Hopkins County, Texas TXGenWeb
Rootsweb Message Board
Richland Cemetery
contributed by JoAnn Cross
photos by Nancy Faulk White Adams
Name - Birth - Death - Plot - Notes
F., L. D.C 12/26 1899 8/6 1900 ?
Adams, Charles 1/15 1845 6/17 1919 HH35
Adams, Earl Monroe 12/18 1901 11/1 1961 AA17
Adams, Earnest M. 12/18 1901 2/6 1906 GG35
Adams, Matilda Skidmore 10/1 1853 8/21 1927 HH35
Adams, Ruby Jeanette Williamson 1/4 1903 9/11 1988 AA17
Allen (infant) 3/23 1929 3/24 1929 DD39
Allen (infant) 6/3 1959 6/3 1959 P24
Allen, Bascom T. 7/13 1915 12/16 1976 B34
Allen, Edwin Dean 2/5 1933 10/18 1992 V21
Allen, Elizabeth Dove 10/28 1874 10/19 1952 W20
Allen, Frances Mae 12/27 1942 10/19 1994 B33
Allen, George Dewey 12/13 1899 10/31 1986 U18
Allen, Georgia Dixie Ellis 3/13 1870 4/23 1927 T34
Allen, Jewell O. D. 11/17 1908 12/16 1968 N24
Allen, Leta Mae 2/11 1916 10/9 1919 W21
Allen, Luna B. Mitchell & baby 1/17 1897 9/13 1927 EE39
Allen, Mary Clinton Baughman 8/22 1907 8/31 1996 U18
Allen, Ray 4/8 1920 4/7 1941 DD39
Allen, Roy ? 1914 ?
Allen, Thomas Jefferson 7/3 1858 6/24 1935 T34
Allen, Thomas Roland 12/9 1870 2/22 1952 W20
Allen, Thomas Watson 12/3 1893 4/20 1983 V21
Allen, Willie Dennis 9/20 1896 10/26 1983 W21
Anderson, Carl Bertram 10/6 1886 8/18 1955 K29
Anderson, Vera Goodson 12/7 1890 1/30 1925 K29
Ashby, Alice Gadie Scates 4/24 1879 7/25 1967 M21
Ashby, Nathan Barker 10/19 1879 3/4 1973 M21
Atchley, Isaac L. 11/? 1859 1/10 1940 R37
Atchley, Martha Deckard 10/9 1830 2/16 1905 S36
Bartlett, R. D. 1908 9/1 1914 ?
Baughman, J. Daisey Penn 2/6 1876 8/30 1926 T18
Baughman, William Robert 9/21 1868 10/25 1944 T18
Baxley, Arthur Lee 2/23 1886 5/9 1966 AA14
Baxley, Beulah C. Smith 5/15 1887 6/23 1949 AA14
Baxley, Clyde Wesley 5/12 1900 1/28 1976 K19
Baxley, Mary 2/14 1824 9/30 1885 M36
Baxley, Romy Masters 3/22 1900 7/18 1992 K19
Beecham, Louise 1893 9/20 1939 ?
Bentley, Betty Wyatt 9/28 1865 5/21 1945 T16
Bentley, Eva E. Summers 6/16 1891 2/? 1988 T25
Bentley, James Buel 9/25 1887 5/10 1958 T25
Bentley, James Fenley 8/26 1861 5/20 1931 T16
Bentley, Julia Ann Ballard 3/10 1851 7/21 1922 S16
Berthier, Dorothy Faye Summers Sewell 8/23 1914 8/3 2003 E23
Bevis, Calvin L. 9/21 1849 3/16 1919 S38
Bevis, Laura May 2/4 1887 9/13 1899 T37
Bevis, Mattie Lavada (Vada) 4/24 1880 1/14 1959 Q18
Bevis, Nancy E. (Betty) 11/16 1852 12/27 1934 S38
Bevis, Oswell Edgar 12/29 1881 12/29 1890 T37
Bevis, Thomas Willie 2/25 1872 2/24 1957 Q18
Blankenship, Alice Myers 1880 12/10 1936 ?
Blankenship, George William 1/20 1872 3/1 1936 ?
Blanton, Cammie Bowie 9/21 1899 2/11 1931 T13
Blanton, Horace Marlin 2/17 1887 5/8 1974 T13
Blanton, Nancy Susana Culbreath 5/23 1854 8/19 1929 T13
Blanton, Walter Duffy 6/9 1851 4/10 1931 S13
Blount (children) ? ? O39
Bowers, Greta R. Stout 2/7 1921 5/5 2002 FF23
Bowers, Paul Morton 10/15 1918 7/24 1998 FF23
Brinker (infant) 4/9 1887 4/9 1887 Q31
Brinker, Callie Flowers 12/24 1885 3/3 1901 R29
Brinker, Clifford 6/25 1882 7/2 1882 Q31
Brinker, Elizabeth Drusilla W. 1/25 1852 4/15 1887 P31
Brinker, Fannie Eliza Bromley 3/26 1880 4/20 1962 Q30
Brinker, John Allen 4/7 1870 7/6 1966 Q30
Brinker, Joshua Edwin (Bud) 1/25 1890 11/24 1942 Q29
Brinker, Lillie B. Flowers 8/25 1890 1/20 1971 Q29
Brinker, Manley 8/25 1898 8/26 1900 Q29
Brinker, Sammie True 8/19 1905 10/10 1906 BB31
Brinker, Samuel Joseph 1/19 1875 4/26 1905 CC31
Brinker, Thelma 10/30 1899 4/26 1901 CC31
Brinker, William Edwin 3/27 1924 8/21 1976 P29
Brinker, William Isaac (Bill) 7/29 1847 9/7 1916 P31 Brinker community was named for him
