Athens Weekly Review
June 1933


Special Correspondence

Murchison, June 6
Cecil Godwin spent Sunday in Tyler with his sister, Mrs. Doris Homer, who suffered a broken leg from a fall.
Miss Shelby Mitcham arrived here from Wichita Falls where she has been teaching, to spend a few days with home folks before going to Denton for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Porter left this morning for a few days vacation. Vicksburg will be one of the stopping points.
Miss Marie Franks who has a position at Tyler, is spending a few days at home.
Mrs. M. M. Smith has been slightly ill the past few days.
Among those attending the zone meeting of the Methodist Church at Brownsboro today today are Mrs. T. E. Scott, Mrs. J. O. Scott, Mrs. W. A. Newman, Mrs. W. W. Godwin, Mrs. E. Fisk, Mrs Porter Luker, and Rev. and Mrs. M. I. Brown.
Mrs. J. S. Brown, who has been ill for some weeks is not improving.
Mrs. O. F. Wells and children have been quite ill with measles.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Scott visited Mrs. Scott's uncle, S. A. Roberts and wife in Blooming Grove Sunday.
R. W. Ratcliff of Canyon has been visiting his sister, Mrs. D. S. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Godwin visited their daughter, Mrs. Doris Hamer in Tyler. Their grandaughter, little Miss Donoles Ann returned home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Reagan Hamil of Shamrock have been visiting their parents.
Miss Billie Scott left Monday for Denton where she will enroll for summer work at C. I. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rusk and children of Athens and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Magers and son visited Mrs. Allie Scott Sunday.
Morris Luker who has been ill for some time isn't improving at this time.
Miss Merlin Mitcham who has been teaching at Frost, had an outing at Glen Rose before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Smith and daughters were vistiors in Tyler one day last week.
Miss Lois Franks is spending a few days at Concord with her sister, Mrs. Parker.
Dan Scott and family have moved here from Wichita Falls to make this their home.

Submitted by Laura Gregory Calvin
January 2004

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