Reid's Branch
Athens Weekly Review
September 20, 1945
Bill Chapman is still on the sick list but is much improved.
D'Wayne Chapman, small son of Mrs. Dophus Chapman was taken to Wolfe and Duphorne Hospital Wednesday for treatment. He is doing fine now.
Grady Calahan, who has been employed in Galveston, has returned home.
Mrs. Leola Prater of Athens spend a few days this week with Mrs. Maude Pool.
Mrs. Rose Lee Chapman spent Saturday morning with Mrs. Jimmie N. Chapman.
Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Pool and Weldon Fowler of Brownsboro spent Friday visiting at Terrell.
Mrs. Ethel Worsham and Mrs. Dudley Weesner and son of Brownsboro, spent Friday evening with Mrs. J. A. Worsham and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chapman.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Johnson of Brownsboro spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Pool.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Chambers and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chambers Sunday.
Mrs. Mattie Chapman and Mrs. Nellie Chapman spent Saturday with Mrs. Maude Pool.
Mrs. J.A. Worsham is visiting her son, Grady Worsham of Brownsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Pool were visiting in Brownsboro Sunday evening.
Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chapman Sunday were: E.A. Chapman of LaRue, Mr. and Mrs. J. t. Bailey and daughter Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Chapman and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Hudnall of Leagueville, Bill Kidd of New Hope and Miss Virginia Calahan.
Cecil Gilley of Sherman was a weekend visitor here.
Mr. and Mrs. R.H. horton and son Ray, Mrs. Cecil Worsham and daughter Martha Nell of Black Jack spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Dolphus Chapman.
Transcribed by Peggy Allen
Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County
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