Bromley (child) 11/17 1874 5/27 1886 V31
Bromley (child) 10/25 1885 4/7 1887 V31
Bromley, Clarence Festus 2/27 1877 3/23 1951 W31
Bromley, Martha A. Thompson 4/9 1842 8/25 1925 W31
Bromley, Tolbert Smith 8/9 1831 3/4 1891 V31 earliest settler in the community, he was a young boy when he came with his parents in 1845
Brooks, Alyce Mae Wren 11/17 1910 7/14 1989 E21
Brooks, Benjamin Henry Lee 8/30 1874 2/10 1960 F21
Brooks, Emma Alta 2/5 1903 8/9 1903 Z32
Brooks, Henry Perry 11/19 1905 6/16 1994 E21
Brooks, Roger Spurgeon 2/22 1901 12/14 1956 G21
Brooks, Sarah Maude Pounds 8/14 1880 6/7 1970 F21
Butler (baby) 6/25 1937 6/25 1937 S23
Butler, Annie Mae Brooks 8/29 1897 7/11 1922 S24
Butler, Dewey W. 4/11 1904 3/17 1984 S22
Butler, Doye Rudene Hawkins 11/28 1904 4/21 1985 S22
Butler, John Anderson 2/25 1866 5/11 1944 S22
Butler, John Hester 4/24 1894 10/16 1977 T24
Butler, Sarah Ann Lucy 3/7 1865 8/10 1947 S22
Butler, Texalena Stone 5/26 1905 4/27 2000 T24
Butler, William A. (Bill) 3/14 1897 7/30 1929 T22
Byrd, Beaulah Harrison 1/28 1882 1/19 1925 Y16
Calhoun, Christa 1/14 1998 1/15 1998 Z15
Calhoun, Marilyn F. 11/18 1937 1/11 1997 X16
Campbell, Lester D. 11/17 1910 4/7 1972 R23
Castleberry, Harry 8/14 1892 2/22 1915 CC41
Chaddick, Amos Lafayette 6/25 1874 9/11 1953 F29
Chaddick, Calona Hazeltine Owens 9/5 1880 4/22 1938 F29
Chaddick, Valder Odell 8/2 1919 6/25 1963 J16
Chance, Beuna May Ashby 11/27 1911 10/13 2002 N21
Chance, Harbert Augustus 3/22 1870 7/20 1942 D32
Chance, Rufus Ensley 11/3 1899 11/4 1918 ?
Chance, Sarah Alice Allen 1/27 1875 1/6 1957 D32
Chance, Urbane Vannoy 8/23 1901 5/20 1979 N21
Charlton, Louis 12/8 1929 9/29 2000 L22
Christian, Barbara Louise 10/29 1927 9/11 1932 U17
Clausell, Nancy 4/22 1835 11/10 1917 X38
Coleman (infant) 1/28 1948 1/28 1948 BB23
Coleman, Ennis Archie 1/31 1891 1/29 1974 AA24
Coleman, Kenneth Dale 8/3 1938 8/3 1938 Z23
Coleman, Mamie Skinner & infant son 1890 3/1 1923 AA24
Coleman, Mattie Lenora (Nora) 1893 6/16 1991 AA24
Cone, Mary E. 12/2 1893 8/18 1895 L30
Cooper, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Rhodes 7/27 1861 9/5 1941 AA21
Cooper, James L. 12/13 1848 9/3 1921 AA21
Cox, Glenn Edward 5/6 1936 6/30 1986 CC24
Crabtree, Cora ? ? ?
Crabtree, Emma 8/4 1884 9/27 1886 ?
Crabtree, Henry H. 2/1 1856 10/21 1895 X36
Crane, Edwin Allen 4/2 1917 1/16 1959 ?
Crane, Fred Warren 4/15 1910 2/2 1947 A36
Crane, Joe Edd 12/1 1882 1/12 1949 ?
Crane, Stella Mary Matthews 4/30 1884 6/14 1959 B36
Crane, Wortham Randolph 3/17 1915 2/2 1973 C36
Crowston, G. E. (C. E.?) ? ? L42
Culver, Melissa Jane Mathews (Lollar) 5/5 1857 2/19 1944 J32
Culver, Pleasant C. 1/1 1857 1/3 1890 J32
Culver, Thomas Edwin 2/16 1882 11/15 1905 EE28
Dalton, E. Lavirl Mathews Campbell 11/7 1916 8/11 1991 Q23
Daniel (infant) 5/10 1891 5/10 1891 ?
Daniels, Norma Alma Hunter 8/12 1938 12/8 1987 M23
Dean, James Jackson (Jack) 6/12 1914 12/19 1981 T25
Dean, Lillian Mae Bentley 3/24 1911 12/22 2000 U25
Dennis (infant) 5/4 1958 5/4 1958 G24
Dennis, Ernestine 12/17 1921 6/3 1923 AA26
Dennis, Jesse Elisha 11/26 1894 2/10 1971 AA26
Dennis, Letah Sanders 12/8 1895 6/6 1977 AA26
Dennis, Mary Frances Baxley 11/20 1875 11/4 1949 Y22
Dennis, Millard Thomas 9/20 1902 11/28 1969 Z22
Dennis, William J. 8/5 1861 8/10 1943 X22
Dennis, Woodrow Wilson 11/21 1912 10/15 1943 Y22
Deuberry, Dock Elbert 9/6 1893 6/22 1966 J24
Deuberry, Essie Strasner 5/24 1894 1/11 1981 J24
Deuberry, John 9/9 1882 12/14 1953 V18
Deuberry, Lena Allen 2/11 1894 3/23 1974 V18
Deuberry, Ruby D. Matthews 2/6 1888 4/4 1932 V18
Dickens, Emma 1894 4/7 1915 ?
