Athens Weekly Review
John R. Gibson

John R. Gibson, the subject of this sketch, is a comparative newcomer to
this section yet in the short time he has been a citizen of Athens he has
exhibited all the attributes of a town and community builder.  He has
entered into the spirit of the town and already is counted among the
leaders of the city.
Mr. Gibson was born at Milissa, Texas, March 2, 1891.  he attended school
there and graduated from the high school.  Later he entered business
college where he completed a commercial course.
In 1917 he became identified with the Texas Power & Light co. at McKenney
and remained with that concern until the outbreak of the war.  He enlisted
in the army and served with the air service for twenty months, sixteen
of that time being overseas in England and France.
Returning to this country he went back at his old job and since that time
has had a rapid advancement with the company.  At the present time he is
district manager, with headquarters at Athens, and it is no secret that
much of the success of the company in the local field is due to his
untiring efforts.
Mr. Gibson was married in 1919 to Miss Magie Bull and they have one son.
He is a prominent member of the Baptist church and president of the Men's
Baptist Class of that denomination.  He holds membership in the Athens
Rotary Club and Odd Fellows and is a former Lion and ex-Scoutmaster.
Mr. Gibson is on of those men who believes in the town where he lives,
and although he has been a resident of Athens but a short time it would be
difficult to find a more loyal booster.  When it is for the upbuilding of
Athens and Henderson County you can count on John Gibson.

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