The Athens Review, Sept. 13, 1917



The season now closing has marked a considerable advancement in the
prices paid the producer for black eye and cream peas, over that
paid in the past, but the prices have not kept even with the prices
of other products, many of which have advanced much more than 60
per cent.

While peas here were bringing the prducer around 4 cents per pound,
consumers less than 100 miles away were paying as high as 15 cents
per pound, a difference of 11 cents per pound.  This is all out of
proportion for the service performed of conveying the product to
the consumer.

Just how this 11 cents has been divided and to whom the most of it
has gone is no concern of ours now, except to say that local buyers
have received less than others for the service of distribution.  The
thing that we, as producers, are most interested in is that such a
condition should cease to exist and in order that this matter may be
adjusted, we hereby call a meeting of Henderson County Pea Growers,
to be held in the county court room, Tuesday, Sept. 18, at 2 p.m. for
the purpose of perfecting some kind of organized effort to bring about
a more equitable distribution of the profits from the production of
the pea crop of this county.

Mr. Pea Grower, this is your business and you may be sure no one else
will attend to it for you.  We urge you to attend this meeting.
G. J. Dennis,
Lee Dean,
W. R. Roby,
N. H. Davis,
D. Matthews


Dallas, Sept. 12

That prohibition in Texas probably will result from the local option
victory in Dallas county Monday was suggested by many prominent men
and large organizations throughout the state, who telegraphed and
telephoned to M. H. Wolfe, chairman of the Dallas county local option
committee of 500, offering congratulations.  Many predicted that other
counties will soon adopt local option and that Texas will go dry at
an early date.

The senders of a number of these messages made statements to the effect
that the "capture of Dallas county by the prohibition forces gives
them a commanding position from which the warfare against the saloons
in Texas can be successfully directed."  It was suggested that the
victory here gives the prohibitionists the key to the situation and
will enable them to make Texas dry.

It was freely predicted also that Tarrant and McLennan counties will
adopt local option in a short time.  Dr. A. J. Barton, superintendent
of the Anti-Saloon League of Texas, said that the defeat of the antis
in Dallas county "broke the backbone of the Texas liquor demon."

The prohibitionists called attention to the fact that in the State-wide
prohibition election in 1911 the anti-prohibitionists won by a majority
if less than 7000 votes.  Since that time several counties, including
Bell, Nueces and Dallas, have gone dry.  Prohibitionists say they have
won to their side more than enough votes to carry prohibition in Texas.


Postmaster Richardson urges everyone to place a stamp on their magazines
when through with them and turn them in at the post office so they
can be sent to the boys in France.  Athenians have overlooked doing this
and it is hoped that this notice will bring a few in.  It is unnecessary
to wrap or address the magazines.  Simply place a one cent stamp on it.


You are requested to meet with us Wednesday night, Sept. 26 for the
purpose of organizing a lodge.

For further information apply to H. L. Brown or R. A. Coker, District
Grand Master.

Transcribed by Robbie Taylor Reed

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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