Dickerson, Allison E. 4/3 1863 11/15 1955 U42
Dickerson, Eliza A. 4/18 1862 4/22 1942 U42
Dickerson, William E. 3/4 1895 4/7 1915 U40
Dickey, Robert Lee 11/27 1877 1/21 1965 A27
Dickey, Sarah L. Myers 8/22 1878 6/15 1966 A27
Dillard, Forrest 8/26 1891 3/19 1907 GG30
Drennan, David 7/2 1898 1/9 1899 P34
Drennan, David 4/29 1853 1/23 1900 R34
Drennan, Ellis 10/28 1885 12/9 1894 P34
Drennan, Eula E. Horne 1894 ? X13
Drennan, Luther Leroy 7/16 1889 10/23 1944 X13
Drennan, Reedy W. 12/25 1893 12/20 1950 Y13
Drennan, Rowie A. Mathews 11/30 1896 11/28 1947 Y13
Edwards, Billy 2/12 1934 5/2 2005 DD22
Edwards, Clovis Isaac 7/11 1896 5/19 1968 D30
Edwards, Donna K. Ballard 10/22 1961 9/1 2001 EE22
Edwards, James William 3/4 1893 11/11 1959 L21
Edwards, Mary Lou 191? 191? JJ34
Edwards, Winnie Pearl Ashby 7/7 1904 1/23 1988 L21
Ellis, Asa M. 10/14 1810 12/23 1884 Q34
Ellis, Elizabeth 1830 1917 R34
Faulk, Poshia Stacy 10/28 1909 1/12 2000 J44
Felton, Benjamin 5/30 1873 8/28 1894 K28
Felton, E. D. 11/? 1833 1917 K28
Felton, John William 4/23 1862 7/20 1942 K27
Felton, Mollie L. Mattison 5/23 1866 10/18 1935 K27
Felton, Sarah Ann 10/? 1835 2/11 1917 K28
Ferguson, Frankie A. Barker 8/20 1899 5/10 1989 J14
Ferguson, Perry C. 12/26 1898 11/16 1977 J14
Flowers, Ada Pearl Chaddick 7/27 1911 1/20 1967 Q27
Flowers, Carey Bennett 3/22 1882 11/17 1967 Q28
Flowers, Charlie Garrett 12/2 1880 11/30 1974 R27
Flowers, Helen Sidney Leavelle 4/10 1881 4/7 1972 R27
Flowers, John Bennett 10/28 1854 12/8 1893 Q28
Flowers, John Leslie Sr. 6/19 1908 12/11 1976 Q27
Flowers, Louvina L. McGinnis 8/16 1858 1/10 1938 R28
Flowers, Sula F. Stout 11/7 1894 2/6 1963 Q28
Francis, Frankie L. Passons 12/2 1922 7/30 1988 O17
Franks, Grover C. 8/31 1893 3/4 1975 CC16
Franks, T. Cora Nance 4/16 1893 7/20 1962 CC16
Gilpin, Delia F. Harrison 1/19 1871 9/1 1950 T35
Gilpin, Hattie O. 11/2 1877 9/24 1880 S35
Gilpin, J. B. 10/20 1803 1/12 1873 M24
Gilpin, Martha C. 3/15 1817 9/3 1889 T36
Gilpin, Mary Frances 12/12 1863 9/14 1876 M24
Gilpin, Naoma 8/2 1861 5/12 1925 S37
Gilpin, Newt Jasper 1/27 1861 1/2 1928 T35
Gilpin, Sarah Sheppard 9/23 1854 10/13 1900 R35
Goins, Charlie L. 7/3 1883 7/10 1911 HH37
Goins, Frank Y. 9/22 1874 7/10 1912 HH37
Gordon, Archie 1880 1896 DD28
Grainger, Augusta P. 9/3 1865 3/3 1890 L41
Grainger, Edwin C. 5/30 1870 10/1 1887 L41
Grainger, Mary Elizabeth 1843 1923 L41
Grainger, William S. 1838 1901 L41
Gresham, Mary H. 2/14 1858 9/30 1895 J31
Hackleman, Claud (Hack) 7/26 1877 6/21 1912 ?
Hackleman, Fannie M. Gordon 11/3 1882 2/28 1908 DD28
Hager, Alec Z. 8/6 1853 4/12 1921 W40
Hager, John Sterling 8/21 1879 8/20 1960 X42
Hager, Letia Enos 11/22 1866 2/27 1934 W40
Hager, Myrtie Lola DeSpain 10/25 1884 7/29 1915 X42
Hager, Sarah E. 9/16 1900 11/22 1912 X40
Hammond, Mary Jo 10/8 1936 6/12 1982 X13
Harrison ? 1860 5/? 1884 ?
Harrison (infant) 8/15 1882 8/15 1882 ?
Harrison (infant) 5/16 1891 11/26 1891 ?
Harrison, Albert H. 10/29 1852 10/5 1899 ?
