April 14, 1949

There was 12 in Sunday School, Sunday and 14 in Training Union.

Rev. R.S. Hughes of Jacksonville filled the pulpit here Sunday and Sunday night. He was accompanied her by his father.

Rev. V.G. Garrett, district missionary will preach here next Sunday.

The WMU met at the church April 8 for a Royal Service program with nine members present. The next meeting will be at the church April 20 for a Bible study program, found in the Book of Colossians.

If you who get the Baptist Standard didn't read about the passing of Jack Massie of Fresco, Texas, read it. It should be an inspiration ot we who are well and able to get around to do more for those we can help along the way. He was a member of the 'Good Neighbor Club&rdquo.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis of Sellman City and Mrs. Colins of Falfurris visited in the home of R.C. Tindel Tuesday.

Hubert Bogard spent the weekend in Tyler visiting relatives.

Donnie Sholars spent this weekend with his parents Mr.and Mrs. Roy Sholars.

John Vernon Bostick, Jr., who is employed in Tyler, spent Saturday and Sunday in the J.V. Bostick home.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Richardson of LaRue visited in the G.C. Crossley home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Oma John DeShazo and children of Athens visited relatives here Sunday and attended church her Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Claud Melton of Blooming Grove spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Godwin.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lanier visited Mr.and Mrs. Hulon Fate Sunday afternoon in Baxter.

A heavy rain fell here Saturday night. High winds did some damage on the C.J. Richardson farm&mdashtomatoes, trees blown down and minor damage to barns. Some roads and fields washed in the community.

Murphy Meador who is a patient at the veterans hospital in McKinney spent the weekend at home. He went back Sunday for further examinations and treatments. They have a new storm cellar which comes in pretty handy these stormy nights.

Miss Doloris Meador of Houston spent last week here with her mother.

Bruce and Ballard Richardson of Athens attended church here Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Tinder and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sholars spent the weekend in Ft. Worth.

Miss Rowena Sholars is visiting relatives in San Diego, Calif.

Submitted by Peggy Allen 7/2003

Old Newspaper Articles of Henderson County

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