Athens Weekly Review
August 30,1933


Special Correspondence

Rome, August 28 -
Save for the light rain that fell here Tuesday evening of last week, this section has been having some hot and sultry weather, cooled slightly now and then with cloudy waves and showers tends to promote the growth of garden and field plants and to stimulate the germination of seeds which have been recently planted by the farmers in this area.
Albert Carrigan told the writer the latter part of last week that even tho his crop yield was diminished somewhat by the drought, he has the best corn that he has ever grown. Carrigan has already gathered his corn.
Even though a majority of the Texas voters cast their ballots for legalized beer and for the repeal of the eighteenth amendment, the people of Henderson county stepped out to the polls Saturday and defeated legalized beer for this county.This goes to prove that we still have a majority of citizens who detest the idea of their young people living in the midst of legalized beer, and that they still have a high regard for the churches, morality, socity and education. However, if the adjoining counties vote for beer, this will mean a very difficult problem for this county- a problem which the people will expect the peace officers to keep under close observation. And, too, when the voters go to the polls next year to cast the ballots they should have in mind such type of men whom they believe will prohibit the transportation of 3.2 beer into this county from those counties that have legalized the sale of it.
The Lacy Construction Company moved their machinery from the Koon Kreek area the latter part of last week, due to the fact that they have finished the new dam for the club.
Jim Trammell reports that his father, W. T. Trammell, is making sufficient pea hay to feed his stock this coming winter.
Miss Syble Dowell of Athens was a week-end visitor of Miss Hayden Trammell.
Byron Trammell spent the week-end with his cousin, Howard Trammell.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Bristow of Turkey Creek, spent Saturday and Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Trammell.
Miss. Eunice Trammell of Dallas spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Trammell.Miss Trammell returned to Dallas Sunday evening.
Earl Tettleton of Athens was a visitor in the B. C. Trammell home Saturday evening.
Guy and Wiley Pirtle of Malakoff were visiting here Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barton of Cross Roads visited Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Trammell Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Swinney and their little daughter, Velda Ray of Post Oak, spent Sunday evening with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Swinney.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Trammell had as their guests Sunday evening Miss Edith and Jackson Hines of Willow Springs, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Trammell, Mrs. Mamie Swinney of Gladewater, and Judge A. B. Coker of Athens.
Mrs. V. E. Miller of Lamesa is visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. F. Trammell.
Next Sunday the Primitive Baptists will participate in their semi-annual "foot washing" event- a religious ceremony. the pastor, Rev. Gluver Russian of Turkey Creek, will be in charge of the services. Everyone is especially invited to attended.
Doc Simmons, a tenant on the W. T. Trammell farm, has the dist??ction of being the first farmer to pick a bale of cotton in this community. Simmons picked this bale of cotton Monday.

Typed as written.
Transcribed by Laura Gregory Calvin
January 2004

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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