Harrison, Donald L . 9/17 1892 7/4 1964 D24
Harrison, Edna Cooper Hunter 3/25 1893 10/9 1956 BB21
Harrison, Guy H. 1/? 1884 2/2 1925 V16
Harrison, Leona Gertrude Blankenship 2/7 1894 12/2 1959 D24
Harrison, Sidney A. 12/29 1877 6/16 1956 V16
Harrison, William Henry 1/29 1886 11/17 1966 BB21
Hill, Iva Roach 12/21 1895 12/25 1928 V24
Hill, Oza Artilia Chance 11/27 1896 7/13 1998 E32
Hill, Sarah Elizabeth Dorsey 11/24 1857 3/2 1914 II40
Hissin, Jameel Habeeb 10/29 1908 5/21 1994 S15
Holbert, Elmer 4/12 1875 11/17 1901 L30
Holbert, M. Green 3/1 1845 7/7 1904 L30
Hooks, Harvey Lester 5/6 1914 7/17 1967 R30
Hooks, Karen 11/8 1954 11/8 1954 R29
Horne, Bland 1887 8/17 1903 FF35
Horne, Gilbert Rea 11/13 1916 3/2 1925 CC21
Horne, Henry Monroe 1857 ? EE35
Horne, Henry Sidney 6/29 1881 1/29 1968 DD20
Horne, Joseph Gordon 2/24 1901 2/14 1962 CC20
Horne, Madelyne Lucinda 3/24 1903 11/2 1962 CC20
Horne, Mary Carter 1859 1908 EE35
Horne, Mary Elizabeth (Bess) 9/24 1891 7/5 1981 DD21
Horne, Webb 1897 8/17 1903 FF35
Horne, William Jud 3/7 1891 9/1 1952 DD21
Horton, Alice E. Bullock 1/22 1872 3/4 1912 H37
Horton, Eugene Melson 1871 10/1 1963 G37
Horton, Grace Jones 4/23 1906 6/6 1995 G35
Horton, Melson 1/6 1909 3/30 1910 I37
Horton, Travis D. 8/15 1901 5/18 1981 G35
Huff, Imogene Ruth 1/8 1927 6/10 1993 J23
Hunter, Adnia Abigail 2/16 1861 2/25 1910 HH34
Hunter, Dorothy E. 10/6 1924 3/18 1925 HH34
Hunter, Edgar Duane 3/17 1892 8/18 1977 L24
Hunter, Edrie Lee Matthews 8/9 1905 12/10 2004 P17
Hunter, Thomas Newton 7/26 1900 9/27 1987 P17
Hunter, William B. 1/18 1897 10/30 1976 L23
Hunter, William David 9/2 1857 9/15 1917 GG34
Hyde, Victor Marshall 10/3 1935 1/30 1936 BB16
Johnson, Lucy E. 5/25 1925 2/28 1988 Q14
Jones, John J. (Dock) 11/28 1849 2/11 1891 P33
Jones, John Richard 7/20 1874 9/4 1907 O34
Jones, Josie Louella Hogsett 7/11 1879 4/15 1974 N33
Jones, Pearl A. 10/9 1882 3/6 1886 P33
Jones,Emily Rosena McGinnis (Trevillon) 1855 3/21 1933 O33
Jordan, Louaner 1860 1914 DD38
Jordan, May White 10/20 1883 12/7 1929 CC38
Jordan, Mount 1880 1922 CC38
Jordan, William F. 6/12 1855 8/16 1935 CC38
Kent, Francis Helen 12/12 1920 2/? 1921 ?
Kent, Francis Helen 10/5 1880 6/30 1964 M26
Kent, Oscar P. 7/23 1869 10/25 1946 M26
Kiser, Joe Van 1848 1898 I44
Laird, Harriet Jane 5/25 1833 12/22 1914 JJ39
Landers (infant) 11/2 1893 12/31 1893 M38
Landers, Alice B. 6/? 1859 1937 Y18
Landers, Andrew Pike 3/? 1843 4/17 1920 Y18
Landers, Elizabeth Ellis Drennan 8/1 1867 1/3 1920 S34
Landers, Eula 10/4 1882 3/29 1898 N37
Landers, George Nolan 6/17 1847 7/2 1925 CC26
Landers, Joe 6/14 1874 3/? 1898 N37
Landers, Joe Ed 2/2 1920 2/14 1981 BB25
Landers, Matilda Williams 3/15 1855 2/21 1927 CC26
Landers, Mattie Mae Grant 1898 3/23 1982 CC25
Landers, Myrtle 11/28 1898 11/1 1903 O37
Landers, Pearl 8/11 1885 4/6 1898 O37
Landers, Richard A. 6/6 1857 11/4 1922 S34
Landers, Robert 9/17 1888 8/10 1891 M38
Landers, Roy Wilburn 12/20 1895 3/27 1962 CC25
Lee, Isaac 1867 1939 ?
Leverton, T. C. 8/16 1918 7/6 2000 M17
Lunsford, Bascom Norris 6/15 1912 7/24 1987 R18
Maginnes, Luvinia d. 8/26/1878 W/o F Maginnes; earliest dated stone in cemetery [see McGinnis]
Martin, Augusta Harrison 11/3 1898 4/24 1989 B26
Martin, Emma Jane Smith 7/29 1901 1/16 1968 L16
Martin, Eura Lee White 3/12 1899 1/19 1971 C27
Martin, Haskell E. 3/18 1921 10/19 1981 D27
Martin, James Kenneth 2/16 1936 2/18 1936 B26
Martin, James Kirb 7/10 1872 4/17 1943 A26
Martin, John D. 6/21 1945 7/13 1969 K14
Martin, L. D. 9/10 1909 9/15 1972 J14
Martin, Loyd H. 4/16 1904 12/1 1971 L14
Martin, Margrett E. McDaniel 4/15 1873 9/26 1939 A26
Martin, Mary E. Thomas 6/1 1923 11/25 1980 L14
Martin, Melvin Marion 5/14 1898 2/25 1965 C27
Martin, Sybil McLarry 10/10 1906 6/27 2003 J14
Martin, Thomas Graves 5/27 1896 2/25 1964 L16
Martin, Walter 8/6 1900 7/26 1916 Y34
Martin, William Dan 12/21 1895 1/13 1976 B26
Masters, Emma Smith 4/30 1868 2/6 1945 AA16
Masters, John R. 3/25 1854 4/2 1906 N29
Masters, Martha E. Richie 6/30 1839 1/12 1934 N29
Masters, Samuel Isaiah 6/28 1862 4/10 1945 AA16
Masters, William J. 10/23 1829 10/6 1898 N30
Masters, William P. 1856 1918 O29
Mathews (baby) 7/28 1898 8/30 1899 V29
Mathews, Allen Grover 8/25 1888 8/7 1890 L41
Mathews, Almira M. Turner 6/2 1846 9/22 1912 H33
Mathews, Charles Henry 2/9 1872 11/1 1902 U29
Mathews, E. M. 10/31 1880 1/13 1881 H33
Mathews, Fred Ellis 5/13 1894 5/15 1948 Q23
Mathews, Hattie 2/10 1887 10/16 1887 L41
Mathews, Joseph Edgar 1/21 1914 4/4 1994 Q24
Mathews, Lafayette 5/8 1867 6/14 1891 I32
Mathews, Macomb Michael 1/13 1844 9/19 1926 I33
Mathews, Mary M. Cameron 7/10 1857 9/28 1894 J34
Mathews, Maudina R. Butler 11/17 1891 4/12 1972 Q23
Mathews, Nancy McBride Burns 8/16 1820 8/18 1909 FF28
Mathews, Samuel R. 1/3 1870 1/4 1892 H33
Mathews, Washington McDonald 3/? 1855 8/10 1917 ?
