 1950
White, Fay - received by Bro. Branch - 1942
Carr, Lucy - received by Bro. Branch - 4 June 1944
Keelin, Ida Mae - received by Bro. Miller - 1945 - transferred to Gafford Chapel - No Date
Young, John - received by Bro. Smith - 1945 - died - 1945
Reynolds, Haskel - received by Bro. Smith - 1945 - left, joined Baptist Church - No Date
Moore, Grace - received by Bro. Smith - 1945
Moore, Billie Mack - received by Bro. Smith - 1945
Moore, Harley Sherell - received by Bro. Smith - 1945
Johnson, Erney - received by Bro. Smith - 1945
Johnson, Dortha - received by Bro. Smith - 1945
White, Wm. Earl - received by J. B. Culwell - 1946 - withdrew - No Date
Mc Cauley, - received by Rev. Miller - 1946 - transferred to Birthright, Tex. - No Date
Mc Cauley, - received by Rev. Miller - 1946 - transferred to Birthright, Tex. - No Date
Day, ? , Mrs. - received by J. B. Culwell - 1946 - transferred - No Date
Cates, Neva Nelle - received by Arthur Fred Renfro - 1951 - transferred - No Date
Keelin, Marvin - no information given
Keelin, Bernice - no information given
Keelin, Sarah - left - joined Baptist Church
Keelin, Glenna - baptized by Arthur Fred Renfro - 1951
Keelin, Valeria - baptized by Howard Childs - 1956 - transferred - No Date
Keelin, Margarett - baptized by Dale Boland - 27 July 1957
Smith, Delia - baptism - No Date - died - No Date
Shelton, Vanera - left, joined Baptist Church - No Date
Wester, Carrie - died - Aug. 1961
Young, Joe - baptized -11 Aug. 1940 - died - 9 June 1962