The Trinity Advocate Palestine, Texas Feb. 3, 1858 THE STATE OF TEXAS To the Sheriff of Henderson County, to execute and return-- GREETING: WHEREAS, John Fulton, Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Fulton, Deceased, has this day filed in my office his petition against the heirs of said Estate; These are, therefore, to command you to cite by publication in the Trinity Advocate, a weekly newspaper published in the town of Palestine, Anderson county, and State aforesaid, for three successive weeks, William Fulton, James Fulton and Ephraim Fulton, minor heirs of said Estate, residents of the County of Cherokee and State aforesaid; the minor heirs of David Fulton, Deceased, whose names to petitioner is unknown, residing in the State of Illinois, to be and personally appear at next regular Term of the County Court of Henderson County, pertaining to the Estates of deceased persons to be holden on the last Monday in January A. D. 1858, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said Estate may not be partitioned among the several distributees of said Estate. Herein fail not and due return of this writ make at the next regular Term of our said Court, showing how you have executed the same. Given under my hand and Seal of Office in the town of Athens, this January 11th, A. D. 1858. E. J. THOMSON Cl'k of the Co'y and Probate, H. C. ______ Recived in office January 13th, 1858, and mailed the same day to the Editors of the Trinity Advocate for publication. J. J. SMITH, Sheriff Henderson County , Texas Athens, Jan. 13, 1858. 24:3w Price$10 |
Old Newspaper Articles
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