Mathews, William Thomas 10/5 1852 3/24 1910 K34
Matthews, Allie D. Warren 9/5 1876 5/5 1953 M27
Matthews, Argile Sam 1/10 1860 11/2 1890 I28
Matthews, Barney Gibbs 9/11 1887 12/15 1973 H27
Matthews, Carl Bertrum 3/30 1918 5/30 1996 P16
Matthews, Clara Magaline Wilkes 1/17 1896 8/28 1958 H27
Matthews, Flora Frances Cameron 7/9 1861 3/25 1915 I29
Matthews, Fronie 8/? 1895 10/19 1904 H28
Matthews, Ina Fay 12/31 1909 2/26 1911 R31
Matthews, John David 10/14 1858 1/18 1901 I28
Matthews, Lou Ann 11/13 1941 3/31 1942 N27
Matthews, Ninnie 8/? 1885 11/4 1908 H28
Matthews, Terry Lynn 6/13 1951 8/18 1998 O16
Matthews, Troyce 7/20 1918 4/25 1990 L27
Matthews, William Elmer 1/3 1875 12/11 1929 M27
Matthews, William Elvis 12/1 1910 6/19 1965 N27
Mattison, Joseph Dial Jr. 3/18 1916 3/18 1916 R39
Mayo, Rebecker 9/28 1844 10/5 1912 X39
McCorkle, Allen 4/? 1900 1925 K33
McCorkle, Donnie Dana 1/28 1895 5/15 1901 I33
McCorkle, Harrison C. 10/8 1867 2/14 1901 L32
McCorkle, Isora A. Ramsey 8/20 1870 6/14 1897 L32
McCorkle, Kizzie Mathews 1861 6/10 1933 J33
McCorkle, Oliver Pinkney 4/8 1842 10/13 1904 P29
McCorkle, Thomas Jefferson 11/3 1860 7/19 1920 J33
McDaniel, Eli R. 10/5 1850 12/18 1926 O37
McDaniel, Hattie A. 2/8 1887 12/28 1910 P36
McDaniel, Susie A. (Wood) 9/21 1864 1/12 1942 O37
McDaniel, Tennie Ann Atchley 6/4 1856 8/9 1885 R36
McDaniel, William P. 1/1 1897 7/27 1898 ?
McDaniel, Willie Naoma 4/7 1882 1/28 1890 Q36
McGinnis, (infant) 7/5 1884 7/5 1884 O32
McGinnis, Annie Brinker 11/7 1853 5/30 1906 S32
McGinnis, Carrie 10/3 1889 9/24 1894 N31
McGinnis, Cynthia Ann 1/13 1862 3/14 1902 O32
McGinnis, Cynthia Isabella 2/28 1828 4/28 1900 P32
McGinnis, Dan R. 1846 1896 U30
McGinnis, Daniel Walter 7/6 1878 12/31 1885 S33
McGinnis, Dezzie 11/8 1874 4/1 1894 N32
McGinnis, Earl 2/15 1928 2/16 1928 ?
McGinnis, Elizy Reynolds 10/5 1876 8/9 1956 M31
McGinnis, John B. 12/19 1823 4/14 1907 O32
McGinnis, John K. 12/9 1861 9/13 1944 M30
McGinnis, Joshua G. (Cooney) 10/2 1847 3/21 1907 R32
McGinnis, Luvinia Garrett 1820 8/26 1878 T32
Luvinia Maginnes, wife of T. Maginnes. It is the earliest original stone in the cemetery. She was the wife of William Thomas
McGinnis. (He signed all his documents with an "X"--hence the misspelling of her name on the stone.) The stone was lying on the
ground in pieces. Don Mitchell, one of the cemetery board members, put it back together and braced it.
[JoAnn Cross]
McGinnis, Marjorie Lee 1931 1934 ?
McGinnis, Mary E. Williamson 7/15 1829 1/19 1905 ?
McGinnis, Med 2/19 1904 3/20 1904 M32
McGinnis, Rennie Pearl Nance 11/15 1884 9/5 1962 X23
McGinnis, Robert Joshua (Bud) 8/21 1883 2/14 1935 X23
McGinnis, Sallie E. Melton 1858 1925 U30
McGinnis, Tecora 1/28 1882 4/19 1883 N32
McGinnis, Thomas 6/25 1814 7/14 1898 S32
McGinnis, Thomas J. 7/30 1876 10/14 1896 R33
McGinnis, Walter ? 12/31 ? ?
McGinnis, Walter Taylor ? ? 8/9 1922 ?
McGinnis, William Thomas 9/26 1852 7/27 1942 M31
McLane, A. 5/6 1883 7/28 1911 K42
McLane, Aaron A. 7/15 1910 12/27 1917 M41
McLane, Addie Bunch 8/9 1888 4/7 1960 M42
McLane, M. L. ? ? K41
McLane, Stirling 3/22 1887 8/9 1954 M42
McLane, Stirling T. 10/6 1911 8/1 1913 L42
McVay, Lockey McDaniel 3/3 1895 8/7 1942 ?
Miller, Jewell Vickers 8/30 1906 9/18 1987 Q16
Miller, Johanna Leigh 2/19 1967 2/8 1968 G30
Miller, William Michael 7/15 1923 8/23 1979 G20
Miller, William Ross 10/19 1968 5/19 1989 H30
Mills, James W. 12/3 1855 11/9 1917 GG28
Mills, Joe J. Sr. 8/2 1912 4/2 1996 M19
Mills, Lena Muriel Mitchell 1913 5/28 1973 M19
Mills, Reginal 7/7 1906 8/20 1906 EE27
Mills, Rhodie Clifford Elliott 1/8 1858 2/7 1939 GG28
Millsaps, S. C. 12/5 ? ? ?
Mitchell, Adrian D. (Lop) 2/21 1915 3/27 1996 K16
Mitchell, Angus D. (Gus) 5/30 1861 9/6 1947 ?
Mitchell, Charles Huckabay 10/15 1908 2/25 1996 GG39
Mitchell, Clarence 5/31 1910 7/10 2005 EE37
Mitchell, Grace 12/3 1916 12/3/2004 EE37
Mitchell, Henry Bascom 11/2 1855 1/27 1939 HH39
Mitchell, Homer Alfred 10/28 1924 7/17 1971 FF39
Mitchell, Laura Alabama Filya 12/28 1859 2/3 1929 HH39
Mitchell, Mary Allen 12/13 1895 11/19 1968 L19
Mitchell, Norah Bernice 1/25 1915 2/14 1915 FF39
Mitchell, Olive Myrtle Dona 11/27 1891 11/7 1988 GG39
Mitchell, Olvin M. 6/6 1889 2/4 1911 II39
Mitchell, Reginald H. (Son) 3/8 1918 7/22 1988 P21
Mitchell, Robert D. 2/7 1892 4/21 1927 II39
Mitchell, Samuel Arthur Jr. 12/8 1932 1/17 2000 EE37
Mitchell, Samuel P. 6/13 1894 3/31 1978 L19
Mitchell, Sandra Kay 8/29 1945 8/29 1945 Q15
Moon, John 4/5 1925 4/5 1925 ?
Moon, John I. 2/11 1886 12/6 1939 A35
Moon, John M. 7/8 1851 1/24 1924 CC34
Moon, Lona 1895 4/7 1925 ?
Moon, Maggie Matthews 4/28 1898 12/18 1980 A35
Morgan, Annie Pearl 11/22 1897 11/22 1897 R33
Morgan, Myrtle 8/13 1900 11/16 1900 Q33
Morgan, Philip 6/23 1902 8/12 1902 Q33
Morgan, Roger 7/5 1895 1/19 1938 L28
Morgan, W. P. 1851 7/29 1927 ?
Moss, Gay Harkness 12/22 1913 4/4 1978 N13
Moss, Martha Lamar Coble 10/2 1917 6/28 1987 N13
Myers, Ada E. Adams 1/19 1888 1/1 1932 P26
Myers, Delma (Belma?) 1/? 1909 7/3 1910 ?
Myers, James Earl 11/3 1937 1/26 1938 B31
Myers, Martha A. (Mires) 8/22 1840 1/23 1910 FF36
Myers, Robert N. 1882 1962 P26
Myers, Verda Fay 10/? 1911 6/16 1913 ?
Nance (infant) 7/28 1921 7/28 1921 T40
Nance, Annie Lou 11/16 1908 2/28 1910 L30
Nance, Autha 2/3 1888 1/24 1904 K31
Nance, Charles Edd 8/? 1860 6/1 1935 V43
Nance, Jennie E. McGinnis (Eugenia) 3/? 1860 9/6 1934 V43
Nance, John Henry 11/4 1889 5/24 1890 L30
Nance, Minnie E. Geer 11/23 1889 4/23 1967 FF18
Nance, Permelia Richey 3/22 1844 9/22 1934 U38
Nance, Rennie Pinson 2/11 1887 8/4 1921 S40
Nance, Walter Edward (Dock) 1887 10/1 1927 FF18
New, Edward J. 7/27 1890 12/27 1986 I30
New, Emma Matthews 1/23 1894 3/8 1966 I30
Palmer, Theo Dessa 10/25 1892 3/2 1899 H31
Passons, Eunice Dennis 9/7 1900 11/10 1976 Y20
Passons, William Augustus 3/4 1899 6/25 1986 Y20
Payne, Edward 12/20 1920 11/10 1921 J37
Payne, Veda Horton 2/9 1898 1/10 1921 I37
Petrea, Clyde ? 2/1 1921 ?
Pharr, Ollie Mae Landers 6/29 1877 4/2 1906 I38
Pharr, Will A. 1868 1939 I38
Pinson, Henry Clay 1/5 1858 2/22 1934 Q22
Pinson, Hezzie 4/5 1885 11/15 1958 R22
Pinson, James Edwin 3/13 1883 3/31 1966 Q21
Pinson, John H. 3/18 1881 6/6 1953 FF16
Pinson, Mable Butler 3/12 1890 1/11 1976 R22
Pinson, Mary Francis McGinnis 12/11 1888 3/27 1969 FF16
Pinson, Sedaria Ray 2/15 1859 12/8 1938 Q22
Pinson, W. F. (Bill) 9/21 1878 8/27 1956 Q21
Pitts, Helen Katherine McGinnis 12/3 1923 7/12 1971 Y23
Poole, Earnest Lafayette 11/16 1923 8/9 1979 K14
Poole, P. P. 8/29 1828 3/12 1890 H31
Porterfield, Juanita 4/19 1912 11/8 1912 ?
Porterfield, Rebecca E. (Lizzie) 4/18 1872 9/28 1947 BB40
Pounds, Ada Olivia Smith 12/27 1878 4/24 1963 Z42
Pounds, Emma Weeks 9/6 1869 7/11 1934 CC17
Pounds, Ethel Orene Swaney 9/16 1895 5/5 1971 CC18
Pounds, John T. 4/13 1878 7/15 1916 AA42
Pounds, John William 1/? 1849 1924 Y32
Pounds, Mary Elizabth McGinnis 1855 1889 Y32
Pounds, Roger Q. 1889 1891 Z32
Pounds, Willie E. "Bill" 8/8 1891 2/5 1970 CC18
Quinn, Carol Sue Rogers 5/11 1940 9/7 1982 K24
Ramsey (infant) 10/22 1887 10/22 1887 ?
Ramsey, George W. 9/18 1845 1/13 1883 Q32
Ramsey, Rennie Darthula 3/9 1879 3/14 1882 Q32
Ramsey, S. A. 12/25 1823 3/25 ? K42
Richey, Battle 11/22 1874 6/22 1890 U38
Richie, Maggie Gordon 1857 1895 DD28
Ringler, Chance Tyler 9/4 1992 6/13 2004 FF17
Ringler, Matthew Lloyd 2/10 1971 6/13/2004 FF17
Risner, Bruce 9/17 1906 12/17 1970 W14
Risner, Ossie Williams 1885 1923 J38
Risner, William Henry 1/24 1880 12/10 1964 I38
Roach, Ida D. Adams 1/19 1888 12/25 1918 II35
Roach, J. B. ? ? II35
Roach, Julius M. 6/? 1848 8/16 1924 W24
Roach, Nancy Matilda Johnson 2/? 1853 2/1 1919 W24
Rogers, Dewey D. 6/12 1909 3/1 1967 K24
Ross, (baby) 1/10 1908 2/13 1908 ?
Ross, Mollie S. 1869 7/2 1904 BB27
Sanders, H Walker 3/15 1859 2/20 1917 GG37
Sanders, Minnie C. Goins 4/15 1877 9/10 1972 GG37
Sanders, Valder Leroy 4/16 1900 11/12 1958 FF37
Seals, Vivian Jo Nell Walls 1/2 1945 2/6 1995 I44
Sellers, Alice 1852 9/16 1918 ?
Sewell, Allen Merrell 11/17 1906 3/9 1996 H21
Sewell, Allen Wayne 12/17 1965 12/17 1965 F22
Sewell, Aubrey R. 8/25 1909 4/27 1969 E23
Sewell, Dalton 3/26 1933 9/5 2004 T26
Sewell, Katie Ruth Brooks 12/7 1915 2/26 1996 H21
Sewell, Melanie Sherrese 9/2 1962 9/2 1962 F22
Shannon, James W. 6/27 1883 2/24 1908 HH30
Shannon, Lilian Beatrice 7/31 1898 1/11 1901 FF30
Shannon, S. Oscar 4/9 1876 1/27 1902 EE30
Shannon, W. H. 11/30 1848 1/23 1902 FF30
Sheppard, Idonia Wright 1874 12/15 1932 C30
Sheppard, Mary 8/15 1871 4/21 1937 C30
Sheppard, Orbria Isaac 12/16 1879 1/5 1880 S35
Sheppard, Samuel Sole 10/31 1851 2/26 1886 R35
Smith, Ada Lou Wood 4/29 1862 6/30 1905 Y27
Smith, Arthur A. 7/? 1896 2/? 1934 ?
Smith, Duffie 9/20 1899 9/20 1900 W37
Smith, Ella Lee Matthews 6/27 1877 11/30 1962 A33
Smith, Harvey D . 11/19 1906 5/22 1979 J21
Smith, J. McDonald 2/13 1834 9/25 1889 X38
Smith, James Ely 7/18 1896 8/13 1898 Q36
Smith, John C. 9/4 1856 2/10 1940 Y27
Smith, Lona Loe 4/29 1895 8/29 1895 Q36
Smith, Lonzo 1/25 1872 12/24 1938 A33
Smyers, Harold Lloyd 3/7 1931 5/30 2004 E25
Stacy (infant) ? ? L43
Stacy (infant) ? ? L43
Stacy (infant) ? ? M43
Stacy, Amos 8/18 1878 5/17 1951 K43
Stacy, Miles Allen 2/21 1856 1/12 1916 L43
Stanley, Joe Truett 2/28 1969 2/28 1969 M14
Stephens, Georgia Daniels 3/23 1885 12/29 1958 L27
Stephens, Jep G. Jr. 10/12 1915 8/18 1988 V21
Stout, Bettie L. Gibson 10/1 1895 11/4 1971 FF21
Stout, Hollie Holbert 8/3 1889 1/2 1980 FF21
Stout, Mary Opal 11/8 1922 12/7 1927 GG21
Stout, Travis W. 7/12 1918 6/13 1944 GG21
Strasner, Alvie Audie 5/17 1892 10/4 1959 H26
Strasner, Loy 3/17 1920 8/30 1998 G25
Strasner, Mary Frances Elliott 3/29 1866 6/21 1950 I26
Strasner, Sue Ann 6/29 1948 12/10 1948 G26
Strasner, Susie Mae Garrett 12/2 1898 1/21 1978 H26
Strasner, William Riley 10/11 1866 11/11 1956 I26
Summers, Eldridge 5/30 1893 4/21 1945 K26
Summers, Eldridge Simpkins 4/18 1812 8/4 1892 S28
Summers, Iris Jodie 10/23 1922 12/19 1932 L26
Summers, James Albert 2/1 1869 6/28 1955 T26
Summers, Lucy Mathews 1/16 1834 11/20 1921 S28
Summers, Mabel Morris 11/21 1891 2/16 1972 K26
Summers, Martha Elizabeth G. 11/16 1871 10/26 1935 S26
Swaney, Lida 1867 1951 CC17
Terrell, Lydia R. Pharr 12/19 1871 10/12 1949 G39
Terrell, Marion F. 1/1 1860 11/17 1932 H39
Thomas, J. D. 7/22 1902 8/27 1904 G35
Thomas, William J. 6/23 1868 2/21 1891 L35
Thornhill, Laurence Ballantyne 2/26 1911 2/21 2002 D25
Thornhill, Lorene B. 6/26 1933 12/15 1993 D25
Thurman, Thera Beatrice Horton 10/5 1899 12/3 1986 G37
Thweatt, Frank L. 6/7 1886 4/29 1918 T29
Thweatt, Luther Benet 4/15 1844 4/15 1918 U28
Thweatt, Mary Jane A. 11/? 1843 8/10 1926 U26
Vavra, Karleen Odessa Huff 12/27 1948 6/3 1996 J23
Wallace, Billy Joe 1/19 1930 10/30 1986 S16
Wallace, Famey Pearl Winfrey 3/4 1897 4/30 1986 R16
Wallace, Janie Beth 6/9 1965 6/9 1965 Q14
Wallace, Kenneth Ray 12/1 1932 6/4 1942 Q16
Wallace, Robert Alonzo 8/24 1901 11/7 1974 R16
Walling, Myrtle McGinnis ? 7/11 1922 ?
Wayne, Michael James 8/19 1975 8/19 1975 L14
Weaver, Annie Laura Mitchell 2/17 1917 2/13 2000 K19
Weaver, Carl Edwin 10/18 1911 1/17 1987 K19
Weaver, Flora E. Felton Crabtree 5/22 1859 3/18 1942 K27
Weaver, Joseph Carl 1/21 1946 6/30 2002 K19
Wheeler, Ela 1901 7/6 1926 ?
White, Alice 1/25 1903 11/7 1916 EE40
White, Amanda M. (Mandy) 2/10 1885 8/15 1919 W25
White, Arther 9/16 1890 11/1 1893 W28
White, Cecil B. 11/11 1878 11/22 1941 GG40
White, Cecil Joe 1/15 1935 1/15 1935 EE41
White, Frances Emily 1/3 1873 1/13 1958 Z25
White, George Wilson 5/28 1869 4/22 1947 E26
White, Harvey Lee 7/29 1889 8/2 1968 V25
White, Isaac Lee 8/29 1867 5/8 1939 Z25
White, Joel 1900 5/19 1956 Y25
White, Lucy May Weatherford 1881 1963 E26
White, Mary Lee Choate 1/24 1893 5/28 1970 V25
White, Melton Jones 1/? 1841 6/3 1917 HH40
White, Mollie 2/22 1909 4/15 1936 ?
White, Nancy E. Pittman 2/21 1882 8/13 1957 GG40
White, Rachel S. Thompson 8/13 1841 2/22 1919 HH40
White, Willis 1858 1/6 1938 ?
White, Woodrow W. 8/19 1912 1/19 1952 FF40
White, Woodrow W. Jr. 1/15 1935 1/15 1935 ?
Whitlow, Celestia Bromley Mathews 8/4 1872 1/31 1951 V29
Williams, Annie E. Threatt 10/27 1869 2/25 1912 Z30
Williams, Benjamin Frank 11/27 1873 1/4 1950 ?
Williams, Charlie Thomas 6/1 1888 2/5 1966 A37
Williams, James L. 6/25 1861 6/27 1946 Y30
Williams, James Oliver 11/27 1908 2/3 1986 A32
Williams, James Preas 6/2 1887 8/24 1952 A32
Williams, Jo Ann Thomas 11/20 1888 11/2 1960 A32
Williams, Lorena Dickey 6/6 1915 11/25 1993 A32
Williams, Mary E. 6/26 1858 10/20 1893 K38
Williams, Molly ? 7/23 1922 ?
Williams, Neva Nell Franks 8/7 1912 1/5/2006 DD16
Williams, R. D. 2/2 1935 2/2 1935 B32
Williams, Rebecca Hancock 3/4 1825 11/19 1898 L37
Williams, Rhodia Kathryn 3/18 1882 3/18 1956 V14
Williams, Thomas Zefton 6/28 1927 4/21 1933 Q42
Williams, Tina Grace Brinker 1/23 1906 2/23 1978 S30
Williams, Vivian E. 4/15 1892 12/28 1907 Z30
Williams, W. E. "Billie" 6/4 1858 3/23 1942 W17
Williams, Wilson Moses 4/15 1824 4/7 1899 L38
Williams, Wilson Osby (Bud) 1/12 1883 10/25 1955 V14
Williams, Wylie Gooch 11/26 1907 7/24 1969 DD16
Williamson, (infant) 7/26 1899 9/14 1899 U33
Williamson, Allen B. 2/19 1845 12/19 1903 X32
Williamson, Dessa Mae Nance 11/9 1882 8/16 1969 AA18
Williamson, Edward James 6/22 1915 12/31 1976 N19
Williamson, Isabella Carrie 4/12 1868 5/? 1886 V32
Williamson, James Klent 4/18 1952 4/26 1994 O19
Williamson, James Wylie 7/26 1847 11/18 1886 U34
Williamson, Martha Louise Brinker 11/21 1850 1/29 1899 W32
Williamson, Mary E. Landers 3/26 1854 8/30 1883 V34
Williamson, Moree 11/24 1907 3/8 1923 BB18
Williamson, Richard Andrew (Dick) 4/26 1882 5/19 1949 AA18
Williamson, Robert Allen 11/1 1876 4/29 1897 W32
Williamson, Walter 12/20 1881 1/28 1882 V32
Williamson, Wylie Richard 11/13 1912 11/19 1979 BB17
Willis, Billy True 9/5 1926 2/13 1979 U23
Wilson, Josiah Perdew 2/22 1868 7/12 1886 S41
Wilson, Sarah E. 7/4 1866 4/10 1887 T41
Windsor, Alice Franklin 2/15 1885 2/3 1980 BB14
Windsor, Peter H. 11/25 1891 2/18 1982 BB14
Wood, (infant twins) 12/1 1903 12/1 1903 Q35
Wood, Homer O. 1/26 1897 8/8 1897 Q35
Woods, Clarence A. 11/4 1895 10/13 1918 Z40
Woods, Columbus 10/16 1906 12/18 1906 AA40
Woods, John A. 9/2 1870 11/25 1943 Y40
Woods, Maudie J. 5/16 1908 12/18 1936 Z40
Woods, Sudie Anna Curry 12/27 1878 3/14 1958 Y40
Wright, Blanche Lee Steen 1/27 1903 9/9 1976 J17
Wright, Thomas Jefferson 11/29 1890 10/18 1969 J17
Wright, Tommy Lee 6/30 1928 10/18 1973 K17
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